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Israel admits killing Shireen, won't charge soldiers


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Israeli military admits Shireen Abu Akleh likely killed by Israeli fire, but won't charge soldiers






"When the soldier made that decision, it was a blink of a decision," the official said. "The soldier did not intend to injure an Al Jazeera journalist or [journalist] from any other network."
"The soldier is sorry, and I am sorry. This was not supposed to happen and it should not happen. He did not do this on purpose," the official said. He did not name the soldier.
When she was killed, Abu Akleh was accompanied by a group of other journalists, including her producer Ali al-Samoudi, who was wounded in the incident.
In Monday's briefing with reporters, the senior IDF official said the bullet that killed Abu Akleh was too badly damaged to be able to identify which gun fired it, the same conclusion a US-led forensic investigation came to.
However, the IDF has concluded that the soldier who likely fired the fatal shot was to the south of Abu Akleh in an armored military vehicle with limited range of sight, did not identify Abu Akleh as a journalist and thought he was shooting at militants. 


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That's how you know Palestinian lives are disposable to Israelis. Saying "oopsie sorry" after shooting a Palestinian in the head (in an area where the Israeli military is straight up an occupying illegal force), even if it were one of the most acclaimed and legendary journalists, is more than enough to grant you the right not to be held accountable for your crimes. 


Anyway, I wonder when will they issue their apology for raiding and terrorizing her funeral too? 



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