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Where were you on September 11th, 2001?


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idk what i was doing that day but i was about 8, we didnt own a TV so a neighbour told us about it... and my family were a couple of months away from immigrating to the other side of the world and I now was quite scared of getting on a plane. :rip:

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Kindergarten. I remember being picked up from school early and coming home to find my mom crying in front of the TV. I can still visually picture it. I always kind of found it haunting and it’s really the only memory of 9/11 that I have.

Apparently you could have also have seen the smoke even from our house in Long Island. 

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I was on my way out the door to head to school and my dad told me to watch the TV so I saw a scene of a plane crashing into a building at first I thought it was legit from a movie. When I got to class everyone was talking about it. It was an insane day of news all day I don't think we did any classes just watched coverage. I was in my senior year of high school.

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50 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

Not to out myself as an old hag :thing: but I remember watching it on the news, it was all they were talking about with the explosion visuals being on repeat.


I was very young, no more than 5, but 9/11 and Michael Jackson pedophilia scandal/ death were very memorable to me.



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I also vividly remember hearing about Kylie Minogue passing away but it turned out to be a false memory that I sincerely believed in :deadbanana4:

I was in high school ur not old

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boarding school, bored all day from every channels reported that news and so was everyone else. miles away from the incident and all i wanted was loverboy music video, she was so hot.



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3 hours ago, infrared said:

Was that really considered a tourist attraction back then? :rip:

glad to hear your parents go away from that 

Yes :rip: :rip: It was kinda scary

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I was in first grade and it was treated as a non event. Probably intentionally because we were so young, but still. I hadn’t heard about it, but my teacher discussed it right away with us. She asked if we heard what happened and like only 3 students claimed they did. She explained a plane crashed into a building, and most of us (me included) were just like “…okay.” I don’t know, she said it was so far away from us, and we all didn’t know what was significant about it. I do remember one kid claiming his dad was on that plane that crashed but he’s still alive and my teacher just staring at hard him hard LOL. She probably knew he was lying, because, well he was.


Anyway, I never knew the severity of it until later. My small town wasn’t really visibly affected by it, or at least my young self didn’t seem to pick up on it. My parents were shocked but they didn’t cry or anything.

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I was watching cartoons on the TV and they stopped them for the breaking news. So, I just turned the TV off and went to play outside. Nobody from my family or school said anything about this event.

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Near the last year of elementary school. I remember all the channels on loop, it was a bit eerie but didn't care and nobody around me cared that much either because I never really focused enough to know what's goin on and nobody explained it to me.


But I do remember vividly the next day that we had a few minutes of silence which was so weird to me + my friends' childish brain, we never experienced that in our life. We were lowkey about to burst out laughing at any moment and we knew that was the worst thing to do, we did everything to avoid eye contact. It was first time in my life I realized how torture it can be to hold on to a laugh like that. Such a weird memory.


Now I've seen so many documentaries about it, I feel like I've been there. So terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

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I was in school, heading to my 2nd class for the day. There were talks in the hallway about a plane crashing and I got to my classroom and the 2nd plane had just struck on CNN. The entire building just went silent. 

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32 minutes ago, Poxy said:

I was in first grade and it was treated as a non event. Probably intentionally because we were so young, but still. I hadn’t heard about it, but my teacher discussed it right away with us. She asked if we heard what happened and like only 3 students claimed they did. She explained a plane crashed into a building, and most of us (me included) were just like “…okay.” I don’t know, she said it was so far away from us, and we all didn’t know what was significant about it. I do remember one kid claiming his dad was on that plane that crashed but he’s still alive and my teacher just staring at hard him hard LOL. She probably knew he was lying, because, well he was.


Anyway, I never knew the severity of it until later. My small town wasn’t really visibly affected by it, or at least my young self didn’t seem to pick up on it. My parents were shocked but they didn’t cry or anything.

I also have vivid memories of my kindergarten teacher explaining what happened to us the day after or the following days. I remember all of us sitting on the floor in the back of the classroom and her saying things like “it’s our job to keep you all safe”. I’m pretty sure we all really couldn’t comprehend what was going on. 

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I was in Grade 4, school day was normal, no one said anything about it (Canadian here). Once I got home my mom said "there is war in America", and I saw the news on TV. Just remember the news heavily reporting on this for weeks afterwards. I was also worried the CN Tower would be targeted next.

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It must be very special to witness something like this in your lifetime. Not special as in good but as in extraordinary or unusual event. I don't know how the world would even react now, there would probably be lots tweets saying that the pilot had just gotten the vaccine... I think covid comes close but covid was more delayed event hitting differently everywhere in the world and it actually affected our lives directly, it wasn't just mostly psychological. 

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1 hour ago, Devin said:

School. Everyone was crying and didn’t know if they were gonna see they family.

Did their parents work in the towers? Did anyone actually lose someone? :dancehall3:

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Just now, Gorgeous said:

Did their parents work in the towers? Did anyone actually loose someone? :dancehall3:

Unfortunately yeah. :frown:

I remember it happened to 2 kids from my class.

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It was after 9pm in my part of Asia and I was watching Celebrity Squares at the time (the local version of Hollywood Squares) and the byline appeared. 


The news was up next and it was crazy to watch the total destruction of the building. I remembered reading a book about NYC in 2000 and I really wanted to visit the Twin Towers, but sadly, it was not to be.

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It was the first week of school and I was in Grade 2 and I remember the teacher stepped out for a minute from reading to us and came back and said a plane crashed into a tower in New York


Being in Grade 2 I never understood the severity of the situation, but it was all you could see on the news for weeks even in Canada



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10 hours ago, Hitchhiker said:

2 years old most likely watching teletubies 

Tinky-winky was my fave and I was not even 5. So weird how things turned out to be. 




OT: I was 1 year old so don't remember. Did not heard about the attack until year later. 

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