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Jayden Federline defends Jamie & Kevin in interview; Britney issues response


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Mhmm yea, totally legit and articulate thoughts of a... 15 year old :toofunny2: The family is sick for literally LARPing as her children. 


Hun, get on live and spell conservatorship. Use it in a sentence. 




What makes it all even more tiring is I'm 20000% sure that these kids, when older, will go on a public apology tour @ Britney for what they're actively doing now. 



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A reminder that these kids were used as literal bargaining chips & blackmail against her. They’ve been sold out for photo ops their entire youth. They’ve faced physical abuse in the home. They’ve had personal conversations from their infancy published. They’ve been restricted from accessing their mother. And now they’re being used as PR collateral, for something that they do not possess the mental awareness to consent to with complete understanding of why or the consequences, other than what their scum family has brainwashed them with. The same family that human trafficked their own daughter for 13 years, a life she gave up for no other reason but to be able to see her children. 

Edited by FOCK
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3 hours ago, Proseductice said:

For some reason they lack to understand that a family member could be completely different behind closed doors. The grandparents and uncle they know may be sweet to them, but they weren't to Britney. I'm sure Jamie always made sure the boys weren't around when ordering their mother around like a dog. 


Britney LOVED her family, she gave them money, homes, and kept their lives afloat. Early in her career she would have done absolutely anything for them. They took that love and loyalty, turned on her, shunned her, and locked her away. How exactly is she supposed to act towards them? "She should come to the realization of whatever it is that stops her loving her family" is such a disgustingly ignorant statement.  Like locking her away in a mental health facility because she said no to a DANCE move? Or perhaps telling her she could no longer get married, have kids, or drive her own car for the rest of her life? Maybe forcing her on medication against her will and then making her work for years only to take all the money she earned? 


Until they grow up a bit, actually put themselves in her shoes for a minute, and take time to listen to what she's been saying for years...then I don't care to hear their opinion on the situation. 


Does Britney need years of healing and therapy? Absolutely. But at the same time the boys can mature and learn some f*cking perspective.

And how about some goddamn respect while they’re at it!


Agreed with everything you said here — this woman can’t even depend on her own children for emotional support, and it sickens me to the core.  Honestly I don’t even know how you could end up with a person like Britney when LITERALLY her entire family are trash human beings.  
She doesn’t deserve them and they CERTAINLY don’t deserve her.  

Every last one of them can rot, as far as I’m concerned.  

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Wait so let me get this straight... her father and her family in general made her a prisoner of sorts for 15 years and this boy who probably didn't have to struggle his whole life wants his mom to CHILL? I can't.......................

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3 hours ago, Marvin said:

He's 15... why is he being interviewed? :deadbanana4:

Because Kevin let him, and probably encouraged him for his own gain.

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I genuinely can’t look at this as anything other than blatant misogyny, it’s completely ridiculous. This is truly just toxic men sticking up for other toxic men… they’re all one and the same. Britney will never be enough to them and should have done everything different, and yet her father will always be a saint who was just trying his best and can be happily forgiven for anything. Absurd and disgusting. :pukey:

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23 minutes ago, FOCK said:

A reminder that these kids were used as literal bargaining chips & blackmail against her. They’ve been sold out for photo ops their entire youth. They’ve faced physical abuse in the home. They’ve had personal conversations from their infancy published. They’ve been restricted from accessing their mother. And now they’re being used as PR collateral, for something that they do not possess the mental awareness to consent to with complete understanding of why or the consequences, other than what their scum family has brainwashed them with. The same family that human trafficked their own daughter for 13 years, a life she gave up for no other reason but to be able to see her children. 

Thank you for this  — beautifully said.

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Everyone in that family is programmed to torture her and make her feel stupid and small. They have lived like that for so long that for them they're in the right, they don't know anything else than belittle and use her for money, so now that things changed they are doing the only thing they know: manipulate her. 


I am so happy that she said "okay don't come to my wedding" instead of sacrificing her peace on her wedding day just to have them with her, this gives me hope she can set her foot down even when it comes to her kids. 


