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Student Debt - Update: GOP lawsuit attempts, Biden allows opt-out; FFEL restrictions


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10k is literally ONE semester of tuition for me, and I don’t even live on campus. :rip: The people in here praising him for the literal bare minimum. Why were the PPP loans forgiven when they were littered with fraudulent claims and misspending? Maybe it’s time this country stops favoring business owners over employees.

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5 minutes ago, Sesame said:

10k is literally ONE semester of tuition for me, and I don’t even live on campus. :rip: The people in here praising him for the literal bare minimum. Why were the PPP loans forgiven when they were littered with fraudulent claims and misspending? Maybe it’s time this country stops favoring business owners over employees.

EXACTLY, and for many non-Ivy universities, $10k is even LESS than one semester :skull:


Funny that Biden was complaining about struggling to pay $300 per semester in college, yet he wants to stick to $10k relief. It's as if he doesn't know that tuition prices have SKYROCKETED, even when you account for inflation :rip:


and regardless, he lied about his campaign promises.


"Why were the PPP loans forgiven when they were littered with fraudulent claims and misspending? Maybe it’s time this country stops favoring business owners over employees." Exactly. Because Biden supports socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everyone else 




Enough corporate welfare and socialism for the rich/Wall Street, now it's time for "we the people"




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2 minutes ago, rihannabiggestfan said:

EXACTLY, and for many non-Ivy universities, $10k is even LESS than one semester :skull:


Funny that Biden was complaining about struggling to pay $300 per semester in college, yet he wants to stick to $10k relief. It's as if he doesn't know that tuition prices have SKYROCKETED, even when you account for inflation :rip:


and regardless, he lied about his campaign promises.


"Why were the PPP loans forgiven when they were littered with fraudulent claims and misspending? Maybe it’s time this country stops favoring business owners over employees." Exactly. Because Biden supports socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everyone else 




Enough corporate welfare and socialism for the rich/Wall Street, now it's time for "we the people"




Hopefully all of these tweets go viral and even if 10k is cleared hopefully he addresses all these compaign promises about canceling student debt more.

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Do we know if he’s at least going to extend the student loan repayment pause?

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Wait, NOT Padilla pretending to be progressive :bibliahh: Biden's 2020 campaign promises teas



19 minutes ago, BraveNewSeth said:

Do we know if he’s at least going to extend the student loan repayment pause?

Seems like there will be a pause until January. 


And in the words of King Derrick,



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Not Crowder getting more money forgiven THAN HIS ACTUAL LOAN WAS, ugh PIG :clown: yet he's complaining? That tells you how disingenuous, corrupt, and selfish he is




NAACP keeping their feet on Biden's neck, good



Edited by rihannabiggestfan
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23 minutes ago, rihannabiggestfan said:



And in the words of King Derrick,





But we all know Biden isn't cancelling ****, so I'm at least hoping for the next best thing

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The weakest and laziest president in history tho



GET TO WORK, CHOP CHOP! 45 million Americans have predatory student loans!

Edited by rihannabiggestfan
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Omg, even Schumer!!! 



When you're so out-of-touch/out-of-step with your political party that even Schumer is trying to pull you from the right to the left :rip:

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I may get dragged for this by my fellow Stan @rihannabiggestfan and I understand that 10k will not address the systemic issues that do desperately need addressing…


but I was the first person in my family to go to college and eventually complete my masters in a total of 5 years. I had to work full time serving tables at night while taking full class loads and doing a full time unpaid internship, but still needed loans to supplement what I wasn’t able to cover. In total I needed about $30k+ in loans. I graduated with my masters 3 years ago and got a decent job making about $60k per year (the field I’m in is notoriously low paying). However, I knew I needed my student loan debt gone, so I worked two additional jobs on the side and last month got my loan down to just about $9.5k.


So yes, I’m extremely grateful and happy with this forgiveness if it means I don’t have to kill my body working any longer trying not to cripple under debt. 

for some people, something is better than nothing and this will impact my life in ways I can’t imagine and means I won’t be pulling 80 hour work weeks for another 2 years.

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12 minutes ago, HelloLovato said:

I may get dragged for this by my fellow Stan @rihannabiggestfan and I understand that 10k will not address the systemic issues that do desperately need addressing…


but I was the first person in my family to go to college and eventually complete my masters in a total of 5 years. I had to work full time serving tables at night while taking full class loads and doing a full time unpaid internship, but still needed loans to supplement what I wasn’t able to cover. In total I needed about $30k+ in loans. I graduated with my masters 3 years ago and got a decent job making about $60k per year (the field I’m in is notoriously low paying). However, I knew I needed my student loan debt gone, so I worked two additional jobs on the side and last month got my loan down to just about $9.5k.


So yes, I’m extremely grateful and happy with this forgiveness if it means I don’t have to kill my body working any longer trying not to cripple under debt. 

for some people, something is better than nothing and this will impact my life in ways I can’t imagine and means I won’t be pulling 80 hour work weeks for another 2 years.

