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How does the smell of smoking feel for you?


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I used to cover my nose as a kid and hold my breath because I was really scared of stories about how you can develop cancer from secondhand smoke. Because of that now whenever someone smokes near me, my throat closes up and I choke and have to move somewhere else. It sucks.


I did smoke a bit as a young adult but mostly from bongs or when I was drunk or when there was heavy rain and I kind of wanted to see the smoke fly into the droplets. But that was a long time ago and I grew out of the habit. Quitting was super easy for me.

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It's so disgusting, especially that stale scent all over their clothes and hair. My husband smokes and it's a task to deal with. I'll dodge kissing him sometimes until he brushes his teeth. 

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Hated the smell of weed for years but now I love it since I started smoking :gaycat6:


Cig smell isn't necessarily bad but I associate it with cancer , so I stay far away from it

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I don’t like it but as long as you don’t blow smoke in my face we’re good. I hate the sickly sweet smells from vape though.

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As a non smokers actually doesn't bother me as much. However I wouldn't let anyone smoke in my car or in my house.


Most my friends smoke rollies which smell less However there is one brand that makes me super sick. The smell his horrible.


Im glad I'm not around smokers anymore though 



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