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Student Debt - Update: GOP lawsuit attempts, Biden allows opt-out; FFEL restrictions


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Republicans will drag him for 10k, 50k or all debt so this decision is wimpy


But we're gonna have actually see it actually happen since he's ignored it for this long:coffee2:

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1 minute ago, Armani? said:

Republicans will drag him for 10k, 50k or all debt so this decision is wimpy


But we're gonna have actually see it actually happen since he's ignored it for this long:coffee2:

I could see alot of people not just republicans upset by any student loan forgiveness. 

reports are they might announce it tomorrow. 

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3 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

You will never have all of your student debt forgave.

Because Joe Biden doesn't want to forgive it, yes. You're literally repeating why people are outraged. 

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20 minutes ago, shookspeare said:

good thing I was on scholarship but this sounds pretty useless for people who went to private schools

As a private school student it's not much but any debt relief is nice. Interest is probably gonna make this mean nothing though but whatever :rip:

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5 minutes ago, Dula Peep said:

Ok don't take the free money then... :michael: :shakeno:

Do you have an actual point to make? Mine was that this isn’t enough to be significant relief for the average borrower, that this isn’t a permanent solution to any part of the problem, and that we know Biden could choose to do more if this was about solving the problem (it’s not).

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Just now, Communion said:

Because Joe Biden doesn't want to forgive it, yes. You're literally repeating why people are outraged. 

No president will. Doesn't matter if it’s Joe or Bernie or Attention seeker Nina. 

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18 minutes ago, Communion said:

I would honestly respect people more if they just went "I wanna feel bad for poor people, so I'll help them out but not TOO MUCH so they know their place". At least the honesty would be respectable. 


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1 minute ago, GhostBox said:

No president will.

Again, Joe Biden won't because he doesn't want to help people be lifted out of the debt he helped put them in. 


Who do you think you're convincing by gaslighting everyone? Do you think someone people will buy the claim that Joe has the authority to forgive $10k but not $50k?


So justify to us now why Joe Biden is right to think it's morally right to leave two-thirds of borrowers in debt. Don't lie to us about what he's doing with nonsense of "it's the best he can do". Stand by what he's doing and own it. 

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4 minutes ago, Cruel Summer said:

Do you have an actual point to make? Mine was that this isn’t enough to be significant relief for the average borrower, that this isn’t a permanent solution to any part of the problem, and that we know Biden could choose to do more if this was about solving the problem (it’s not).

You're right, giving everyone 10K doesn't solve anything at all and is just a huge waste of money :michael:  A better solution is to try to make state college free but that's a way more complicated task.

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8 minutes ago, bad guy said:

As a private school student it's not much but any debt relief is nice. Interest is probably gonna make this mean nothing though but whatever :rip:

It also goes against his previous policy promise he ran on that those of us who went to HBCUs and MSIs would have all our debt wiped out. :deadbanana4:

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26 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

If you don’t like it you have the right to vote for the only  other side who has a chance of winning who is offering……oh yeah nothing. 


Just because the other side offers nothing in comparison doesn't mean we can't correctly judge the Dems for doing the bare minimum. That level of complacency is not something to be proud of in this day and age where we have an even bigger platform via social media and country-wide outreach to let our voices be heard and encourage politicians to do what the voters and other Democratic politicians actually want. :skull:

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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

Again, Joe Biden won't because he doesn't want to help people be lifted out of the debt he helped put them in. 


Who do you think you're convincing by gaslighting everyone? Do you think someone people will buy the claim that Joe has the authority to forgive $10k but not $50k?


So justify to us now why Joe Biden is right to think it's morally right to leave two-thirds of borrowers in debt. Don't lie to us about what he's doing with nonsense of "it's the best he can do". Stand by what he's doing and own it. 

You ever thought he only doing 10k because he trying to avoid the bill from being block at the surpreme court. Don’t think that for one second republicans are going to try to block him or to take him to court for doing $10k

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3 minutes ago, Communion said:

It also goes against his previous policy promise he ran on that those of us went to HBCUs and MSIs would have all our debt wiped out. :deadbanana4:



His lies were really shameless. I would hope the NAACP holds him accountable for that.

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38 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

Boot lickers in here saying “something is better than nothing” are disgusting. A measure like this doesn’t do anything about high interest rates, and won’t help the majority of borrowers in a significant way. If this is how you expect to win ppl to your political side by expecting them to celebrate literal scraps thrown by the fed Gov. then **** you. 

Well said.



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4 minutes ago, Bandito said:

Just because the other side offers nothing in comparison doesn't mean we can't correctly judge the Dems for doing the bare minimum. That level of complacency is not something to be proud of in this day and age where we have an even bigger platform via social media and country-wide outreach to let our voices be heard and encourage politicians to do what the voters and other Democratic politicians actually want. :skull:

You can judge them but having the mentality like I’ve read in Here saying he should just Do nothing or they will persuade people to not vote  if he does 10k is being selfish and only hurting the ones it will help. And This will help millions of people. 

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3 minutes ago, Happylittlepunk said:

You ever thought he only doing 10k because he trying to avoid the bill from being block at the surpreme court. Don’t think that for one second republicans are going to try to block him or to take him to court for doing $10k

That's not how this works. 


