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Golden Hit: Season 2 📀 Congratulations Hug! 🏆


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2 minutes ago, fountain said:

ma'am, you have the highest scored song of the season. you're going nowhere, and you'll accept this praise! :jonny6:


plus, let's not forget the résumé. you were #4 overall in season 1 too. you've BEEN slaying. :clap3:

those receipts, get her!

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The time has come. The moment of truth. The announcement of the WINNER of Golden Hit: Season 2.




























After six gruelling challenges that pushed you all to your absolute limits...






































After weeks of sweat, bloodshed, and plenty of tears...


























...okay maybe that's a little melodramatic...




































...but there were tears of joy, I have no doubt! From us judges, if nobody else...

Without further ado, the winner of Golden Hit...

Winning with a margin of less than 0.3 of a point...

Yes, sadly this time there are no ties, and only one victor will emerge...

In fact, either one of you would have won at one point in the tournament...

But there can only be one winner's announcement...

With an insanely high average score of...


The winner of Golden Hit Season 2...






Congratulations to the winner of Golden Hit Season 2! Wow, what a moment. Would you have expected to be here a few rounds a go? You’ve definitely had an interesting run this season especially with the whole “novel” debacle, but I don’t want to talk about that. I want to talk about how you’ve ended up here, instead. In Round 1 you impressed us with your thoughtful and poignant take on feminism with Lilith, in round 2 you played the game your way with Checkmate, in round 3 you shined with the lovely and nostalgic Welcome to the Club, in round 4 you blew us away with your creativity with [C:\DIGITAL-DYSTOPIA], in round 5 you decimated our heartstrings with The You I Remember, and in round six you fought back against writers block and earned your first number #1 with the fantastic Deep in the Expanse, ultimately securing your win with the highest average score of the season. With each song you’ve shown your immense talent with writing, and the wonderful skill that you possess of writing about so many different topics and in different styles; truly, looking back through your entries is like looking at a rainbow of some sort, with each entry having its own unique shade to it, and I hope you are really proud of all of this. You absolutely deserve this and it’s thanks to your passion for writing that we can now officially call you the winner of Golden Hit Season 2, and all that is left to say it’s congratulations.


Rank Writer Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Average
1 @Hug 8.625 7.963 8.313 9.375 9.25 9.25 8.796

Which means the runner up of Golden Hit Season 2 is of course...



Congrats on placing second overall this season! Honestly where do I even begin? There’s so much that has already been said and made clear about how fantastic you are as a writer, but, care to hear it one more time? It’s very obvious to anybody who gets to read your entries that you are an incredibly talented writer, you have such a natural way with words and you’ve really blown us away with your entries this season. While you were consistently great throughout the first season, this second season has truly been your moment and you absolutely steamrolled the first few rounds which was incredible. While we might have inevitably seen a slight slack in your rankings, I want to be clear that even in those songs you still showed such a skill for writing that I hope you know above all else, and that personally you have impressed me to such a high degree throughout the entire season. Truly, you have something special, and you should know that. From I Walk Alone to Mortal Muse and Love Under a Blue Tarp, to Autumn and A Conversation with Nik, and finally Their Names, you’ve done an amazing job and I hope you are really proud of what you’ve achieved. Thank you for playing, and I look forward to seeing what you do next!


Rank Writer Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Average
2 @StormFury 8.913 8.645 9.313 8 7.395 8.813 8.513
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Congratulations to both of you and to everyone else too :heart: 

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:party::party: :party: 


I honestly wish we could have had a repeat of last season, because you BOTH deserve a win, but you should both know that you did an absolutely tremendous job this season!


