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Where were you on September 11th, 2001?


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10 hours ago, Zaram said:

Not you having taste in the past and in the present, sis:gaycat:

Don’t flatter me too much :gaycat4:

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At home watching the news. I was almost 6 when it happened. I think they let us out of school early, but I don't remember.

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I was home from school with a fever and my mom kept trying to wake me up shouting "the nation is in chaos!" I was like girl let me sleep :rip:

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I was in the third grade in NY. I remember everyone was getting picked up from school. My dad went to get me. It’s weird I can’t remember anything the teacher or other kids said while in the classroom nor do I remember the drive home.

But I do remember watching the news at home and my immigrant parents mad that I didn’t understand what was happening :skull: 

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I was 6. I don’t remember anything about where I was that day. I must’ve been in my 1st grade classroom but don’t remember being picked up, watching the news, or anything.

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I was a year old. I hardly remember besides anecdotes from other people who were much older than me. 

Edited by Mellark
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I was 4 years old

now my memory of it is so bizarre because I NEVER repress stuff, but I think this story is fascinating. so I grew up just outside of Washington, DC, and I'm the youngest of five kids right

so I was only in preschool at that point, but my mom picked me up early from school and sat me down in the kitchen, got me cookies and milk, turned on the TV but was like "Joe, I know the TV is on right beside you but PLEASE don't look at it, I have a lot of phone calls to make right now and I need the TV to be on" and obviously little 4 year old Joe was like nahhhh hon I'm watching. I had no idea what any of it meant but i knew it was a HUGE, horrific ordeal. so anyway, my mom and I went and subsequently picked up one of my brothers and both of my sisters from school. my dad and my other brother, however, were on the f*cking Anacostia River on a kayak (school field trip) when the plane FLEW OVERHEAD AND HIT THE PENTAGON. I cannot imagine what my brother and my dad felt at that moment, but they both have told me that the teachers told them on their walkie-talkies to get off the river RIGHT as the plane was above them. crazy times. anyway, after everyone was home and safe, we had dinner and kept the TV on for a few more hours. I believe my mom called her one of her sisters first and then a bunch of friends who lived in New England. so TL;DR I was at preschool and then at home and then in my mom's car picking up my sibs


oh AND yeah, I didn't remember any of this memory until I was watching 9/11 footage in tenth grade. it just came RUSHING back into my mind seemingly outta nowhere while I was in the middle of history class during 9/11/2012. it's so fascinating how the human memory works


wait i meant to po st this a few days ago whooooops, anyway ya that's my story

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in primary school and i remember coming back from it, watching the planes and thinking- ah, they are being dramatic again. idc




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I only have vague memories of seeing the towers on TV but idk if I was watching that live or after everything had happened. Given the time and day it was my last year in kindergarten and it was around 3 pm here, idk if I was already home by then or not. 

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I was 2,5 months old so I was probably shitting my diaper :toofunny3:

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Am I the oldest in this thread kiii.


I was 9, in 5th grade and was eating my sandeich at school. Weird that I actually remember but I vividly rememver my classmate telling me what happened.

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