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Why do all these white college dudes have big asses?


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You just said they are muscular. Yout butt is a muscle. If you work out, it will grow 

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11 hours ago, Totami Legend said:

Imagine cuddling with a juicy hairy fat ass :WAP:

just what i need right now:jonny5:

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Sports & Gym. A lot of Gays grew up super insecure and awkward so never did any sports or worked out until later in life (this is why there's so many Gay "glowups") 

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no it's definitely become more of a trend recently for "straight" guys to work on their asses and show them off. it's because sexuality is a spectrum and a lot of men LOVE attention on their ass. just like some men LOVE attention for having a big dick (the ones who ALWAYS have to mention it)

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Playing sports since you were young. I played soccer for 20 years (since I was six years old) and I've had a bubble butt forever 

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Most of gym rats get that ass thank to the exercise and they've probably been doing since their teen days.

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well, yeah, that's what beefy/muscular looks like :deadbanana4:

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