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What is the cellphone policy like at your job?


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And what percentage of your shift is occupied by your face being in your phone and not" working".




I work at a call center knee injection ?company and all our sups are in NY and we are in FL. One one person around today that's an upper and he's a young gay guy who stanned my new tablet (he asked me if it folded lol I'm like I wish ?) so it's officially OK to watch it and no1curr. My job is mad slow so I'm 80% or more on my phone all day waiting for calls cause it's slow. And now with my tab I watch movies all day!


Other places have been awful. I got fired from a job for plugging my phone in the computer they said its "stealing electricity in the rules ?" and I've gotten in trouble at almost every job over being caught on phone so glad this company treats us like grown ups.


And yall? :-*

Edited by MadonnasBoyfriend
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I work at a law office so there’s always work to do. I’m allowed to check my phone but told to keep it at a minimum 

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I wfh most of the time and check it whenever I want. No one cares as long as I get my work all done, done on time, and don’t overcharge my hours. I will typically have blocks where I check it more and can then go other blocks where I barely check it at all and just have something on in the background while I do workpapers.

i work crazy hours at my job multiple times a year and have spent many nights working until 10 pm or later so I’ll be damned if they helicopter monitor my cell phone usage lol. I actually get way more work done from home than I do when I go in the office and feel self conscious about my cell phone usage. 

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Eh well there really isn't much of one tbh lol

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My boss doesn't care as long as I get my job done and very strictly timely which I always deliver. I still have time to check my phone.

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No one cares at my office - as long as you get work done, I don’t see the issue. 


any company that says you’re stealing electricity isn’t a place to work. If someone needs you then you put away your phone. 

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It wasn't a big deal at my last job. In fact it was kinda encouraged if you needed to use your phone to research something.

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I wouldn’t work at a place in which anyone is giving more than a flying **** about what I do or the way I dress. 

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There isn't really a policy? I work in a GP surgery, they don't want you using it unless necessary, but we all keep it in our pockets in case of emergency calls. The people who work in the Pharmacy in my health centre need to lock theirs in a locker for the day. :deadbanana: I understand to some it's a distraction but I never see the problem being allowed to keep it on your person.

Edited by Jack!
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I don’t have one. My workload only requires about 4 hours of work so I can use my phone whenever. They do encourage us to finish our work quickly as we’re allowed to leave once we’re done.

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I was a food manager so I was allowed to be on my phone whenever. But I obviously didn’t use it in the middle of working. I actually let my employees be on thier phone and listen to music as long as the work was getting done. 

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I only answer texts, but nothing that’ll keep me too engaged. I really don’t scroll and surf much, but yea I keep it at a minimum. 

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My job keeps threatening to write us up if we have our phones on us. I literally text the hospital manager from my desk to test the waters and she realizes after about 10 mins and tells me to put my phone away. This happens like 3x a week and I still don't get in trouble. 

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I can use my phone whenever, but like, there's sh*t to do so it's not the best use of my time.

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1 hour ago, SpankGangsta said:

Work from home so they cant police me :gaycat:

This :gaycat1:

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I wish it was allowed by the law to slap a person who is waiting in the waiting room for a doctors check up but then as their brain is fried- they make tik toks about being at the doctors place for 10000 fake illnesses and then making some dances and THEN trying to tik tok an an actual check up


i deal with that **** too damn much. call me a boomer but jesus ******* christ :ace:


oh yea, patients like to show me articles from the internet saved on their phones and try to convince me they have the most ****** up, rarest diseases- prions disease, bloody fewer....


FFS! I'd ban phones at the doctors place. I cant deal with stupid people abusing technology. I didnt waste years of my life studying that **** so a ******* 50 yrs old fat woman with high blood pressure can tell me she's sick not because of her weight but because she's def. ''cursed'' and has ''all the signs you have been cursed''


i feel underpayed for this mental bs

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2 hours ago, Jack! said:

There isn't really a policy? I work in a GP surgery, they don't want you using it unless necessary, but we all keep it in our pockets in case of emergency calls. The people who work in the Pharmacy in my health centre need to lock theirs in a locker for the day. :deadbanana: I understand to some it's a distraction but I never see the problem being allowed to keep it on your person.

When I'm in the operating room i have it in my pocket so nobody steals it in the changing room. and in emergency call, i tell a nurse to pick it up from my pocket and put it on loud. i dont really give a **** others have to listen to my calls because 99% is about some patients state we all know so it's kinda...useful too.

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For the most part we're not supposed to be caught on our phones. It's so annoying cause some days work will be extremely slow but if the wrong admin sees, you can get in trouble so it's a matter of always looking busy while finding discreete ways to be on your phone :rip:

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Luckily, no one cares and that should be the case in every company.


What you do with your time shouldn't matter as long as the job is done at the end of the day. We still have a long way to go to distance ourselves from these rigid rules in the workplace, can't wait for Gen Z to take over. 

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Plot twist. They are like Robert I love your new tablet and so happy for you but you can't have it out of your watching movies... Now I'm pissed and hate them :angry:

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Work from home 95% of the time, so no one cares.


And when I'm in the office I rarely touch my phone because I'm too busy talking/gossiping with my co-workers.

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i work from home 2 days a week and nobody checks on me, we do have a tracker where we log our activity though so still have to get my work done


when i'm in the office i still check my phone and text back my friends, but there's always work to do so i'm never on my phone for longer than a couple of minutes at a time. line managers don't care as long as the work is getting done.

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I can work from home so that's not a problem for me, and even if I have to go to the office, my manager is from another country and he can't check me.:gaycat:

Last time I went to the office I spent most of the time buying coffee / croissants, or going on an extended lunch break to gossip:clownny:

It's funny cuz my job is mostly either doing nothing / generating reports, trends, power point presentations (most of the time when I'm lucky) or if I'm unlucky like the biggest crisis ever when I'm called by 5+ managers bcs they want to know the tea on what's going on, and  I also have to call other managers as well to escalate issues bcs I have to work with clowns.

The international, cross functional corporatiste way of working is always a kii to get through.:swan:


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