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This Day in History: USSR signs treaty with Nazi Germany to slice up Europe


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On this day in history, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a “treaty of non-aggression,” that recognized each other’s right to carve up Europe into spheres of influence. This led to the invasion of and eventual partition of Poland, the Baltics, and was the catalyst to WWII. This is the reason why the West remembers the Second World War beginning in 1939, as opposed to 1941 like the Russians do. For a long time, the Soviets lied and denied the document’s existence until finally coming clean in the 1980s. Now they brag about it:

There are also essays written by Twitter communists about why this wasn’t actually bad, but I won’t include those and disrespect the victims of Soviet and Nazi aggression.


As we can see, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not the nation’s first flirtation with Nazism.

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Proof that the far left and far right can work together and compromise :clap3:

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13 minutes ago, @michael said:

Proof that the far left and far right can work together and compromise :clap3:


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22 minutes ago, @michael said:

Proof that the far left and far right can work together and compromise :clap3:

Neville Chamberlain, iconic far leftist setting the precedent. :clap3:

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30 minutes ago, @michael said:

Proof that the far left and far right can work together and compromise :clap3:

Far from it actually. Because Nazi Germany did the predictable thing that would be expected of the far right today and got greedy, so they blew up the arrangement and attempted a doomed invasion of the Soviet Union.

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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That tweet from Russia is so terrifying. :mazen: The way that it's been less than a century since WWII happened and there's already so many people downplaying how horrific the war truly was.

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Forced collectivism being evil? *pretends to be shocked*


Communism and Nazism are nothing but 2 sides of the same ****.

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2 hours ago, @michael said:

Proof that the far left and far right can work together and compromise :clap3:

I mean… :sistrens:

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