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How does the smell of smoking feel for you?


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Grew up with a smoker, all my clothes always smelt gross, my room used to stink, my throat & nose always hurt


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I smoke a couple of cigarettes a day.

I find the scent intoxicating and sensual. 

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Disgusted. I don't tolerate it.

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I smoke to much to even notice it 

People come in my car and instantly smell it but I don't smell a thing lol.

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I'm never near smokers but whenever I am walking through Vegas casinos it clogs up my lungs fast and I start coughing and it instantly messes with my allergies.


Hate it! :bam:

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cigs smell bad but weed idk if it’s the right strain it smells kinda… not good but inviting :duca: i miss being high all the time lol

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Some of y'all are so dramatic :rip:  sore throats after being next to someone smoking outside. SURE JAN


I don't smoke but I love the smell. I find smoke and cologne mixed together on a guy so hot. Even when I was a kid I always loved the smell 

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I like it a lot

im a social smoker, so basically i never buy a full pack of cigarrates so i never have it

but when im on a nightclub or at a bar i buy a unity and smoke it


so when i smell cigarrates i actually Like It cuz it gives me a “night out feeling”

it makes me relaxed 

Edited by Selegend
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hot lmaooo


well at least its better than sitting with someone that has bad breath

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3 hours ago, Insanity said:

Does no one smoke anymore


Isnt juul popular among gen z?

Juul fell off early 2020. Gen Z wastes money on disposable vapes now

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cigarettes are so ******* disgusting 


i once hooked up with someone who smoked and i kid you not i wanted it to end ASAP before we even started because i was about to throw up 

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I don’t really mind it unless it’s in my face 

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I think it's hot :thing: It also reminds me of some of the best times I've had because almost everyone I know smokes. I'm more of a social smoker myself, I can go a very long time without it

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Unless it's not one after the other in a closed room, I don't mind it. My bf smokes and even his breath isn't bad go me. However if I'm just a tiny bit hungover, I'll puke the second i smell the slightest bit of lit cigarettes. :rip:

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Can't breath and my eyes gets teary.

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cigars do something to me :jonny5: it’s called capnolagnia and it’s actually an aspect of the leather community. when i went to leather pride i was around a lot of bearish guys smoking cigars, it was pretty hot


as for cigarettes, i’m a bit more indifferent. weed smells great imo, always have thought so

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I don't really mind it? :rip: 


As long you're not blowing out smoke straight to my face, it's not that bad to me.

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Gross. I cough when walking past smokers.
The worst thing about visiting Europe was all the smoke while walking through city streets. :pukey:

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