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Biden & Democrats deliver before midterms. Why?


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President Biden has just signed the Inflation Reduction Act bookending a series of operational and legislative achievements in the first part of his 4 year term.



His achievements include:


  • Forgiving $10k in student loans
  • Distributing 200 million doses of COVID vaccinations
  • Passed a $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill
  • 3.5% unemployment, the lowest in 50 years
  • Passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill
  • Unifying NATO (now including Sweden and Finland) against the forces of evil
  • Ended the 20-year War in Afghanistan 
  • Took out al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri
  • Confirmed a liberal Supreme Court Judge
  • Appointed more federal judges than the last 5 Presidents
  • Passed a gun control bill
  • Passed the CHIPS bill to boost semiconductor manufacturing jobs in the US
  • Passed the PACT act to give veterans more healthcare benefits  
  • Passed an historic $369 billion investment in climate change
  • Passed a bill to reduce the price of prescription drugs
  • Passed a bill to cut the US budget deficit and reduce inflation by raising taxes on the rich and corporations


Despite claims by many uninformed detractor that “nothing would fundamentally change” in a Biden presidency, it appears that Biden and Democrats have managed to deliver on a range of their promises despite a hung (50-50) Senate. 


All the while Republicans are scrambling to handle the fallout of their leader Trump’s FBI investigation. :gaycat5:


Why? Is talent winning? Did you expect Uncle Joe/Biden the Builder/Dark Brandon to be so successful?


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Yeah this is just gonna make things go up lmao, FOH with the Biden stanning already

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7 minutes ago, Great808 said:

Yeah this is just gonna make things go up lmao

So true! i didn’t even think of this making things go up like the polls


Great observation. :chick2:

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:clap3: Giving more land to the fossil fuel industry. Big Biden Energy yass mama!


Finally got 1/9 of BBB. Yass :clap3: politicking king!

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I’m gonna keep tapping my foot until he legislates something that will get these rental prices under check. The Reduction Act is great, sure, but it neglects the issue at the center of all of this- the cost of living is higher than ever and is only continuing to increase exponentially and everything else is rising around it. 

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9 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

This thread is kind of cringeworthy tbh lol. I support Democrats but for the most part Biden has stalled in accomplishing his goals. Indeed, a good amount is due to Republican filibustering and the idiocracy of Manchin and Sinema, but part of it is also on him to be bold and assertive, two things he simply isn't.

It’s one thing to say that things don’t go far enough or that there’s more work to do. 

But it’s important as a movement to take moments to celebrate victories and hard fought wins that’ll make a difference.

No one wants to be part of a movement where every happy moment is cringe and every victory is a secret loss. It’s just not a good way to do politics that brings more people in or persuasive or makes them want to part of your movement. 

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Manchin is finally stepping it up and working with the other Democrats. It's about time.


24 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

:clap3: Giving more land to the fossil fuel industry. Big Biden Energy yass mama!

This is such a weak argument because it discounts the fact that this is overwhelmingly outweighed by the benefits of the bill. Climate experts have agreed that the main solution to stopping climate change is to offset emissions and that is exactly what the bill does:



But many other environmentalists and clean energy proponents are praising the bill, and the numbers support their praise. Analysis from Energy Innovation shows that for every one ton of expected emissions from the bill’s fossil fuel provisions, the bill will result in 24 tons of emissions reductions. That’s a huge net positive! A reason for the large reduction in emissions is that the bill contains provisions affecting every major emitting sector in the economy – transportation, electricity generation, industry, homes and buildings, and agriculture. There’s something for everyone, and the broad scope of the bill brings large emissions reductions.

Also, the bill has been praised by most climate experts. I swear some of y'all want Biden to fail instead of having him make genuine progress for American society.

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Because Biden is doing great things, but because he didn't cancel student debt he is bad. 


I would for this man again with no hesitations. 

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2 minutes ago, Jotham said:

Manchin is finally stepping it up and working with the other Democrats. It's about time.


This is such a weak argument because it discounts the fact that this is overwhelmingly outweighed by the benefits of the bill. Climate experts have agreed that the main solution to stopping climate change is to offset emissions and that is exactly what the bill does:


Also, the bill has been praised by most climate experts. I swear some of y'all want Biden to fail instead of having him make genuine progress for American society.




Glad you took out the part of this being 1/9th of what was possible. Makes it hard to defend this when something a lot more could have been a reality.





“Stabilizing the climate will require strong, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and reaching net zero CO2 emissions. Limiting other greenhouse gases and air pollutants, especially methane, could have benefits both for health and the climate,” said Zhai.

Does this bill do this, Jotham? We are on the verge of a real possibility of the end of any further Biden legislation when the midterms come around. If only we had a president willing to get the party in line to pass what is actually needed. At the end of the day climate is still coming. We are not even beginning to build the foundation to live around its impact. I understand the first to die at the hands of climate change will not be wealther white people, so the lack of urgency isn't felt the same way. I just would appreciate if that lack of urgency was explicitly stated before making statements like yours.



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cause its midterms 

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Because Biden is an experienced politician who knows how to get bills passed. His detractors are mostly leftist dreamers who would rather get nothing done than to fulfill 50% of their demands 

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22 minutes ago, Paranoid Android said:

It's weird how people treat political parties like sport teams or pop stars. The whole tone is so dramatic and off-putting. 




