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Where were you on September 11th, 2001?


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Where were you on this day 21 years ago? 

I was in elementary school and couldn’t understand why all the adults around me were crying and sitting around the TV while we all did nothing. I remember my mom called the school to talk to me and asked if I wanted to be picked up early, and I told her no because I was having fun with my friends. :rip:

When I finally got home later that day, my mom had the news on. I had heard mention about a plane crash and whatnot earlier, but the teachers didn’t really let us see any of the coverage. I saw the rerun of a plane hitting the tower and said “woah, cool” and my mom turned around and slapped me. 


I was only a small child who didn’t comprehend the situation like excuse me. 

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Literally in USA, I was 3 at the time and my parents were planning to visit the Twin Towers but went to the park first and then on our way there we got the news that there was a terrorist attack :rip: :rip: 

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I was 3 hours behind new york but i woke up to my mom telling me what happened. It was surreal. I got a day off school though:rip:

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I was in elementary school and I came back from recess to find all my teachers crying. They explained that a really tall building had fallen and I got scared that it was going to fall on us, but when they said that it was in New York and I looked at a map and saw that that was far from us and not going to fall on us I didn't understand why it was such a big deal :rip:


My parents were glued to the TV when I got home and they explained it to me better.

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At Primary School Camp !  I didn't know about this until I got home from it! I remember my mum & dad telling me about it! they were watching TV and it was live on every channel. 

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40 minutes ago, Sesame said:

. I saw the rerun of a plane hitting the tower and said “woah, cool” and my mom turned around and slapped me. 

I screamed :rip: Poor you


16 minutes ago, Hitchhiker said:

2 years old most likely watching teletubies 

Not you having taste in the past and in the present, sis:gaycat:

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I remember watching the news with my family in my parents' bed. I'm from Latin America but I still didn't go to school that day. :skull:


I also remember almost EVERY CHANNEL reporting the news, including music and kids' channels. :rip: It felt very surreal.


I also clearly remember certain government person celebrating the attack and burning a flag of the United States. Ironically that person is currently burning in hell. :cm:

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I remember watching the news with my family in my parents' bed. I'm from Latin America but I still didn't go to school that day. :skull:


I also remember almost EVERY CHANNEL reporting the news, including music and kids' channels. :rip: It felt very surreal.


I also clearly remember certain government person celebrating the attack and burning a flag of the United States. Ironically that person is currently burning in hell. :cm:

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I was just about to turn 1 year old at that time so I have no idea. 

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I was in the first grade and live on the west coast. I remember some older kids telling us that they were going to attack the school and I was freaking out. :skull:

I don't remember much other than being upset about PBS not airing Arthur in favor of news coverage. That and people selling tacky merchandise of the attacks outside of the grocery store. 



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It's one of my few memories from back then. I was 4 and I lived in Washington D.C.


Another teacher in a panic came running into my Pre-K teacher's room and told her to turn on the school television. My teacher was confused but turned on the TV and saw the burning building. We saw the second plane hit the building before my teacher quickly turned off the TV and started calling someone on the phone. I'm assuming the principal or another teacher.


No more than 10 minutes later my grandparents quickly came to pick me up and I got out for early dismissal. I was excited I got out of school early, but had NO idea what the implications were until years later. I talked to my grandparents years later and they mentioned how they were fearful they were going to target D.C. next (funny enough, they were going for the White House) so they decided to pick my sister and I up early so they could protect us.

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In school, math class. We could see the smoke right across the river when the planes hit. We lived about 30 mins from Manhattan.


The schools were scared there was gonna be another attack and we went on lockdown, hidden under the desks and everything. I think the whole state might have actually.


An hour or so later they notified all of our parents and we were sent home. Some of my classmates lost parents and family. A really good friend of the family lost his wife. I'll never forget that day, it was pretty damn terrifying as a kid.  

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I was so young back then that I don't know if I even remember it. I have a vague memory back when I was really young of my entire family rushing to the living room to watch a news broadcast of a skyscraper completely covered in smoke. Now that I'm older, I always wonder if it was actually 9/11 since the timeline matches up. Even though it was in the Philippines, everyone talks about how huge 9/11 was at the time and how it was discussed all over the world.


We had other family members back then who were already living in the US. One of them lived in New York at the time and passes through the World Trade Center every day on his way to work. On the day of 9/11, on a whim he randomly decided to take a different route that morning and that decision ended up saving his life. :dancehall:

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I was alone at home doing my homework and watching TV on the side. I was in primary school at the time and didn’t really understand what was going on. When my mum came home from work she explained to me what happened. 

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I was probably playing outside or in my room with toys but I will always remember when the TV news was on and they showed the footage of planes hitting these huge towers and feeling terrified, thinking how can another human do something like that in a massive city. 

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2 hours ago, perfillusion said:

Literally in USA, I was 3 at the time and my parents were planning to visit the Twin Towers but went to the park first and then on our way there we got the news that there was a terrorist attack :rip: :rip: 

Was that really considered a tourist attraction back then? :rip:

glad to hear your parents go away from that 





I was in gym class in Florida and they stopped and put on the TV - that day really changed everything - I can only imagine how much different the world would be had it not happened. I wish I was older to understand the deeper role it played at the time. I live in New York now but terrorism isn’t an issue, the homelessness and crime however :deadbanana4:

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That was several years before I was born.

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Not to out myself as an old hag :thing: but I remember watching it on the news, it was all they were talking about with the explosion visuals being on repeat.


I was very young, no more than 5, but 9/11 and Michael Jackson pedophilia scandal/ death were very memorable to me.


I also vividly remember hearing about Kylie Minogue passing away but it turned out to be a false memory that I sincerely believed in :deadbanana4:
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