@Hug I know you had a lot of doubts at the start of the season, so I'm happy to see your muse really come through the second half of this season, even when it was writing about nothing :jonny:. You were an ATRL songwriting legend even before this season, but this win just further cements you as a PH/SOTS/GH deity


@StormFury your run this season was rivaled by absolutely no one - it was such a pleasure opening your entries 0.5 seconds after the challenge was posted each week to find such beautifully written entries every round. You've left your mark as one of the best all-time writers we've seen in these games this season. Wherever you decide to go from here, you've already proven yourself

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Congratulations to both of you!! Frankly either one of you would have made for a fantastic winner, and as Aurora said, at different points you both were ranking at #1. You should both be so immensely proud of what you've written this season. You're both talents and we were lucky to get to read your writing. :heart::heart:


@StormFury you've had such an impressive track record this season, winning two rounds and placing top 3 in four of them. You're amazing, and a writing titan. Amazing job this season. 


and @Hug, our winner, I'm so happy for you! You're a songwriting legend here, and we probably wouldn't even be here if you didn't help cultivate the writing community on here over many years. You've done a fantastic job this season, congratulations!





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"I fought to get this far…not just these last few days

At this point, for me, it’s been about a decade"


I've been playing/judging/hosting these songwriting games pretty much the whole time I've had an account on ATRL. I won Platinum Hit Season 2 sometime in 2013 (if memory serves :skull:) but that was without any formal finale. Doing the math, I didn't even win by average.


Ever since then, I've wanted to win one of these games on my own merits, seeing it through to the end and feeling I could proudly say I deserved my victory.


So this line wasn't just an exaggeration. It's been about a decade I've been trying to win...not because I felt like I had to prove it to everybody else, but to myself. I am fully able to make it to the end and win because of what I wrote, and not because a host happened to choose me as a winner at random. I wanted to believe that, and with how close I've been (there's no way I can say I've participated in more of these finales than anyone else on ATRL and have it not sound like a humblebrag, but it's just a fact, but I often ended up 3rd or 2nd...close, but no cigar as they'd say!) I knew it was possible in theory, but I didn't want to settle with the "it could happen if the stars aligned"...I wanted it to happen so I could finally shrug the idea that my win deserves an asterisk by it.


Although now that it happened, I wonder if I should really make this the end. I'm sure people are sick of my ass showing up in these games all the time and now I really do have nothing left to prove so...we'll see. :skull:


But thank you to fountain and Aurora for keeping songwriting games alive here, along with Jackson and 8th for reading and reviewing songs every week. It really can be a thankless job and I know that firsthand. I and so many others truly appreciate all that you have done <3

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1 hour ago, Aurora said:



Which leaves us with the Top 2 of Round 6's Mix N Match challenge! @Hug and @JoeAg you both extremely impressed us, scoring multiple 10s each.

At #2 this round we have a writer who unfortunately extremely disappointed us this round, and left us with nothing positive to say whatsoever...


  Hide contents

...such a writer obviously does not exist! Which means there's no #2, which can only mean the winner of Round 6, earning a Golden Hit Token is:


? @Hug with “Deep in the Expanse”. ?
 ? @JoeAg with “Eleventh Hour”. ?

Congratulations to you both!! Both of these songs were 10s for me, and I'm so glad this was the result that we ended up with between all of us judges.
You've BOTH earned your first #1 hits in Golden Hit, and BOTH earned a Golden Hit token moving into the finale. Congratulations! :heart:

oh HOLY SH*T??? thank you guys so much omg! :heart: I'm glad y'all liked this song, i had the intention that it'd be a powerful one

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I can't even put into words how elated I am by this result. @Hug you've been such an incredible beacon of hope for the ATRL songwriting community for... literally a decade at the end of this month. This is such an incredible full circle moment and I think it just goes to show that consistency is absolutely key when it comes to Golden Hit! You've sadly shown a fair bit of self doubt throughout this season but I sincerely hope this has obliterated any notions of that moving forward, not that you even needed this win to prove that you're an incredible writer and someone I'm honoured to call a collaborator and friend. :heart:


@StormFury, I honestly don't know what to say other than CONGRATULATIONS, you absolutely collected everything in your path when you came into this tournament like a true hurricane on a mission, and although the storm may have subsided marginally, you finished strong and ended up in the runner up position with an absolutely incredible season average. Having placed second in an ATRL writing tournament not once, but twice myself—I know there's probably a mixed bag of emotions you may be feeling right now, but in the end all that matters is you're an incredible writer and we know if you keep displaying this level of talent it's literally only a matter of time before the title of Winner of Golden Hit is yours, too.


