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Plurality of Americans believe a secret force controls both Democrats & Republicans


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10 hours ago, Jagger said:

Ummm it's very blatantly true?

The presence of the other conspiracies and prominence of people believing in them means that society is failing to illuminate the reality of what is happening (massive wealth inequality) or name the actual villain in this situation (capitalism) that then allows for conspiracy to thrive (lizard people, secret organizations, "New World Order" nonsense).


There's a reason why anti-semitism and anti-communism have bene so historically linked because so often Jews have been a scapegoat for the ways capitalism fails. The "lizard people", "New World Order" nonsense are basically a bunch of judeo-bolshevism dog whistles.


I'm not even sure what you're trying to say or how you've gotten to whatever conclusion you have over what you think my reposting the poll means besides you being politically illiterate. I'm a literal communist - why would I disagree with the view that those who own the means of production control society? :skull:

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To be fair, many of the statements in the poll are somewhat grounded in fact but they have been so misconstrued & taken to such sensationalist levels, that they become “loopy”, & I do feel this is done purposefully to divert attention & consideration. 


For example, the Dems aren’t necessarily involved in child trafficking rings, but were they/are they aware of them? Yes, and it wasn’t just them, nor was it that pizza gate bs.


Mass vaccination isn’t microchipping people, but will social conditioning using reasons such as health, security & mandates be used to “warm up” the populace to the idea of microchips? Yes. Doesn’t mean that it’s a conspiracy, just that it can be co-opted & used to advance an agenda, much like how the 9/11 tragedy made way for a surveillance state. 


Making these things sound ridiculous & associating them with the radical far right is a tactic used to have people quibble over nonsense, whilst the actual work is being done & the culprits move largely unchallenged. 


I think most of those statements are ridiculous & those that buy into them are misguided, but I still can appreciate the importance of the fact that there are people willing to question and pry into authority & elite motives. I just wish intelligent conversations can be had about them, particularly from a left perspective, but so many factors prevent that from happening. 

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5 hours ago, Communion said:

I'm a literal communist


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6 hours ago, Communion said:

The presence of the other conspiracies and prominence of people believing in them means that society is failing to illuminate the reality of what is happening (massive wealth inequality) or name the actual villain in this situation (capitalism) that then allows for conspiracy to thrive (lizard people, secret organizations, "New World Order" nonsense).


Exhibit A:

57 minutes ago, Jagger said:


"Of course there's some force controlling both political parties. Anyone should be able to see that!"

"Yeah, it's capitalism"

"Woah woah woah I don't **** with that communism ****"


Willfully mentally enslaved. 


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7 minutes ago, Communion said:

Willfully mentally enslaved. 


the irony :bibliahh: this ******* kid I swear 

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