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Jayden Federline defends Jamie & Kevin in interview; Britney issues response


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3 hours ago, ShouldersSideways said:

This situation is so ****** up and sad but the responses are so telling of how ******* willfully or genuinely ignorant half of ATRL is in the name of stan wars.


Britney and her kids are both victims of this situation. If you can't comprehend nuance, that's more telling of your intelligence than anything else. I hope the people saying she should disown her kids and "just have another one" are kids themselves because otherwise you're at best emotionally stunted and at worst complete morons. 


15 year olds aren't Machiavellian and plotting to steal their mother's fortune. They're scarred by this ordeal and need help just like she does.

You spilled and they aren't ready to hear that conversation. The kids are getting exploited by K-Fed and Jamie, it's pretty clear from the get-go. The **** that is happening is not Preston and Jayden's fault, they are just being spoon-fed with lies from their shitty father and their grandfather. K-Fed needs to grow up he hasn't been relevant since the early 2000s. A 15-year-old is worried about other things besides their mother's fortune. The whole situation is really devastating.


Also, why are we trusting The Sun in 2022? I thought this site collectively does not trust The Sun. 



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oh i hope she cuts them 3 off when the latter turns 18 :giraffe:


we'll see who will be begging for a reunion then

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Was he even aware of what was going on? I doubt it.


He was just a kid when most of it happened, and he probably only knows what he's been told.

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13 minutes ago, Mellark said:

You spilled and they aren't ready to hear that conversation. The kids are getting exploited by K-Fed and Jamie, it's pretty clear from the get-go. The **** that is happening is not Preston and Jayden's fault, they are just being spoon-fed with lies from their shitty father and their grandfather. K-Fed needs to grow up he hasn't been relevant since the early 2000s. A 15-year-old is worried about other things besides their mother's fortune. The whole situation is really devastating.


Also, why are we trusting The Sun in 2022? I thought this site collectively does not trust The Sun. 



The sun is just quoting the tv interview that he did :deadbanana2:

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37 minutes ago, prézli said:

Didn't Jamie hit one of her sons?

He did. It was SP and later on Jayden went live on Instagram calling Jamie names and whishing him to die. 



Back then it was Kevin who filed a restraining order against Jamie. So this whole pr fabrication of a teenager interview to rehabilitade Jamie just means one thing: Jamie's cheque to Kevin came through. 

Edited by tigalion
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This is so messy, I feel sad that Britney has to endure this on top of the conservatorship

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17 minutes ago, Shelter said:

The sun is just quoting the tv interview that he did :deadbanana2:

Ah got it. :rip: 

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Yeah I am going to keep it cute cause he is still kinda young… but there are so many things I want to say.


These kids have been completely brainwashed and manipulated.


That media-tour of the Federline attacking Britney is beyond disgusting and inhuman.

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People should remember that he’s just a kid and he and his brother have been manipulated by that failure of a human being Jamie for years. No comment on KFad

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It is honestly giving learned script.

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For once Britney's response had tact and actually came off as a good response. No overuse of emojis, no incoherent sentences, no weird analogies. She didn't drag the kids (like her stans are doing) and just letting them know she loves them and would happily take this offline face to face.


The first time I applaud a Britney response :clap3: 

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Where’s the gif of that woman whooping that man?

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Those boys gonna be real sorry when they’re behind the McDonalds counter in 3 years. If I was Britney, I’d cut them off at 18, pack my stuff and hot husband and buy a villa in a tropical paradise and disappear. 

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The things some of y'all are saying in here about him. He's a literal child. He has no idea what truly went on. They shouldn't even be interviewing a 15 year old in the first place. I can't imagine what the whole situation was like for her kids. But that doesn't give y'all the right to rip him apart in here and call him some of the things you have.


Obviously, I wish he was completely on Britney's side but with how her family painted her to be and the way their relationship was, this is hardly surprising. But you grown ass gay men need to sit down and shut up. He's a CHILD. Like what is wrong with y'all :biblio:

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Why are some of you saying all these harsh things about Jayden when Britney responded and didn't drag him but said she's willing to repair their relationship outside the media, which should be the way. It is clear Kevin is manipulating him, and Sean didn't even bother because as the older one, he's probably a bit mature and won't let his dad come for his mother. 

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britney should get out of social media, she is inviting all this chaos into her life but sees herself as always the victim

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On 9/3/2022 at 10:19 AM, Dana Scully said:

britney should get out of social media, she is inviting all this chaos into her life but sees herself as always the victim

I 100% DISAGREE with you and here's why. Social media IS her voice and platform. While all (if not many) of us can post thoughts, pictures, funny things, mean things, things we regret, mistakes, posts done purposely, whatever we want is available for us to all DO and LEARN. She was stripped of those rights all these years, with no social media presence and NO voice. A robot like we all said and she said with her own mouth. She's unraveling, let her have this platform. It may not make any sense to her family, certain friends or even certain fans, but again we weren't in her situation or shoes to know how she is feeling. She's finally not working and enjoying her SOCIAL life. All she even needed was a longer break between In The Zone and Blackout or even after Blackout IMO. 


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That's exactly what those leeches are trying to do, silence her (again) and just give them money like she's been doing for 13 years. Enough.

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