She endured all kinds of abuse for 13 years just for them and now he comes be like "she needs to chill" just because she's standing up for herself. I'll just try keep it cute. 

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3 hours ago, hahayo said:

you people are brainwashed.  britney could go out and murder and you would defend her. these are her innocent children. they have a voice that deserves to be heard. imagine how embarrassing this is for them. calling her kids names and wishing bad upon them?! crazy! britney spears is NOT perfect! neither is her family, but she is mentally ill, it’s very obvious and if anyone denies it they’re being delusional. 


3 hours ago, bad guy said:

It's scary how people are attacking her sons. These are the same people that say she's a present mother, yet when these kids talk about their living experiences with her they claim she was kept away from her kids and that's why they're saying this. Pick a defense.


As for these kids, it's very obvious that they're being manipulated to some degree by their father/grandfather. At the same time I'm sure having Britney Spears as your mom as a teenager would be difficult given how erratic and bizarre she can be. Give these kids a break. They're KIDS. One day they'll figure out that there's two sides and the side they're on with their father (their main provider/caretaker) is biased, and will be able to see their mom's side of things once their older and meet those two truths in the middle to make their own judgements on the situation. But for right now it's absolutely ridiculous to expect 15 year olds to critically think about all of this. As a child of divorce, I wasn't able to see both sides of my parents disputes until I was 20 and only then was I able to see both sides. Sometimes it can take even longer. Anybody attacking these kids are unwell and need to keep their parasocial relationship with a popstar they DO NOT KNOW to the side.


If anybody should be ashamed of themselves and deserves backlash it's their father. What kind of parent puts their children in the middle of a dispute like this publicly. Shameless and borderline abusive. 

Saying her children have a right to call her mentally ill because she shows skin on instagram or isn't ashamed of her body at the age of 40. Just say you hate women and go. :deadbanana4:

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I think the kids hate her because they realised Britney will have a new child and if she dies or they want to spend money, then everything will be split in half giving them less including her inheritance.


very selfish yes but nothing new since they’re already very spoiled 

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K Fed shouldn’t be enabling his son like this… it makes the whole family look bad. There’s 2 kids in the middle of this and unfortunately they have sided with their father. I think with time and a hell of a lot of maturity they’ll look back on this interview and all will agree they shouldn’t have gone through with this 

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 There are so many layers to her story and I think they should've stayed out of it. The woman fought for these kids for years just to spend time with them and even if she wasn't the best mum I'm sure she tried her best.


We don't know Britney, they do, but there is also evidence that her dad was not very loving and caring and quite abusive actually, and he himself was manipulated by a third party. The evidence and stories we've heard from Britney's own mouth say otherwise so I choose to believe the victim who was unpaid, overworked, beaten mentally and verbally. 


I pray for Britney's well being in this time and hopefully once these kids turn 18 they'll have to kiss her ass and appreciate her for giving them life. 

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3 hours ago, Proseductice said:

For some reason they lack to understand that a family member could be completely different behind closed doors. The grandparents and uncle they know may be sweet to them, but they weren't to Britney. I'm sure Jamie always made sure the boys weren't around when ordering their mother around like a dog. 


Britney LOVED her family, she gave them money, homes, and kept their lives afloat. Early in her career she would have done absolutely anything for them. They took that love and loyalty, turned on her, shunned her, and locked her away. How exactly is she supposed to act towards them? "She should come to the realization of whatever it is that stops her loving her family" is such a disgustingly ignorant statement.  Like locking her away in a mental health facility because she said no to a DANCE move? Or perhaps telling her she could no longer get married, have kids, or drive her own car for the rest of her life? Maybe forcing her on medication against her will and then making her work for years only to take all the money she earned? 


Until they grow up a bit, actually put themselves in her shoes for a minute, and take time to listen to what she's been saying for years...then I don't care to hear their opinion on the situation. 


Does Britney need years of healing and therapy? Absolutely. But at the same time the boys can mature and learn some f*cking perspective. 



