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Help Joyride - money needed for the chemo & hospital debt

Grumpy Cat

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Dear ATRL,


Our friend Joyride (now his username is The Kick) needs your help again.


He is in debt due to complications and he cannot afford chemo.




Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joaquinignaciod




Original (first) thread - https://atrl.net/forums/topic/412541-urgent-help-needed-fellow-atrler-joyride-needs-your-help-fight-off-cancer/


I'm bumping and editing this thread because I can't make topics on ATRL and I have no other options. I did contact a mod and I was given their permission to do this.






P.S. I apologize for the grammar errors. English is not my first language.

Edited by Grumpy Cat
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Been following this story silently the whole while. At the very least you have a diagnosis now.


Wish I could send more than i did. Hope you get the help you need :heart2:

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Now knowing where Joy is from, the direct implications of the Chilean constitution not passing (which if passed would’ve made his financial situation better Im sure) are made clear by this. And the fact that some atrlers (not from Chile might I add) were celebrating the news really underscore the danger of the far right rhetoric. The political is personal.


I hope you recover Joy. You’re a fighter :heart:

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1,200+ members online right now. if everyone online even just gave $2 it would practically be enough for the procedure. even if you only have a little bit to give, every little thing could potentially help save or extend someone’s life! :heart2:

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2 minutes ago, alejandreaux said:

1,200+ members online right now. if everyone online even just gave $2 it would practically be enough for the procedure. even if you only have a little bit to give, every little thing could potentially help save or extend someone’s life! :heart2:



Even if he hates me for telling atrl, it would give him the money he needs in a day. And saving somebody's life >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that person being angry at you even if its for the rest of their lives



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caught by surprise as I did want to keep this private - but I truly want to share a message to every single person who has helped me get here, even if the result is in no way what I expected, after going through several procedures, finding answers only became a reality after I could "pay" for it.


a few days ago I was diagnosed with stage one colon cancer. I am very hesitant to even open up like this because I don't think I've even fully processed what is going on and I tend to be a very reserved person, whenever you see a comment of mine, it never has to do with my personal life or my experiences as a person, unless I feel like they could help someone.


After a loss for the country that's been my "home", yet my own prison, I think it's time for me to finally accept that sometimes I just cannot deal with things the way I want to. staying silent has rarely ever helped me.


About this:

7 minutes ago, Contessa said:

Now knowing where Joy is from, the direct implications of the Chilean constitution not passing (which if passed would’ve made his financial situation better Im sure) are made clear by this. And the fact that some atrlers (not from Chile might I add) were celebrating the news really underscore the danger of the far right rhetoric. The political is personal.


I hope you recover Joy. You’re a fighter :heart:

Part of the reason why today, I feel so defeated is because this situation goes above and beyond what I think and how personal my situation is. Not only I am not living a personal hell, but the people around me are just as devastated, as the road and the light do seem much more far away that it was before.


sometimes you see me asking things about refugees, about moving to a different country, all those wishes for personal wellness, which could've been a reality had things been easier for me, but sadly, it is not. I wanna say thank you, and again, the donations and the words from the people who have reached out to me over the past couple of months are such a beautiful gesture, so thank you everyone. glad to see there are still kind hearts out there.

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1 minute ago, Joyride said:

I'll put it in the OP and the main thread.



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9 minutes ago, Joyride said:

Just donated 50 dollars

Hope it helps :hug:

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5 minutes ago, OhRly? said:

Just donated 50 dollars

Hope it helps :hug:

Thank you angel! :heart: Every dollar now counts, a step closer to the surgery.

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7 minutes ago, OhRly? said:

Just donated 50 dollars

Hope it helps :hug:

Just so anyone is aware, if you donate it tells the person who created the fundraiser your real name (even if it's anonymous to the public)


So it's maybe best to not confirm if you donated in this thread

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Just now, Saintlor said:

Just so anyone is aware, if you donate it tells the person who created the fundraiser your real name (even if it's anonymous to the public)


So it's maybe best to not confirm if you donated in this thread

No worries, but thank you for the heads up

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3 minutes ago, Grumpy Cat said:

Thank you angel! :heart: Every dollar now counts, a step closer to the surgery.


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Just now, Saintlor said:

Just so anyone is aware, if you donate it tells the person who created the fundraiser your real name (even if it's anonymous to the public)


So it's maybe best to not confirm if you donated in this thread

Yes - just wanted to confirm this - Go Fund Me does send an email with your first name (no second names).


as in Rihanna donated $1 to your campaign.

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Wait so you've had cancer SINCE LAST YEAR and the doctors couldn't even come up with the diagnosis ? 

I'll send some money via PayPal 

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Also, a big thank you to @khalyan and @Ryan BTE for letting me make this threads!


@khalyan if you haven't fought for me bitching in HQ about this few weeks ago, there would never be the original topic. Joy wouldn't be able to get the procedures done, find out the diagnosis and finally- fight it.


Some of you are pure, sweet angels on earth. You are saving a precious life.


Remember that! :heart:


Now, let's spread links all around and help Joy do this as soon as possible!

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1 minute ago, D.Va said:

Wait so you've had cancer SINCE LAST YEAR and the doctors couldn't even come up with the diagnosis ? 

I'll send some money via PayPal 

Yeah. Money has always been an issue. And his doctor is an idiot. I told Joy to give him my email and medical ID and to consult with me but that dumba.ss never did any of the things I ordered or suggested. I ordered both gastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy ever since @Joyride sent me his papers. But his doctor is so ******* clueless and dumb af.


The only thing that kept Joy alive was IVs and injections. And by starving (don't do that kids), he most likely slowed down the cancer growth.

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80$ on GFM so far! :clap3:


Can we get ATRL tweet the link of the  GFM and this thread? It would help it spread across the socials.

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17 minutes ago, Grumpy Cat said:

Yeah. Money has always been an issue. And his doctor is an idiot. I told Joy to give him my email and medical ID and to consult with me but that dumba.ss never did any of the things I ordered or suggested. I ordered both gastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy ever since @Joyride sent me his papers. But his doctor is so ******* clueless and dumb af.


The only thing that kept Joy alive was IVs and injections. And by starving (don't do that kids), he most likely slowed down the cancer growth.

That's terrifying, his doctor should be ashamed. I don't get how he was able to get his hands on IVs and injections but at the same time he couldn't even have access to a colonoscopy ? How come his doctor was fine with this without even knowing what the origin of his problems really was ? At least, it's good to hear that the cancer can still be cured. 


We're all behind you Joyride, I hope more competent people will finally give you treatment and attention you deserve. 

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3 minutes ago, D.Va said:

That's terrifying, his doctor should be ashamed. I don't get how he was able to get his hands on IVs and injections but at the same time he couldn't even have access to a colonoscopy ? How come his doctor was fine with this without even knowing what the origin of his problems really was ? At least, it's good to hear that the cancer can still be cured. 


We're all behind you Joyride, I hope more competent people will finally give you treatment and attention you deserve. 


Because he's a dumba.ss. U'd think such dumb doctor would even want to hear a second opinion but no :gaycat6:

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  • ATRL Moderator

I’m really sorry and I hope you’re able to reach your goal ASAP. If you don’t mind me asking, will the funds from your GFM be accessible for you since you don’t live in the US?

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18 minutes ago, wehavetostan said:

I’m really sorry and I hope you’re able to reach your goal ASAP. If you don’t mind me asking, will the funds from your GFM be accessible for you since you don’t live in the US?


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