No, I wouldn't drag you for that :gaycat6: you have my respect


I would instead drag people who literally had tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans forgiven yet are against any loan forgiveness for others (students) :clownny: 




Not over $300k forgiven^ :deadvision: . If The Daily Caller can get that much forgiven, then you and I deserve at least that much too (more...since we're better :oh:), but fair enough

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4 hours ago, HelloLovato said:

I was the first person in my family to go to college and eventually complete my masters in a total of 5 years. I had to work full time serving tables at night while taking full class loads and doing a full time unpaid internship, but still needed loans to supplement what I wasn’t able to cover. In total I needed about $30k+ in loans. I graduated with my masters 3 years ago and got a decent job making about $60k per year (the field I’m in is notoriously low paying). However, I knew I needed my student loan debt gone, so I worked two additional jobs on the side and last month got my loan down to just about $9.5k.


No one is trying to get anyone nothing. But we're explaining why your payment experience is not universal or even reflective of the majority of those who cone from low-income backgrounds. 


Saying that you did x, y or z doesn't change that such are not actual realistic solutions for most people. I worry you dont realize such is seen as poverty porn by rich people to feel good about doing little. They wanna hear how we worked 120 hours a week and ate instant ramen and sold our stuff to pay off debt because they enjoy seeing us struggle because they don't think we ever deserved a space to be educated and degreed in the first place. They want us to jump through hoops they never would have to. 


What you did sis was commendable and you are strong and great and deserve to feel so proud for being the 1st in your family with a degree. It is a scary road we navigate often alone and you preservered, truly. 


But so many of us do not find ourselves in your current position. Many of us graduated college and found ourselves now the de-facto heads of households for poor, sickly or disabled parents. 


To see users more affluent than you and I post about "well I simply lived at home for 6 months to pay off $10k" in here and other threads? Some of us literally live at home and can't leave because our income is the central income keeping the household barely afloat. "Living at home" means two very different things for the affluent and working class, as I know you know. Or to see someone complain about how they spent $10k out of their savings to take advantage of no interest, not realizing the sheer class privilege one needs to just have $10k in savings. :doc:


The conversation isn't about trying to screw over the smaller population of people this would help, but to highlight the cruelty in just how many of us who don't meet the claims of "rich doctors" Biden will purposefully leave in tens of thousands of dollars in debt by only doing $10k forgiveness. When he has the power to literally erase it all. This is a choice he is making to leave 30M people in debt, even those of us who they claim to not want to insult or offend via helping doctors. 

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5 hours ago, HelloLovato said:

I may get dragged for this by my fellow Stan @rihannabiggestfan and I understand that 10k will not address the systemic issues that do desperately need addressing…


but I was the first person in my family to go to college and eventually complete my masters in a total of 5 years. I had to work full time serving tables at night while taking full class loads and doing a full time unpaid internship, but still needed loans to supplement what I wasn’t able to cover. In total I needed about $30k+ in loans. I graduated with my masters 3 years ago and got a decent job making about $60k per year (the field I’m in is notoriously low paying). However, I knew I needed my student loan debt gone, so I worked two additional jobs on the side and last month got my loan down to just about $9.5k.


So yes, I’m extremely grateful and happy with this forgiveness if it means I don’t have to kill my body working any longer trying not to cripple under debt. 

for some people, something is better than nothing and this will impact my life in ways I can’t imagine and means I won’t be pulling 80 hour work weeks for another 2 years.

I’m so happy for you ? this will help so many people 

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Expected to be announced later today:

 - $10k forgiveness for those who make under $125k a year

- One last extension (payments to likely resume in January 2023)

- No mention yet of what is happening on interest rates

- No mention of what alleged additional aid to Pell Grant recipients will include or if included in final plan. 


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11 minutes ago, GhostBox said:


This headline is dishonest. 


It is not an announcement of new relief. It is the DoE announcing that $10b has been forgiven from the extended PSLF program over the last 10 months. The issue being that there's no plans to extend such expansion of the PSLF beyond its expiration in October. 




The expanded waiver is good but like all things Biden does, it continually falls short and will have limited impact if they decide to let it expire in just 2 months time:




Sis, are you on Biden's payroll? It's one thing to defend him. It's another to post misinformation and fake headlines to convince people he's doing good while hiding from them the fact they if they want to be part of such a program they need to act NOW. :deadbanana4:

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it's still unclear whether private student loans (from Sallie Mae and Navient) fall into this forgiveness category.

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3 minutes ago, If U Seek Amy said:

Considering my loans are private I couldn’t care less honestly 

I know right.  Like....what do we get?

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43 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

It is good ???? Hopefully this continues 

Stop ******* posting misinformation to purposefully deceit people.   

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This will help me clear almost all of my student loans but, yes I agree there should be more for others. Nonetheless I am happy there is something and it will help others I know out immensely. 

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