I would also like to add that the timing they are doing this, right when she's releasing her first single after the cship and trying to find her footing seems deliberate



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These responses are so pathetic, but then again it’s ATRL and pop stans we’re talking about. Who are any of you to remove this child’s autonomy by claiming he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or that he’s been brainwashed? There is no one else on this planet who knows what it’s like to be around Britney Spears more than her own child. Living with a mother who struggles with mental health issues is incredibly difficult, and how he feels is fully justified and valid. He lived through it, not you lifeless stans who sit online all day pretending like you know Britney personally. He clearly has a backstage view when it comes to Britney’s life. He knows what happened and he gets to feel how he wants to feel. 

Nobody is the bad guy in this situation (referring to Britney and her child). They both are allowed to view this issue how they want, but it’s clear that Britney’s not the only person who has suffered because of what she had to endure for 15 years. When you’re a child it can be hard to put things into perspective. All he knows is what he has experienced, and if he has experienced nothing but kindness from his grandfather and father then that is valid from his perspective. Attacking a literal child because he won’t validate your own weird made-up fantasy about your own fave is serving mental illness and delusion. 

Some of you are trying to lump these kids in with her abusive father and mother and that just doesn’t make sense. These kids had nothing to do with that. They are just as much victims as she was as they were torn away from a mother who has always loved them all because their grandfather wanted power. At the same time that grandfather made sure to keep the drama away from the boys so they view him differently. 

We all love and support Britney and want the best for her, but it’s not wrong to think that maybe during her struggles she wasn’t the best mother to her kids and that has a pretty big impact on them and how they view her.  

Edited by Bang Up
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2 minutes ago, Bang Up said:

These responses are so pathetic, but then again it’s ATRL and pop stans we’re talking about. Who are any of you to remove this child’s autonomy by claiming he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or that he’s been brainwashed? There is no one else on this planet who knows what it’s like to be around Britney Spears more than her own child. Living with a mother who struggles with mental health issues is incredibly difficult, and how he feels is fully justified and valid. He lived through it, not you lifeless stans who sit online all day pretending like you know Britney personally. He clearly has a backstage view when it comes to Britney’s life. He knows what happened and he gets to feel how he wants to feel. 

Nobody is the bad guy in this situation (referring to Britney and her child). They both are allowed to view this issue how they want, but it’s clear that Britney’s not the only person who has suffered because of what she has to endure for 15 years. When you’re a child it can be hard to put things into perspective. All he knows is what he has experienced, and if he has experienced nothing but kindness from his grandfather and father then that is valid from his perspective. Attacking a literal child because he won’t validate your own weird made-up fantasy about your own fave is serving mental illness and delusion. 

We all love and support Britney and want the best for her, but it’s not wrong to think that maybe during her struggles she wasn’t the best mother to her kids and that has a pretty big impact on them and how they view her.  

He isn't even alluding to anything concrete related to their upbringing though. All of his remarks seem to be in defense of her family members, including her father who he and his brother have a restraining order against. I mean, even the justification for not going to the wedding was because other family members weren't invited. 


I know we don't know all the details, but the fact that team con despite having control of this major PR machine have never managed to come up with anything concrete is ludicrous 

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Jayden explains: “It just wasn’t a good time to go. I’m not saying that I’m not happy for her. The type of environment she gave us was not very comfortable for me and my brother. I’m really happy for them but she didn’t invite the whole family and if it was just going to be me and Preston, I don’t see how that situation would have ended on good terms.” 



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God when is this woman going to see peace


Everyone around her is a snake, especially her own family. This is so upsetting.

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17 minutes ago, Cherish said:

Jayden explains: “It just wasn’t a good time to go. I’m not saying that I’m not happy for her. The type of environment she gave us was not very comfortable for me and my brother. I’m really happy for them but she didn’t invite the whole family and if it was just going to be me and Preston, I don’t see how that situation would have ended on good terms.” 



Like they could've at least tried to make more believable :rip:

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