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JLO exposed as an evil person


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  • ShouldersSideways


This is like that time Paris Hilton picked the winner of her BFF reality show by putting her chihuahua near each contestant to see who it growled at :deadbanana2:

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I bet it's not even true Lmao

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some of the same people on here who call religion a plague on earth (not totally wrong) are the ones who follow star signs :deadbanana4:

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Then she’s not allowed to listen to Virgo’s Groove

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4 hours ago, Daddy said:

Astrology is the new religion. It's getting weird.


4 hours ago, Dabbyy said:







maybe 7 years of marriage with Marc Anthony did its thing ...



Maybe she should watch out for Leos too because those relationships ended yet she had kids with Marc



39 minutes ago, ShouldersSideways said:

some of the same people on here who call religion a plague on earth (not totally wrong) are the ones who follow star signs :deadbanana4:

yes, religions that are cults, have history of rape and murder following gods we’ve never seen is totally the same as harmless belives of personality traits based on stars just for fun that actually phisically there 



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5 hours ago, khalyan said:

Not liking Virgos is completely understandable.  

:psyduck: my birthday literally being yesterday (2nd day Virgo)...:ducky:


JLO remains a legend

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2 hours ago, Mystic Boy said:

I swear, Leos are the worst, so annoying :ahh:

Now why am I in it :monkey:

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Leos want to be Virgos so bad. JLO downgraded from legend to superstar now.:coffee2:

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me but with Libras

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1 hour ago, ShouldersSideways said:

some of the same people on here who call religion a plague on earth (not totally wrong) are the ones who follow star signs :deadbanana4:

this is like comparing a bazooka and a water gun

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This is funny but literally workplace discrimination :rip: Imagine being fired because of your star sign

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1 hour ago, dirrtydiana said:


yes, religions that are cults, have history of rape and murder following gods we’ve never seen is totally the same as harmless belives of personality traits based on stars just for fun that actually phisically there 




24 minutes ago, Blue Rose said:

this is like comparing a bazooka and a water gun

One has historically caused more harm than the other and no one would argue that, but I don't know how you can believe stars determine personality traits and events, then laugh at someone for believing in a god in the same breath in 2022 (and i'm someone who believes in neither) 


besides, y'all act like ronald reagan wasn't consulting with an astrologer before every major decision not even 40 full years ago

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I’m not surprised wasnt she exposed a couple of years ago for doing witchcraft and constantly visiting psychics? 

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  • ATRL Moderator
2 hours ago, slw84 said:

:psyduck: my birthday literally being yesterday (2nd day Virgo)...:ducky:




JLO remains a legend

August Virgos >>>>> September Virgos :ducky:


Happy belated birthday!  

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7 hours ago, Daddy said:

Astrology is the new religion. It's getting weird.

I agree. It’s going a bit too far. Specifically because I had a falling out with a friend who was a devout follower and believer in astrology, and my falling out with her really soured my opinion on astrology, and opened my eyes up to how actually similar serious astrology followers and religious people act. It’s one thing to follow it casually, it’s kinda fun sometimes, but to take it seriously to the point you won’t hire certain people because of it, or date/be friends with certain people because of it? That’s just baseless and weird behavior. 

granted… this is J Lo. I don’t think 99% of people would ever do this. But I’ve def seen people on socials who judge other people based off of…. Their sign.

Our falling out had nothing to do with astrology but once I sat back and stopped hanging out with her for months I realized how crazy some of our conversations were about astrology. :deadbanana:  These days I stick to just judging people based on how they individually act rather than grouping all signs as all acting the same.

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2 hours ago, ShouldersSideways said:


One has historically caused more harm than the other and no one would argue that, but I don't know how you can believe stars determine personality traits and events, then laugh at someone for believing in a god in the same breath in 2022 (and i'm someone who believes in neither) 


besides, y'all act like ronald reagan wasn't consulting with an astrologer before every major decision not even 40 full years ago

I agree that some people take astrology a bit too far

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She’s pickier when choosing dancers than she is with husbands. 

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