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Student Debt - Update: GOP lawsuit attempts, Biden allows opt-out; FFEL restrictions


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3 minutes ago, infrared said:

Not “most progressive president of all time” - I wouldn’t go that far :rip:

Lmao, right! Biden Bros are serving "tRuMp pRoGrEsSiVe kInG!1" energy



Biden being 100 times more regressive and less progressive than Bernie does not make Biden progressive in the slightest



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34 minutes ago, Kassi said:

the executive branch doesn’t haven’t the ability to fully cancel $2 trillion in student debt.

Sis, it's too late. The genie is out of the bottle. Biden bent the knee. :toofunny3:

Trying to gaslight doesn't work. But I commend the effort to still be committed to the grift even after the fact.


January 2020: "Forgiving student debt is ridiculous. Middle America doesn't want that lol."


May 2020: "Forgiving student debt is politically unpopular. Biden doesn't need progressive support."


November 2020: "If forgiving student debt is popular, send Biden a Congress to write him a bill!"


All of 2021: "Student loan payments are paused. That's already enough forgiveness."


Spring 2022: "Debt can't be forgiven with an EO. If you want forgiveness, get ready for midterms!"


Fall 2022: "Okay, so he did forgive a third of loans through literal executive authority because midterm polling showed it was popular... but you see... it's actually like the movie Wishmaster, and if he uses that authority two more times, it will open up the earth's core and release a 5,000 year-old demon who will bring about destruction and help Trump win 2024. Do you want Trump to win in 2024? Sounds like you should be happy with what you got."



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5 minutes ago, Insanity said:

This i wish I had 10k taken of my loans back in the day. I know its hard but 10k is better than nothing.

Honestly not every user is going to agree with me but this helps me a lot personally and even other family members of mine. I was 12k in debt and this basically erases everything. Hopefully more can be done after this executive order.

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I’m a little confused, I received Pell Grants of about 8K and the rest of it wasn’t(About 15K). Does mean I wouldn’t get the full 20K forgiven?

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6 minutes ago, montacelo said:

I’m a little confused, I received Pell Grants of about 8K and the rest of it wasn’t(About 15K). Does mean I wouldn’t get the full 20K forgiven?

The details still seem foggy but it's being interpreted by most sources as that being a Pell Grant recipient in any capacity during your undergrad makes you eligible for an expansion of another $10k. Because the Pell Grants are specifically targeted to low-income students. It's more of a "if you qualified for x aid, you're now entitled to expanded aid for y". 


They use the language "up to" not because the amount forgiven is reliant on how much you got in Pell Grants since it's phrased as retroactive, but because they have to specify that people can only be forgiven up to the amount of debt you still have, ie: if you qualify for $20k but only had $15k left in student loan debt, there's no kind of $5k kickback. You're just now debt-free.


The federal student aid website should have more info, but even when I try logging on, the log-in times out so it seems like it's still having server and traffic issues: https://studentaid.gov/

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14 minutes ago, Communion said:

Sis, it's too late. The genie is out of the bottle. Biden bent the knee. :toofunny3:

Trying to gaslight doesn't work. But I commend the effort to still be committed to the grift even after the fact.


January 2020: "Forgiving student debt is ridiculous. Middle America doesn't want that lol."


May 2020: "Forgiving student debt is politically unpopular. Biden doesn't need progressive support."


November 2020: "If forgiving student debt is popular, send Biden a Congress to write him a bill!"


All of 2021: "Student loan payments are paused. That's already enough forgiveness."


Spring 2022: "Debt can't be forgiven with an EO. If you want forgiveness, get ready for midterms!"


Fall 2022: "Okay, so he did forgive a third of loans through literal executive authority because midterm polling showed it was popular... but you see... it's actually like the movie Wishmaster, and if he uses that authority two more times, it will open up the earth's core and release a 5,000 year-old demon who will bring about destruction and help Trump win 2024. Do you want Trump to win in 2024? Sounds like you should be happy with what you got."



What do I have to gaslight about? Everything about his presidency is turning as good or better than I thought it would.

I still think he’s on shaky legal ground when it comes to exercising any kind of financial authority not explicitly outlined by Congress (that’s just basic constitution 101), but if his administration has found a way around that to a certain degree, even better. :gaycat2:

I’ve always been on board with $10k student loan forgiveness AND this presidency as a whole. 

So I’m not the one with egg on my face over these last couple months. In fact, my faith in him as the most progressive president of all time has been justified. That’s a GOOD thing.


YOU’RE the one who said he WOULDN’T do this or was even interested in it. :gaycat:

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1 minute ago, Kassi said:

Everything about his presidency is turning as good

And thank GOD for the progressive activists who made these moments possible. 




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Progressives KEEP being correct and KEEP supporting popular policies!

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20 minutes ago, Communion said:

And thank GOD for the progressive activists who made these moments possible. 




