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Stranger Things vs Game of Thrones - bigger & better show?


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Both arguably the biggest shows to be released during the 10s but which one was bigger? And which show is better in your opinion? 

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Stranger Things has been more consistent with quality.


Game Of Thrones definitely felt more like the bigger FOMO/watercooler talk show, even as huge as Stranger Things is. Even the much maligned final season (and terrible finale) got tons of discussion and still won the Emmy for Best Drama Series. :rip: 

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they are very different and i love both but Game of Thrones has something that Stranger Things doesn't: a VERY rich and vast universe and history that can birth mutiple spin-offs, prequels and sequels. The source material is massive.


I don't really know how Netflix could expand Stranger Things universe. 

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ST (in general) has a bigger reach with younger teens and older people who are nostalgic for the 80s

GOT was mostly a niche with young adults being their biggest fanbase, little kids and boomers aren't into the shock factor of all the sex and violence


ST Season 1 >>> The entirety of GOT :gaycat:

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GOT remains undefeated as one of thee biggest and most discussed shows we've had in modern times. No other show has come close to its impact, influence and pandemonium. 


People are still discussing the series finale that will still insight outright debates in 2022. Some are still recovering from PTSD from that horrid finale and are in therapy learning how to cope with the fact that it's over.


That's that long-lasting impact :jonny5:

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I think GOT at its peak was much bigger and it has more potential for spin-offs that are also huge just because of how big and well developed the world is in the books. I think ST is better written and is more consistent though, especially if you compare it to any of GOT after season 4.

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Game of thrones has better actors, richer universe, better fleshed out characters, better storytelling, way better original music, costume, cinematography and it goes on.

To give you a hint of how high GOT standard is. 

GOT’s worst seasons (Season 7&8) is better than the best of ST. Both had alot of action and average/cringy dialogue but GOT edges out because of the reasons I listed above. 

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This scene is better than everything Stranger Things - and I’m a big fan of Stranger Things. 

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Bigger? I would say GOT no contest

Better? I would put GOT season 1-6 > ST 1,2, and 4 > GOT 7 > ST 3 > GOT 8


Overall I think GOT ran more consistent quality for more seasons, and has worked with a lot more themes than ST has. ST will probably be remembered more fondly as long as they can end it properly next season though. 

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I love both shows but GOT is bigger and better even with the terrible ending

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Game of Thrones and its not up for discussion. Despite the terrible ending it is still consistently among the most popular and in demand shows right now.  

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Game of Thrones’s last season was so bad that it tarnished the quality of the entire series.  Stranger things is better by default. 

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GOT is bigger no competition there. GOT is also better at first, but ST is better now. nothing can redeem the last season of GOT.

ST will be remembered fondly for years to come if they don't screw up the ending. GOT is barely even mentioned now because of that ending and the books that probably will never come :rip:

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Isn't GOT like the biggest show ever or something? 


As for quality GOT season 1-4 are almost perfect television. After that it gets messy and we all know how it ended. 


Stranger Things season 1 and 4 are great, 2 is decent but I thought season 3 was kinda bad. Still I'd say Stranger Things is more consistently good overall. 

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Game of Thrones is in a league of it's own, ST will never come close to it, it's bigger and better and i'm a fan of both..

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GoT was just phenomenal even if you include the messy last 2 seasons

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