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46 minutes ago, A Bomb said:




Glad you took out the part of this being 1/9th of what was possible. Makes it hard to defend this when something a lot more could have been a reality.




Does this bill do this, Jotham? We are on the verge of a real possibility of the end of any further Biden legislation when the midterms come around. If only we had a president willing to get the party in line to pass what is actually needed. At the end of the day climate is still coming. We are not even beginning to build the foundation to live around its impact. I understand the first to die at the hands of climate change will not be wealther white people, so the lack of urgency isn't felt the same way. I just would appreciate if that lack of urgency was explicitly stated before making statements like yours.



What does this even mean? Underdelivered? His presidency isn’t even 2 years old. :toofunny3:  

Plus, the point of him doing this much so far is to show what’s possible with the bare minimum majority and to push voters to deliver a bigger mandate in November. Literally no one is taking victory laps claiming we finally conquered climate change.  

Plus, this kind of critique cuts directly against the merits of campaigning big. For example, Hillary was HIT a lot by the left for taking positions on issues based on what she thought was POSSIBLE. Meanwhile, Bernie was promising the moon and stars (all things he would NOT have been able to get done with either a Republican Congress or the same slim majority Biden now has).

I’m not even saying Bernie’s approach was worse, cause Biden himself started to stretch the bounds of his promises in contrast to Hillary. But if we can’t give Democratic Presidents credit for progress in the direction of their wildest proposals, what’s the merit in candidates advocating for blockbuster legislation if they’re going to be held to an impossible standard? At that point they might as well all campaign like Bloomberg, cause even Hillary had some pretty ambitious goals. :deadbanana4:

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45 minutes ago, Paranoid Android said:

It's weird how people treat political parties like sport teams or pop stars. The whole tone is so dramatic and off-putting. 



Yes, Americans in general treat political parties like sport teams. It’s not new and it’s not limited to politics. :gaycat6:


Though, at this juncture in US history, when Republicans are verging on authoritarianism, it’s quite a reductive point to make. 

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44 minutes ago, Paranoid Android said:

It's weird how people treat political parties like sport teams or pop stars. The whole tone is so dramatic and off-putting. 



It’s an American thing


When I moved to America I got heavily criticized(also when I state it here) that I remain apolitical and don’t identify as anything.


I obviously agree more with the democratic party because they pretend to care about social issue but they are terrible handling money etc.


But stanning a political party like a pop girl or a sport team is EMBARRASSING.

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If this is pissing off conservatives, that's nice.


But this "delivery" looks like an attempt to stave off the THUMPING the midterms are promising to deliver to them. Half steps and jumping Jack's aren't what america needs. We needed to be running by YESTERDAY but democrats aren't interested in fixing, just maintaining a sinking ship.

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Yeah unemployment is low cuz people have to get 2 or 3 jobs to afford basic things. 

they’re so out of touch 

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On 8/17/2022 at 3:58 PM, Kassi said:

President Biden has just signed the Inflation Reduction Act bookending a series of operational and legislative achievements in the first part president of his 4 year term.



His achievements include:


  • Distributing 200 million doses of COVID vaccinations
  • Passed a $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill
  • 3.5% unemployment, the lowest in 50 years
  • Passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill
  • Unifying NATO (now including Sweden and Finland) against the forces of evil
  • Ended the 20-year War in Afghanistan 
  • Took out al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri
  • Confirmed a liberal Supreme Court Judge
  • Appointed more federal judges than the last 5 Presidents
  • Passed a gun control bill
  • Passed the CHIPS bill to boost semiconductor manufacturing jobs in the US
  • Passed the PACT act to give veterans more healthcare benefits  
  • Passed an historic $369 billion investment in climate change
  • Passed a bill to reduce the price of prescription drugs
  • Passed a bill to cut the US budget deficit and reduce inflation by raising taxes on the rich and corporations


Despite claims by many uninformed detractor that “nothing would fundamentally change” in a Biden presidency, it appears that Biden and Democrats have managed to deliver on a range of their promises despite a hung (50-50) Senate. 


All the while Republicans are scrambling to handle the fallout of their leader Trump’s FBI investigation. :gaycat5:


Why? Is talent winning? Did you expect Uncle Joe/Biden the Builder/Dark Brandon to be so successful?


Confirmed a liberal Supreme Court Judge?

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On 8/17/2022 at 1:54 PM, Jotham said:

Manchin is finally stepping it up and working with the other Democrats. It's about time.


This is such a weak argument because it discounts the fact that this is overwhelmingly outweighed by the benefits of the bill. Climate experts have agreed that the main solution to stopping climate change is to offset emissions and that is exactly what the bill does:


Also, the bill has been praised by most climate experts. I swear some of y'all want Biden to fail instead of having him make genuine progress for American society.

You can tell some users are overly disingenuous when you ask them to say what would be better off without the bill and they can't answer it. I mean, I'm not asking for unwavering fanaticism, just a simple acnkowledgement that progress happening!


It seems like the modus operandi is purity over progress. 

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1 minute ago, Kassi said:



oh. i thought we were getting another one or sumn 

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