@Euterpe, what a stomp you've served this season. The versatility, the creativity, the growth... I see no reason why you should continue to doubt yourself when week after week you've displayed such an amazing understanding of songwriting and how to tug at our emotions in the best possible way. I hope we get to see you next season, and many future seasons to come!


As for everyone else, I genuinely want to say how much it means to us that you're willing to share your art with us; your thoughts, your creative energy, your raw and refined emotions alike. It's truly special and we are absolutely privileged to be in a position where you trust us to read your works and provide whatever insights we can week in and week out. Without you and your willingness to be vulnerable, we simply wouldn't be able to host these tournaments, so it really is thanks to you all that any of this is still possible after almost 10 years of songwriting on this website.


We still need to post final charts, but after that, another season of Golden Hit has come to a close. :weeps: Make sure to keep an eye out for Season 3 teasers and announcements—and maybe a few surprises in between—in the ATRL Songwriter's Studio thread! Otherwise, we'll see you in 2023! :duca:

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2 minutes ago, Hug said:

Although now that it happened, I wonder if I should really make this the end. I'm sure people are sick of my ass showing up in these games all the time and now I really do have nothing left to prove so...we'll see. :skull:


But thank you to fountain and Aurora for keeping songwriting games alive here, along with Jackson and 8th for reading and reviewing songs every week. It really can be a thankless job and I know that firsthand. I and so many others truly appreciate all that you have done <3

I've thought the same thing - after my first win (and then hosting a season I probably shouldn't have) I left these games for 4 years, but I've really enjoyed my time since coming back last year. And then I thought the same thing after GH1, and I probably would have left again if I hadn't been asked to judge, but I've had a lot of fun this season too. But I relate to feeling like I should just retire :skull:. Whether you take some time off or not, I for one hope you stick around!


As for your last point, I really want to emphasize that all the contestants have been absolutely wonderful this season. There have definitely been some drama-filled seasons in the past, but the GH era seems to have left that behind. It makes it much more rewarding judging knowing that our words are appreciated

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6 minutes ago, Hug said:

"I fought to get this far…not just these last few days

At this point, for me, it’s been about a decade"


I've been playing/judging/hosting these songwriting games pretty much the whole time I've had an account on ATRL. I won Platinum Hit Season 2 sometime in 2013 (if memory serves :skull:) but that was without any formal finale. Doing the math, I didn't even win by average.


Ever since then, I've wanted to win one of these games on my own merits, seeing it through to the end and feeling I could proudly say I deserved my victory.


So this line wasn't just an exaggeration. It's been about a decade I've been trying to win...not because I felt like I had to prove it to everybody else, but to myself. I am fully able to make it to the end and win because of what I wrote, and not because a host happened to choose me as a winner at random. I wanted to believe that, and with how close I've been (there's no way I can say I've participated in more of these finales than anyone else on ATRL and have it not sound like a humblebrag, but it's just a fact, but I often ended up 3rd or 2nd...close, but no cigar as they'd say!) I knew it was possible in theory, but I didn't want to settle with the "it could happen if the stars aligned"...I wanted it to happen so I could finally shrug the idea that my win deserves an asterisk by it.


Although now that it happened, I wonder if I should really make this the end. I'm sure people are sick of my ass showing up in these games all the time and now I really do have nothing left to prove so...we'll see. :skull:


But thank you to fountain and Aurora for keeping songwriting games alive here, along with Jackson and 8th for reading and reviewing songs every week. It really can be a thankless job and I know that firsthand. I and so many others truly appreciate all that you have done <3



I thought that line might be a reference to your time here, what a beautiful lyric.