He is not forgiving student debt through a bill. He would do it through executive order. 


Also, "Republicans" can't "block" him from forgiving debt via the SCOTUS. That's now how the law works. 


The only way the Supreme Court gets involved is by someone filing a lawsuit on the claim of damages. This would be an incredibly difficult thing to do as forgiving people's debts doesn't incur damages onto others. It is why we are only discussing forgiving public loans that the government holds. The government can't sue itself for damages. How does a random person make the argument they suffered financial damages through the forgiveness of others' debt?


Loan processors could try and sue for the cancelled contracts if he forgave all public debt, but then the damages are the lost contracts for their accounting services. The damages the court would reward them, if they did, would be monetary payments, not blocking the debt bering erased. 


Which goes to the point - once a debt is forgiven, it cannot be just put back. Not even through the court. Once Biden forgives any loans, a new president can't just come in and put them back. Same for the Supreme Court. 


And, to top it off, legislation was already passed that makes all student debt forgiven through the beginning of 2025 non-taxable income. There's no way for debts forgiven to be put back through some legal forgery. 


So no, no one has considered that Biden is doing $10k over $50k bexause of the concepts you mentioned because years worth of discourse and public research into this topic has shown that such is not actually possible of an obstacle. 

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I’m not sure I would qualify. Would this relief include private loans thru Navient? I went to ITT Tech (which is no longer even a school because of fraud). Loans were thru Sallie Mae. Than Navient bought Sallie Mae. I still owe $17k.  But these aren’t university loans, they are private, I’m guessing.

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1 minute ago, onapearl said:

I mean, I'm sorry I upset people with my post. But I also am a low-income, first-generation grad and I did everything I could to keep my student loan debt as low as possible, and that included a lot of compromise. I've also paid about a third of my original debt off. I just want this bone thrown my way and I'm afraid they're gonna take it away if people complain too much ?


You've not upset anyone. And I think it's frightening that we have to live in fear that rich politicians will offer zero in forgiveness if told how their ideas come up short. That's horrific and counterintuitive to anyone who hopes to get the Dem base excited for midterms. Partisan Dems pushing the "it's either $10k or we will give you brats nothing" line should realize the emotional damage they're doing to people like you or I or others whose votes they need. 

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How about he sends us $1000 checks every month to anyone who makes less than $75k a year. 

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3 minutes ago, spree said:

I’m not sure I would qualify. Would this relief include private loans thru Navient? I went to ITT Tech (which is no longer even a school because of fraud). Loans were thru Sallie Mae. Than Navient bought Sallie Mae. I still owe $17k.  But these aren’t university loans, they are private, I’m guessing.

Progressives have been pressuring the DoE to forgive private loans on the basis of laws based around fraud protection. They announced earlier this month that forgiveness would be rolled out for ITT Tech students who went to the school from 2005 to 2016. 




Does any of this apply for you?

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17 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

You can judge them but having the mentality like I’ve read in Here saying he should just Do nothing or they will persuade people to not vote  if he does 10k is being selfish and only hurting the ones it will help. And This will help millions of people. 

I mean, I don't have any real desire to police anyone on how they feel about the concept or the ways they'd like to make their voices heard (via abstaining from voting). They're entitled to that personal decision for themselves. The only problem I have with this student debt decision is that in the grand scheme of things when taking into account accumulating interest rates and skyrocketing college costs, 10k doesn't really do much to provide much aid (especially for me and my countless other post-college friends). It's a great step, but it's still not quite enough to combat the issue. It's like a band-aid for a sinking ship, it provides no significant relief and just temporarily delays the inevitable where that 10k will just immediately accumulate back when those extreme interest rates begin going back into effect. 

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We don’t want student debts forgiven for all borrowers. Tired of the RICH getting RICHER.:gaycat6:


$10k and means tested to $125k guarantees only those who truly need it get the immediate help they need. 

Then we can start looking at a holistic, forward-looking solution to the cost of education.

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6 minutes ago, Bandito said:

I mean, I don't have any real desire to police anyone on how they feel about the concept or the ways they'd like to make their voices heard (via abstaining from voting). They're entitled to that personal decision for themselves. The only problem I have with this student debt decision is that in the grand scheme of things when taking into account accumulating interest rates and skyrocketing college costs, 10k doesn't really do much to provide much aid (especially for me and my countless other post-college friends). It's a great step, but it's still not quite enough to combat the issue. It's like a band-aid for a sinking ship, it provides no significant relief and just temporarily delays the inevitable where that 10k will just immediately accumulate back when those extreme interest rates begin going back into effect. 

See that’s where we agree that it’s A great step but more should be done about the real issue of interest rates. Government is All about taking big or small steps in the right direction or in the wrong. Nothing gets fully achieved right away. To me this Is a step in the right direction and could lead to better things in the near future if this goes well. 

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5 minutes ago, Kassi said:

We don’t want student debts forgiven for all borrowers. Tired of the RICH getting RICHER.:gaycat6:


$10k and means tested to $125k guarantees only those who truly need it get the immediate help they need. 

Then we can start looking at a holistic, forward-looking solution to the cost of education.

I was thinking about this too. Why should rich people get even more debt forgiveness. ? 

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