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Heartbreaking episode. From Sam and Henry to Joel bring scared for Ellie, this show can pull emotions like no other. Melanie was better this episode but I can think of several actresses who could’ve pulled this role far better and more convincingly.

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I haven't found the show scary at all so far, but the scene inside the truck was actually so scary :chick2:

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Kathleen was better this episode. I gave ha flack but I kind of understand her purpose a little more now and why they are going this route with this kind of naggy entitled Karen character. They even tried to humanize her with a backstory. It’s much more believable than a bad character that just likes bloodlust. Her acting was questionable at some points tho and I still couldn’t take her seriously. :rip: 


They’re really just setting up for a future of characters that strive for vengeance after losing someone important to them, trying to justify their actions, and showing both sides of the story.  So it’ll save them from the backlash and it’s easier to digest that not everyone is innocent. They kind of throw it in your face a little too much like girl we get it. :skull:  Like yeah people are gonna die… which is terrible but like inevitable?


Edited by Starshine
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Kathleens reaction when the bloater was approaching was kinda odd. She didn’t look scared at all and her reaction was so slow.

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The show is good but overhyped in my opinion. Every episode (sans ep 3)  has been Joel and Ellie going through some obstacles to get to their destination. I don’t understand the praise for the story when it’s nothing special so far. I have not played the games so maybe the plot will thicken as the season progresses, so I will refrain from forming a conclusive opinion until the end of the season.


Another pet peeve I have with the show is the dialogue. It’s so juvenile and cringe worthy at  times, especially Ellie’s dialogue. The way they’re trying to make her this sassy teenage girl is not working.

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great episode

my only thing is i wish they showed the bloater killing more people 

also henry is SO fine he can get this post-apocalyptic bussy anytime he wants to :WAP:

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What an amazing episode, one of my favourites so far. Bella's acting in the scene when it all goes down with Henry and Sam was stunning. 

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aw.. that lil boy was so cute (and a good actor) but i kinda saw a sad end coming. although it was more traumatic than sad.

def a good ep tho. preferred it to the previous :clap3:

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Thought this episode was dragging for the first half but in retrospect it was necessary to show more of Kathleen, Harry and Sam's backstory. The second half really picked up though, it was amazing and very videogame like: from the sniper section and the horde of infected to the tragic ending.


Bloater was super cool and they portrayed its strength very well but I wish they showed us more of it, along with its signature bombs. The infected child was super creepy, hands down the scariest infected person they've shown so far.


I have to admit though that the ending didn't hit as hard as it did in the games. Maybe it's because I knew it was coming, maybe it was because they changed it a little so as viewers we were aware Sam could turn at any moment or maybe a combination of both. When he asked Ellie to stay up with him though... That broke me. It was also so nice seeing Ellie's naivety in thinking her blood would stop Sam's infection and then facing the consequences of what happened next. Beautiful character development there.

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6 hours ago, Oscar Isaac said:

I never ended up buying Melanie Lynskey as Kathleen. They should have gotten someone like Kathy Bates in that part.

I thought she was perfect honestly. The fact that she has this sweet voice and demeanor but can switch up instantly to this ruthless emotionless tyrant (like in that great scene in her childhood bedroom) made all the more frightening and unpredictable. Wish the role was bigger tbh.

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Dunno what it is about this show that has me perpetually crying but pretty much anytime Sam was on screen I lost it. Ending was gut-wrenching.


Also Bella Ramsey is explosively good in this role, huh? Emmy when? :clap3:



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Another great episode! I was a little worried they wouldn’t include the sniper scene (I enjoyed that entire sequence in the game) but I love the way they included it and tweaked it to fit the story. Although I knew what was coming with Sam and Henry, I still tried to convince myself it wasn’t going to happen as I really liked their characters and Sam was so cute. I do think that scene was more shocking in the video game though, because Sam being infected was kept from the viewers until he actually turned and attacked Ellie. 

I was not expecting an Agnes Obel song to play at the end. Whoever is in charge of the music for this show has immaculate taste. 



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Great episode :clap3: The bloater & clickers looked amazing!


Sam & Henry's story was so sad by the very ending :cries: The way Joel would be devastated if he lost Ellie the way he lost Sarah & Henry lost Sam. :cries:


Also we finally lost Kar... I mean Kathleen :clap3:

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I’m intrigued to see how the night change will affect the viewership, as I assume not every casual viewer will have realised it aired early. 

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3 hours ago, Wrecked said:

I do think that scene was more shocking in the video game though, because Sam being infected was kept from the viewers until he actually turned and attacked Ellie.

It's kept from Ellie, but not from the viewer; remember after Ellie leaves the room (after saying she's afraid to end up alone and didn't believe in heaven), we see Sam roll up his pant leg and the camera focuses on his bite. So the next morning, when Ellie goes to wake him up, we already know he's turned and will likely attack her.


I therefore didn't think it was less shocking done this way, and I guess they changed it up just to show Ellie's naivety with thinking her blood is medicine. That said, I still prefer the game version because it also makes Ellie look like a huge idiot for trying her experiment (RUBBING blood on a wound) and then taking zero precautions otherwise :rip: Like sis, he could have turned in the night and killed Joel and Henry.