Girl idk what these random Twitter accounts are. Everything he’s doing was already part of his campaign platform. :rip:

Its giving “our tweets forced Joe Manchin to support reconciliation” :gaycat6:

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36 minutes ago, Communion said:

The details still seem foggy but it's being interpreted by most sources as that being a Pell Grant recipient makes you eligible for an expansion of another $10k.


They use the language "up to" not because the amount forgiven is reliant on how much you got in Pell Grants since it's phrased as retroactive, but because they have to specify that people can only be forgiven up to the amount of debt you still have, ie: if you qualify for $20k but only had $15k left in student loan debt, there's no kind of $5k kickback. You're just now debt-free.


The federal student aid website should have more info, but even when I try logging on, the log-in times out so it seems like it's still having server and traffic issues: https://studentaid.gov/

I see, thank you!

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20 hours ago, rihannabiggestfan said:

No, I wouldn't drag you for that :gaycat6: you have my respect


I would instead drag people who literally had tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans forgiven yet are against any loan forgiveness for others (students) :clownny: 




Not over $300k forgiven^ :deadvision: . If The Daily Caller can get that much forgiven, then you and I deserve at least that much too (more...since we're better :oh:), but fair enough

Thank you sis, we are better! :hug:

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I wonder how soon the student loans will be automatically forgiven? I can’t wait to see $0 on my account :gaycat5:

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Reagan and his team had such a bad LASTING effect on America :rip:



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1 minute ago, Kassi said:

Girl idk what these random Twitter accounts are.

Of course you wouldn't, sis. Most people in the class position to not need student debt relief aren't reading about the things impacting those of us who do. You're mocking the collective of people who did the legal research and analysis for years on the exact legal methods to get us here.


- That research that would then be adopted in 2019 by two progressives running for president.

- A prospect that Biden *literally* pushed against for all of 2019.

- He literally first supported the idea of (legislative) debt forgiveness April 2020, a year later, post-primary. :toofunny3:

He said in February 2021 that he did not have the authority to forgive student debt by EO.

It would literally be another year later until April 2022, after a meeting with progressives at the end of March about executive actions, that the White House would first admit a EO is possible to do.


3 years later of putting pressure on Biden and you wanna gaslight us? :toofunny3:


I genuinely can't understand the kind of mental, moral, economical and spiritual motivation one needs to have to see people joyful over getting a politician to finally agree to debt forgiveness, and instead of celebrating in the jubilee with them over of what's now possible, you'd instead be feverishly hawking over the topic, resentful of its tone, and telling people that this was all somehow pre-destined and there's nothing greater possible. :deadbanana4:


For all the claims that people better be happy for what Biden did, I've never seen someone be so miserable in the face of limitless potential and endless joy when progressive activists force progressive policy.

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Important reminder!



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This is helping me immensely. I can buy a home now after my last 5k is gone from this and I pay what I saved during the pandemic pause on my private loans. I can get a house 3-4 years sooner because I am a single income and my loans have held me back. They’re a mortgage payment alone. 

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How long until republicans try to stop this in court? :biblio:

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1 hour ago, Sergi91 said:

How long until republicans try to stop this in court? :biblio:

I've thought about this too ever since I saw this TikTok. :toofunny3: It seems like a possibility but I don't know how likely it could actually be.


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9 hours ago, montacelo said:

I’m a little confused, I received Pell Grants of about 8K and the rest of it wasn’t(About 15K). Does mean I wouldn’t get the full 20K forgiven?

You'll get all forgiven. Happy for u. 

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4 hours ago, Jotham said:

I've thought about this too ever since I saw this TikTok. :toofunny3: It seems like a possibility but I don't know how likely it could actually be.


The way that KHive idiots have spent the last 24 hours trying to cope and scream "this is not an executive order! This is not win for progressives! It's already existing law! Biden knew the damn assignment!! **** Elizabeth Warren!" when preferring the 2003 Heroes Act over the 1965 Higher Education Act has apparently made no difference cause you have these affluent weirdos and pundits still trying to finger-wag and call it the president exerting authority he doesn't have. :ahh:


Proving that:


1) We knew the wealthy would always try and criticize this no matter how little or much was given or how it was explained because wealthy people don't want income equality. I mean, the Republican Party in their 2022 bill trying to block the president using executive authority literally cite the provisions in the Higher Education Act of 1965 and Heroes Act of 2003 as the powers that they want Biden stripped of: https://prospect.org/education/republicans-admit-biden-can-cancel-student-debt/


2) The people who ironically scream "take a civics class" have no civics knowledge. "It's not executive authority, it's an existing law"? WHAT? Mama what is this? The president's executive authority means he can interpret the law as he sees and instruct his departments as necessary. Which progressives have been saying for him to do and rebuke the idea that him instructing the Sectetary of Educatoon that he has to do something will violate "political norms".:deadbanana4:


Biden has literally used his executive power to order the Secretary of Education to use legislation outside of how it's creators intended. The sky did not fall. The base is happy and grateful (though we want to kep this going!) and conservative weirdos are literally seizing with anger. Like we said would happen. :smiley:

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