You did it, legend. :clap3:


and uh, no, it just wouldn't be right for you to make this the end! Nobody else could fill your place. You have to go on forever, and ever, and ever. You're like the Cher of ATRL songwriters. :jonny2:

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6 minutes ago, Aurora said:

As for everyone else, I genuinely want to say how much it means to us that you're willing to share your art with us; your thoughts, your creative energy, your raw and refined emotions alike. It's truly special and we are absolutely privileged to be in a position where you trust us to read your works and provide whatever insights we can week in and week out. Without you and your willingness to be vulnerable, we simply wouldn't be able to host these tournaments, so it really is thanks to you all that any of this is still possible after almost 10 years of songwriting on this website.

this, x100!! 


There's no game without the amazing writers behind it, so thank you to everybody who picked up a pen (figuratively or literally), wrote something for this season, and felt trusting enough to share it with us. You're all wonderful people. :bird:

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13 minutes ago, Hug said:

"I fought to get this far…not just these last few days

At this point, for me, it’s been about a decade"


I've been playing/judging/hosting these songwriting games pretty much the whole time I've had an account on ATRL. I won Platinum Hit Season 2 sometime in 2013 (if memory serves :skull:) but that was without any formal finale. Doing the math, I didn't even win by average.


Ever since then, I've wanted to win one of these games on my own merits, seeing it through to the end and feeling I could proudly say I deserved my victory.


So this line wasn't just an exaggeration. It's been about a decade I've been trying to win...not because I felt like I had to prove it to everybody else, but to myself. I am fully able to make it to the end and win because of what I wrote, and not because a host happened to choose me as a winner at random. I wanted to believe that, and with how close I've been (there's no way I can say I've participated in more of these finales than anyone else on ATRL and have it not sound like a humblebrag, but it's just a fact, but I often ended up 3rd or 2nd...close, but no cigar as they'd say!) I knew it was possible in theory, but I didn't want to settle with the "it could happen if the stars aligned"...I wanted it to happen so I could finally shrug the idea that my win deserves an asterisk by it.


Although now that it happened, I wonder if I should really make this the end. I'm sure people are sick of my ass showing up in these games all the time and now I really do have nothing left to prove so...we'll see. :skull:


But thank you to fountain and Aurora for keeping songwriting games alive here, along with Jackson and 8th for reading and reviewing songs every week. It really can be a thankless job and I know that firsthand. I and so many others truly appreciate all that you have done <3

Winning PH2 by average, hosting SOTS2 which was average, and winning GH2 by average... a visionary. :eek:


I really am proud of everything you've accomplished this season; you're only the third to win an ATRL songwriting tournament twice (after @Prisoner and @Jackson), and the first to win a season of Golden Hit standalone! Like 8thPrince, you earned your first #1 and Golden Hit Token in the finale round, securing your overall victory. I wonder if this will be a pattern in future seasons?

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Rank Writer Song Title Score
@Hug “Deep in the Expanse”
@JoeAg “Eleventh Hour”
3 @StormFury “Their Names” 8.813
@Julia Fox “the knife that changed it all”
@Remmy “Being Myself”
6 @TruGemini “Applause” 8.125
7 @Euterpe “My New Birthday” 8
8 @XO_Life “Evilist” / “Evilist (After Thoughts)” 7.938
9 @worldwide angel “nevermore” 7.875
10 @Legend E “Creating Oceans (The Book)” 7.708
11 @Augmented “The Surrender” 7.438
12 @beatinglikeadrum “alcohol dependence syndrome/abandoned child syndrome” 7.23



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Golden Hit: Season 2 📀 Final Season Chart

