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There are no POC video game characters. Surprised?


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tomb raider uncharted and god of war are developed by white people. i feel like if nintendo was developing mario and link today they’d put asian characters as the leads but it’s a shame they didn’t back then 

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28 minutes ago, Nip Tuck said:

 now you know what they meant


Nah but fr the real resolution to this would be hiring more POC creators for these major game brands. 

Videogames follow a similar process to those who make movies and TV shows. Most movies that have Black or POC cast generally have Black/POC writers and etc to share their perspective which makes films more realistic. Most videogames creators are white so the results will usually reflect. There’s been more diversity in games since 2015 tho.

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17 minutes ago, Devin said:


Nah but fr the real resolution to this would be hiring more POC creators for these major game brands. 

Videogames follow a similar process to those who make movies and TV shows. Most movies that have Black or POC cast generally have Black/POC writers and etc to share their perspective which makes films more realistic. Most videogames creators are white so the results will usually reflect. There’s been more diversity in games since 2015 tho.

Exactly this. Maybe it’s controversial to say but I’d rather have less POC characters if they’re all written by white people. It’s never gonna be an authentic representation that way.


I think also a major problem is the vocal minority in gaming is constantly complaining about “forced diversity” whenever a character isn’t a straight white man, so the characters never really get a fair chance in discourse.

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Mario is a POC. He's Italian :biblio:

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Y’all haven’t played Mortal Kombat I’m guessing? Liu Kang, Asian? Jax, Black? Nightwolf, Native American? Every other character having an Asian background as well. 

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The Walking Dead game series had POC protagonists, Mirror's Edge had an Asian female protagonist, Persona series always had Japanese teenagers, etc. 


There are POC characters in video games but I do get your point that there are not nearly as many games with POC main characters as there should be, yes.

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3 minutes ago, BGKC said:


i cant :bibliahh: 

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Lucian does not slay for this disrespect.


Ekko, Senna, and Nid too.



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1 hour ago, Frogger17 said:

In any event, there's still Sailor Moon and Digimon, so my point still stands.

You’re still wrong though… Digimon Adventure (season 1) explicitly states that the characters are Japanese and that the events happening in the “real world” are set in Japan. It uses real locations in Japan as settings for those events. In season 2 (Adventure 02) they even go out of their way to have an international tour where they meet digidestined from across the world (including ones who are white from Europe and America). In the American localization all of these are still true, but obviously as a children’s show they tone down some of the cultural references, have the characters speak English, and change their names. The characters in the dub still live in Japan and are Japanese though. Maybe their race doesn’t come through obviously in the animation, but that can be attributed to the art style. It’s not intentional to make them look or be white. 

OT -

In the latest Uncharted, the leads are women of colour. Just because the franchise started with Nathan Drake doesn’t mean he’s the only character to be a lead. 


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6 minutes ago, youreyesgocold said:

You’re still wrong though… Digimon Adventure (season 1) explicitly states that the characters are Japanese and that the events happening in the “real world” are set in Japan. It uses real locations in Japan as settings for those events. In season 2 (Adventure 02) they even go out of their way to have an international tour where they meet digidestined from across the world (including ones who are white from Europe and America). In the American localization all of these are still true, but obviously as a children’s show they tone down some of the cultural references, have the characters speak English, and change their names. The characters in the dub still live in Japan and are Japanese though. Maybe their race doesn’t come through obviously in the animation, but that can be attributed to the art style. It’s not intentional to make them look or be white. 

OT -

In the latest Uncharted, the leads are women of colour. Just because the franchise started with Nathan Drake doesn’t mean he’s the only character to be a lead. 


chloe fraizer not a white woman? i wanted to play as queen nadine the whole time :jonny: was waiting for her segment of the game and it never came smh

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4 minutes ago, bijonse said:

chloe fraizer not a white woman? i wanted to play as queen nadine the whole time :jonny: was waiting for her segment of the game and it never came smh

I’m pretty sure she’s half Indian right? I did a quick Google search and it seems she’s Indian on her fathers side. But I don’t remember where I learned this or where it was discussed in-game. 

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Tell me you barely play video games without telling me you barely play video games.



But open a character creator in literally any RPG and look at the options for black or curly hairstyles or decent non-white facial features in general and it immediately becomes obvious that there's a serious problem in the industry, so in a very roundabout way OP isn't wrong


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she deserved better :chick3:Urban+Chaos+(USA)-image.jpg

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2 hours ago, Devin said:

So you want Black folks in a game but not act Black?

"Act black"? 


Please explain what that means. And how that is how a group that numbers over a billion somehow acts the same because they have a darker complexion? 

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2 hours ago, Devin said:

There are plenty games with POC in them. They just aren’t on your radar.

There's definitely been a lack of representation overall in the past, though it's gotten way better over the last decade.


Huge IPs like World Of Warcraft for example have added customizations for their characters where every playable humanoid race can be dark skinned!

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uhmm excuse me? 



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