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Ellies shriek/reaction to Henrys suicide at the end felt so real. Bella is killing it in this role :clap3:


And the “I’m Sorry” on the pad…:sad:


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7 minutes ago, feelslikeadream said:

It's kept from Ellie, but not from the viewer; remember after Ellie leaves the room (after saying she's afraid to end up alone and didn't believe in heaven), we see Sam roll up his pant leg and the camera focuses on his bite. So the next morning, when Ellie goes to wake him up, we already know he's turned and will likely attack her.


I therefore didn't think it was less shocking done this way, and I guess they changed it up just to show Ellie's naivety with thinking her blood is medicine. That said, I still prefer the game version because it also makes Ellie look like a huge idiot for trying her experiment (RUBBING blood on a wound) and then taking zero precautions otherwise :rip: Like sis, he could have turned in the night and killed Joel and Henry.

Maybe that was her plan after Sam fell asleep to tell Joel and Henry. But she promised to stay up till he fell asleep and she accidentally did aswell. Yes it was very careless of her but humans make mistakes and Ellie is still a child, who was raised within the safety of FEDRA away from the infected and “dangers”. The fact she tried to heal him with her own blood proves how naive and little she knows still. 

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1 hour ago, feelslikeadream said:

It's kept from Ellie, but not from the viewer; remember after Ellie leaves the room (after saying she's afraid to end up alone and didn't believe in heaven), we see Sam roll up his pant leg and the camera focuses on his bite. So the next morning, when Ellie goes to wake him up, we already know he's turned and will likely attack her.


I therefore didn't think it was less shocking done this way, and I guess they changed it up just to show Ellie's naivety with thinking her blood is medicine. That said, I still prefer the game version because it also makes Ellie look like a huge idiot for trying her experiment (RUBBING blood on a wound) and then taking zero precautions otherwise :rip: Like sis, he could have turned in the night and killed Joel and Henry.

Yeah, I didn’t mean to type viewers, I just didn’t proof-read my message properly after submitting it lol. I meant to say that it felt more shocking to see it unfold, because I remember being on the edge of my seat when Ellie walked into his room, but in the show she knew there was a high chance he was going to turn. I don’t think the show made Ellie look like an idiot though, it was probably to show us that she’s still just a kid. I think it’s easy to forget that she’s only 14 years old. 

After rewatching the episode, there were parts I did prefer over the game. The little shriek Bella does after Henry shoot’s himself was so well done and realistic. 

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One thing I’m finding each episode is that I keep looking at how much time is left and thinking “how are they going to show x” but they always find a way. It’s hard to remember that a lot of what we see in the game is done through gameplay, so it will be condensed down. I was worried the ending was going to feel rushed, but it really didn’t. I love that they’ve kept most of the same story beats but adapted it differently for television. That sniper section was different in the game, but similar enough that it didn’t feel like a complete deviation.

They’ve been nailing this show so far for me. I never wanted this game to become a movie or a show, as I didn’t think it’d capture the same magic, but I’m happy to have been proven wrong. 

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Kathleen was a fantastic casting imo. The difference between who you think she is from her voice and look and who she really is. Who she was made by her brothers death. She played this so wonderful and realistic.


On 2/8/2023 at 2:23 AM, Dystopian said:

thought the same thing. she's not convincing at her role at all, like there's no way all these people are letting this lady be their leader :)

There's obviously a history before  the things we see happening in the show. The show literally spells it out for you:


"We loved your brother but he didn't change a thing. You did. We're with you." He said that almost straight to the camera. :rip: 



In the end the show wants to show different human reactions to the same evil. And what made Kathleen so evil was who she became from something she had no control over. And that's what makes this interesting. Who would you become in this scenario?


Plus she was ruthless, probably worse than most men on her team. 

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2 minutes ago, Daddy said:

Kathleen was a fantastic casting imo. The difference between who you think she is from her voice and look and who she really is. Who she was made by her brothers death. She played this so wonderful and realistic.


There's obviously a history before  the things we see happening in the show. The show literally spells it out for you:


"We loved your brother but he didn't change a thing. You did. We're with you." He said that almost straight to the camera. :rip: 



In the end the show wants to show different human reactions to the same evil. And what made Kathleen so evil was who she became from something she had no control over. And that's what makes this interesting. Who would you become in this scenario?


Plus she was ruthless, probably worse than most men on her team. 

i said that in response to episode 4 before we got to know more about her this episode. i hadn't completely written her off, i just wasn't convinced based on what we had saw of her so far. i actually wish they would've kept her around longer, as she's a truly terrifying character in the way that someone like her wouldn't have any authority in the real world but when when they do get it they go crazy with power. having her die at the hands of a child clicker a few moments after telling henry that children die all the time was very poetic, stuff like that is what makes the show so good.

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I’m already seeing them setting up the groundwork for adapting Part II with the way…



Kathleen‘s journey for revenge panned out. If she would have just forgiven Henry and let him and Sam leave, she wouldn’t have gotten her team and herself killed and doomed the rest of Kansas. Which foreshadows a lot of stuff with Abby and Ellie. 


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