Rank Writer Song Title Score Peak Round
1 Euterpe “Wasteland” 9.613 1 4
2 beatinglikeadrum “C₁₃H₁₆N₂O₂” 9.413 1 5
3 Legend E “Spa Night” 9.4 1 2
4 Hug “[C:\DIGITAL-DYSTOPIA]” (feat. Alluring Name) 9.375 2 4
5 StormFury “Love Under a Blue Tarp” 9.313 1 3
Hug “The You I Remember”
2 5
Hug “Deep in the Expanse”
JoeAg “Eleventh Hour”
10 Euterpe “Did you hear that?” 9.125 4 5
11 Remmy “Family Tree” 8.918 2 3
12 StormFury “I Walk Alone” 8.913 1 1
13 worldwide angel “Twilight” 8.888 5 5
14 StormFury “Their Names” 8.813 3 6
15 Kylie Jenner “Ephemeral” 8.75 6 5
16 JoeAg “Tyto Alba” 8.738 2 1
17 Augmented “The Fall” 8.688 7 5
18 StormFury “Mortal Muse” 8.645 2 2
Augmented “Night owl”
Hug “Lilith”
21 Legend E “Floating By (¿-zzz-?)” 8.563 8 5
22 Augmented “The Battle” 8.518 3 4
23 Achilles. “Hibernate” 8.505 5 1
24 TruGemini “Same Old Discussions” 8.45 9 5
Temporal “Halcyon’s Wings”
6 1
worldwide angel “clarity control” 3 2
XO_Life “Only Ones Who Know” 4 4
Remmy “THE ZOO”
7 1
worldwide angel “Sweet Revival” 3 3
Julia Fox “the knife that changed it all”
Remmy “Being Myself”
32 Jack! “Teddy Bear” 8.37 8 1
beatinglikeadrum “The King”
Hug “Welcome to the Club”
Julia Fox “Blurry” 10 5
36 Euterpe “Five Stages” 8.25 4 2
Achilles. “All Around the Christmas Tree”
6 3
Legend E “Interviewing Myself” 5 4
39 TruGemini “Applause” 8.125 6 6
40 Augmented “Nature’s Law” 8.105 7 3
41 JoeAg “It’s Your Shade of Blue Now” 8.063 6 4
42 Julia Fox “vintage” 8.025 5 2
Euterpe “God-given”
8 3
StormFury “Autumn” 7 4
Euterpe “My New Birthday” 7 6
46 Hug “Checkmate” 7.963 6 2
JoeAg “Conifers Smile On”
9 3
XO_Life “Evilist” / “Evilist (After Thoughts)” 8 6
49 worldwide angel “nevermore” 7.875 9 6
50 Gavin. “Stung” 7.83 9 1
51 Legend E “Sycamore” 7.813 10 3
52 TruGemini “Long Road” 7.77 8 4
53 JoeAg “Felt You Watching Over Me” 7.75 11 5
Euterpe “Small Beginnings”
10 1
XO_Life “Old Oak Tree” 11 3
Legend E “Creating Oceans (The Book)” 10 6
57 Legend E “Moving With The Speed of Light” 7.675 11 1
58 Kylie Jenner “Eve” 7.625 12 1
59 DatChickDoe “Bite” 7.583 13 1
60 JoeAg “Nightlife Empress” 7.525 7 2
Julia Fox “Crying Birds”
worldwide angel “Eternal”
63 TruGemini “Little White Lie” 7.463 8 2
64 Augmented “The Surrender” 7.438 11 6
65 Achilles. “Good Enough for Me” 7.4 9 2
66 StormFury “A Conversation With Nik” 7.395 12 5
67 beatinglikeadrum “xxx (forbidden prayer)” 7.313 9 4
68 Temporal “In Spades” 7.3 10 2
69 TruGemini “Whisked Away” 7.283 16 1
XO_Life “Body Make-Up”
17 1
Gavin. “Roots Keep Me Here” 12 3
Better Mistakes “Cruel World” 10 4
73 beatinglikeadrum “alcohol dependence syndrome/abandoned child syndrome” 7.23 12 6
74 beatinglikeadrum “Running away from the sun” 7.213 11 2
75 Julia Fox “I will know” 7.188 11 4
76 Kylie Jenner “This Is War” 7.125 12 4
77 camfuckingrockwell “Paradise” 7.063 13 5
78 EpicSongFan “Sweet Escape” 6.855 18 1
79 Augmented “Rule The Game” 6.838 12 2
80 Kylie Jenner “Big Girl (Bang Bang)” 6.775 13 2
81 Allday “Night Terrors” 6.625 14 5
82 XO_Life “Dreamscape” 6.5 15 5
83 Julia Fox “Coconut Tree” 6.313 13 3
84 Allday “Animal For You” 6.188 19 1
85 beatinglikeadrum “Cock-a-doodle-do” 6.168 20 1
86 Allday “Red” 6.063 14 3
87 Better Mistakes “Don't Leave My Life” 5.875 21 1
88 Allday “Leaving The City” 5.75 13 4
89 XO_Life “Drink That Up” 5.463 14 2
90 camfuckingrockwell “Bluebird” 5.375 22 1
91 Remmy “Flowerbloom” (S2 Version) [Live from Ohio] 5.288 14 4
92 Better Mistakes “Me and The Girls” 4.85 15 2



