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I want to start wearing (more) makeup but i’m too shy


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about two years ago I finally got into skincare and started using Glossier products, and tbh they really changed my life.  the brand is all about ~natural beauty so their makeup is quite natural looking and soft for the most part


last year I started to incorporate basic makeup into my routine on the daily, so stuff like foundation, concealer, highlighter etc. and wear noticeable makeup when I go out. 


but now I would like to use the fun stuff more on the regular, and experiment with their colored eyeliners and eye shadows for my everyday life. this on top of wanting to get an earring :rip: 


the problem is that i’m kind of shy and i’m scared i’ll end up looking like a clown :skull: also i’m in my late 20s so I don’t want to look messy 


keep in mind that my goal is not to end up with a James Charles/Haus Labs mug but something much much softer and playful  


have any of you guys lived through something similar? do you wear noticeable makeup on a daily basis comfortably?  

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Don't be shy and buy Haus Labs' supercharged clean artistry makeup





cant really help since my maximum has been concealer so far, but you should experiment and learn how to do your makeup at home to avoid looking like a clown / like you run away from Sarah Tanno. If it makes you feel comfortable then **** it.

Edited by State of Grace.
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idk babes, but I wish you luck. I bought tinted sunscreen one time and got really nervous before going out in it and washed it off my face because i thought people would notice. :rip:

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Start of with darker colours. Or start doing it a home.  Im sure you'll look fine.


As a girl though I don't wear much make up these days you think being 30 id be able to do good make up but I look horrible. But when I do i do smokey/emo eyes. I never do bright colours since it ain't my thing 

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They can't scare you if you scare them first:gaygacat6:Anytime I feel insecure about my presentation & catch eyes w/ someone that looks like they're judging, I'll give them a death stare that makes them very uncomfortable. Sometimes even wink, freaks em out 

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56 minutes ago, TaylorNation said:

about two years ago I finally got into skincare and started using Glossier products, and tbh they really changed my life.  the brand is all about ~natural beauty so their makeup is quite natural looking and soft for the most part


last year I started to incorporate basic makeup into my routine on the daily, so stuff like foundation, concealer, highlighter etc. and wear noticeable makeup when I go out. 


but now I would like to use the fun stuff more on the regular, and experiment with their colored eyeliners and eye shadows for my everyday life. this on top of wanting to get an earring :rip: 


the problem is that i’m kind of shy and i’m scared i’ll end up looking like a clown :skull: also i’m in my late 20s so I don’t want to look messy 


keep in mind that my goal is not to end up with a James Charles/Haus Labs mug but something much much softer and playful  


have any of you guys lived through something similar? do you wear noticeable makeup on a daily basis comfortably?  

Everyone’s make up journey is a trial by error. All the people you see, would probably cringe looking back at their early days. But if you’re too shy practice little by little, focus on one part like your eyes and once you’re confident in your work wear it out to work/school. Then move on to other parts of your face. 

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I would definitely say my looks are very subtle and more of a “boy beat”  and I am also in my late 20’s. So a bit different from what your going for. Most of the time people cannot detect it because I wear such a little amount. I’ve been wearing makeup since junior year in high school and I definitely relate with what your saying about looking like a clown :dies: It’s really trial and error and what suits you best. Their definitely has been times where I knew the look was messy or the shade of foundation was off and it got to me but that’s how you learn. I’m also shy as well but I feel so badass when my face is done and I know I look good. Just master a look and practice it and it will become your signature.


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in the 1920s, male actors would often wear eyeliner when portraying a villain to make them seem more sinister. so just remember, men have worn makeup in history. its fine

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Just paint your face.

Move to a big gay city like New York and no one will care.



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It's completely trial and error. What works for everyone doesn't always work for you. If you are invested in skincare try going for cleaner and more derm friendly brands. your look should be based off of pretty, dewy skin. If you have soft features, use a darker bronzer to add dimension to your face. 


As far as eyeshadow and eye makeup... it's tricky, because automatically a whole man with glitter eyeshadow and blue winged eyeliner will attract attention. If you'd like something subtle just play with browns to add depth to the eyes and use a pencil liner and some soft or even clear mascara to open up the eyes. 


It just depends on the situation but if you're going out to the club I'd go with bold looks. I'd go for something simple on day to day things , especially in the summertime when the weather affects the makeup so much. 

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It partly depends on where you live and what century the general attitudes are from, but generally speaking it helps to realize that unless you're Angelina Jolie chances are nobody's gonna look twice or think about you so you might as well stop waiting to do what you want. I started small by experimenting with eyeliner at home and worked my way up. I looked to male-presenting celebrities who regularly wear makeup as inspiration and told myself "if it's good enough for them it's good enough for me." 

Now I almost never leave home without makeup. I favor a matte look with minimal foundation and a neutral smokey eye, but lately I've started leaning toward more dark reds and blacks. 

Edited by Pop Life
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I first started doing makeup using my mom‘s foundation which was way too dark for me and people noticed it, so that was embarrassing. I eventually found the right foundation for my skin tone, but then I wanted to do more and it looked a MESS (thank god my friends told me), but I kept doing it, kept experimenting with new products and most importantly kept educating myself thru YT tutorials and articles. I try to not waste my products now so I only wear makeup when going out and feeling fun with it but when I do it it looks stunning and people say I should do it professionally. So yeah it takes a lot of mistakes usually to learn but I don’t think anyone will even remember those fails. 

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good luck! it's sad that we have to let what other people might think stand in the way of something that'll make you happy. practice a lot at home.

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I struggle with this dilemma too. I started wearing my bigger hooped earrings and light eyeliner and concealer to work as a way to get comfortable. Just enough so that it’s not too fem (Im a pretty scruffy/husky guy), but still enough to look chic. I do want to get comfortable enough to go all out tho, eye shadow, body glitter and all. 

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2 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

in the 1920s, male actors would often wear eyeliner when portraying a villain to make them seem more sinister. so just remember, men have worn makeup in history. its fine

Men have actually worn makeup in different cultures since the old Egypt ages it’s crazy :jonny6:

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Perhaps first wear it around some friends just to feel comfortable and build up to wearing it out. Just make sure it’s a safe environment.

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Just do what you want, wear what you want and wear it proudly. If you act with confidence, nothing will faze you. You’ve already said you wear face products and if you’re wearing contour and highlight people will be able to tell 100% anyway. Just go for it and enjoy. Life is far too short to be worrying about what others think of us. 

I’ve worn makeup since I was 18. I’m now 27 and I’ve never once had negative comments made to me. I don’t wear eyeshadow, mascara or lashes etc but there was a time where I’d wear blush and nude lipsticks and even then the most I’d experience was a few looks. 

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Wear what u want.

I dont wear any makeup at all but i always get comments like "are you wearing makeup?"  And it would always bother me because i was wearing none. I finally asked someone why they thought i was wearing makeup and they said because my skin looked so good.

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thanks for all the replies :hug:


I guess i’ll just take the advice and start experimenting at home, and take it from there 

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Just practice at home until you get the right look that you're satisfied with. Don't be shy and don't worry about what others think. You do you and if you think you look flawless then that's all that matters! 



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