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Golden Hit: Season 2 📀 Final Season Average Chart

Rank Writer Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Average
1 @Hug 8.625 7.963 8.313 9.375 9.25 9.25 8.796
2 @StormFury 8.913 8.645 9.313 8 7.395 8.813 8.513
3 @Euterpe 7.708 8.25 8 9.613 9.125 8 8.449
4 @Legend E 7.675 9.4 7.813 8.188 8.563 7.708 8.224
5 @JoeAg 8.738 7.525 7.938 8.063 7.75 9.25 8.21
6 @Augmented 8.625 6.838 8.105 8.518 8.688 7.438 8.035
7 @Julia Fox 7.5 8.025 6.313 7.188 8.313 8.375 7.619
8 @beatinglikeadrum 6.168 7.213 8.313 7.313 9.413 7.23 7.608
9 @XO_Life 7.25 5.463 7.708 8.438 6.5 7.938 7.216
10 @worldwide angel 7.5 8.438 8.375 0 8.888 7.875 6.846
11 @TruGemini 7.283 7.463 0 7.77 8.45 8.125 6.515
12 @Remmy 8.375 0 8.918 5.288 0 8.375 5.159
13 @Kylie Jenner 7.625 6.775 0 7.125 8.75 0 5.046
14 @Allday 6.188 0 6.063 5.75 6.625 0 4.104
15 @Achilles. 8.505 7.4 8.188 0 0 0 4.015
16 @Better Mistakes 5.875 4.85 0 7.25 0 0 2.996
17 @Temporal 8.438 7.3 0 0 0 0 2.623
18 @Gavin. 7.83 0 7.25 0 0 0 2.513
19 @camfuckingrockwell 5.375 0 0 0 7.063 0 2.073
20 @Element 0 0 0 0 9.238 0 1.54
21 @Jack! 8.37 0 0 0 0 0 1.395
22 @DatChickDoe 7.583 0 0 0 0 0 1.264
23 @EpicSongFan 6.855 0 0 0 0 0 1.143



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On 7/2/2022 at 1:18 PM, Aurora said:

3 @hurricane326 8.067 8.267 8.367 8.233 9.15 9 8.514

4 minutes ago, Aurora said:

2 @StormFury 8.913 8.645 9.313 8 7.395 8.813 8.513

Wait... not a 0.001 point difference in average. The consistency. :eek:

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Lemme know if anybody actually would be interested in a special Halloween round later this month… Aurora will be travelling but I can work it out if people are here for it!

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Sad I missed the final round but I was on holiday. I really enjoyed this, congrats to the winners :heart:

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1 minute ago, fountain said:

Lemme know if anybody actually would be interested in a special Halloween round later this month… Aurora will be travelling but I can work it out if people are here for it!



Sounds spooky! FYI it could probably just be a loose "challenge" hosted in the Songwriter's Studio thread where anyone can compete and critique, sort of a public creative jam session of sorts. @fountain and I might even be able to get involved in the submissions (should I have the time, as I will be overseas travelling as already mentioned!)


If all goes well, perhaps we could trial a similar idea for another seasonal event later in the year... :cupid:

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