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Why are Africa conflicts ignored by the world but Ukraine isnt?


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Are you in a “western” nation, OP? 
The war in Ukraine is an existential threat to the 800 million people who live in Europe. If you live outside the Eurosphere, news is less focused on Ukraine. 
But, that’s not to say Russias war on Ukrainian sovereignty isn’t much bigger news across the board.

There exist countless overlapping factors for this:

- Russia is a nuclear power

- both countries are huge producers of international food supply. Russia is the number 1 exporter of wheat, Ukraine is the fifth largest wheat exporter and supply’s 8.5 percent of the worlds exports.

- Russia controls a massive sector of Europes energy supply. 
- Putin has already threatened Finland and Sweden by forbidding them from joining NATO, exactly as he started this by threatening Ukraine for potentially joining NATO.

- Russia, a Nuclear power with one of the world largest army’s, has the ability to balloon this war to a global scale. Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Uganda, Yemen etc. do not have the ability to project military power outside of their borders. 
- The Eastern European plain bleeds into the Northern European plain. These account for millions of square miles of strategically perfect fertile and populated flatlands a big enough army could basically waltz through. Napoleon, Hitler, Charlemagne ALL understood the value of the easily conquered region. Ukraine is Russias gateway to the rest of mainland Europe.
- Ukraine ranks: 1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores; 2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves; 2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves); 2nd greatest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons); 2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves; 3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters); 4th in the world by the total value of natural resources; 7th place in the world in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons)

Put plainly, The war in Ukraine already impacts more people around the world  than every current conflict on the African continent many times over. And this war still has far more potential to directly effect every human on earth to an unprecedented degree. 


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3 hours ago, shookspeare said:

because Ukraine's war involves a nuclear superpower that also happens to be one of the biggest adversaries of the west invading a sovereign country that supplies major quantities of agricultural product and could foreshadow further invasions in the baltics or elsewhere if Ukraine loses :rip:


You all need to get your head out of your asses and stop distilling a highly consequential war into a game of identity politics.  MAJOR famine is literally coming to Africa and the Middle East later this year in part because of Ukraine's inability to export, so the Africans you claim to care about certainly won't be thinking that this war is inconsequential. A single worm for a brain


and not to mention that europe will be FREEZING this winter unless they're able to haul ass and figure something out. Germany's already reactivating coal power plants out of fear that not only will they freeze their asses off this winter, but also for fear that industry that depends on gas will collapse. If Germany collapses then it's a domino effect. Is that enough for you

I wish more people realize this than the basic answers like “bLaCk pEOple doNT MatTer”.


The simple answer is that the Ukraine War affects a lot more people than the conflicts in Africa. So fearmongering news are obviously focused in Ukraine.


At the end of the the mainstream media’s main source of income is pure fear.




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4 hours ago, Fanta said:

Because Ukraine has a certain group of people of a certain color & Africa has another group of people that are a different color. :heart:



4 hours ago, shookspeare said:

because Ukraine's war involves a nuclear superpower that also happens to be one of the biggest adversaries of the west invading a sovereign country that supplies major quantities of agricultural product and could foreshadow further invasions in the baltics or elsewhere if Ukraine loses :rip:


You all need to get your head out of your asses and stop distilling a highly consequential war into a game of identity politics.  MAJOR famine is literally coming to Africa and the Middle East later this year in part because of Ukraine's inability to export, so the Africans you claim to care about certainly won't be thinking that this war is inconsequential. A single worm for a brain


and not to mention that europe will be FREEZING this winter unless they're able to haul ass and figure something out. Germany's already reactivating coal power plants out of fear that not only will they freeze their asses off this winter, but also for fear that industry that depends on gas will collapse. If Germany collapses then it's a domino effect. Is that enough for you

The post of an imbecile. The materials that created the very device you typed this on in are part of a decades old war on African soil that consistently destroys homes, entire populations and entice child slavery in those regions. Major African centers deal with complete lack of basic human resources because of exportation to places like the Ukraine and other European countries. Children born now will not ever see a book, but are mining diamonds (Yes, this still happens), coltan, like are you quite literally insane?


These issues are ignored because every world superpower has a hold on the continent, it's people and what the GP finds out is truly happening there. They brainwash you into thinking its "Just another Africa problem" where black Africans cannot govern themselves or need white saviors, look whats happening in South Africa...Let them keep distracting you. But dont act like you know or even remotely care about African politics, civil matters or the people there in general with post like that. Even though without them you wouldnt have any of the precious BS you think is a necessity in your privileged life today. Get your life.

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58 minutes ago, lostcause said:

Are you in a “western” nation, OP? 
The war in Ukraine is an existential threat to the 800 million people who live in Europe. If you live outside the Eurosphere, news is less focused on Ukraine. 
But, that’s not to say Russias war on Ukrainian sovereignty isn’t much bigger news across the board.

There exist countless overlapping factors for this:

- Russia is a nuclear power

- both countries are huge producers of international food supply. Russia is the number 1 exporter of wheat, Ukraine is the fifth largest wheat exporter and supply’s 8.5 percent of the worlds exports.

- Russia controls a massive sector of Europes energy supply. 
- Putin has already threatened Finland and Sweden by forbidding them from joining NATO, exactly as he started this by threatening Ukraine for potentially joining NATO.

- Russia, a Nuclear power with one of the world largest army’s, has the ability to balloon this war to a global scale. Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Uganda, Yemen etc. do not have the ability to project military power outside of their borders. 
- The Eastern European plain bleeds into the Northern European plain. These account for millions of square miles of strategically perfect fertile and populated flatlands a big enough army could basically waltz through. Napoleon, Hitler, Charlemagne ALL understood the value of the easily conquered region. Ukraine is Russias gateway to the rest of mainland Europe.
- Ukraine ranks: 1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores; 2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves; 2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves); 2nd greatest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons); 2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves; 3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters); 4th in the world by the total value of natural resources; 7th place in the world in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons)

Put plainly, The war in Ukraine already impacts more people around the world  than every current conflict on the African continent many times over. And this war still has far more potential to directly effect every human on earth to an unprecedented degree. 


You have zero idea whats going on in the world let alone the African continent and your entire post proves that. Fix yourself.

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A European conflict involving a world power with nuclear weapons is going to demand more conversation and fear into western countries and communities than conflicts occurring in Africa. If it is racist, I would not label it racist in a “we do not care about black people” manner, I would just say white people care more about white conflict because it has the potential of directly affecting them.

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"aFrica's Not as iMPOrtant", "it DoeSn'T DirEcTlY AffEct us"



War is ignored in Africa because there is constant war in Africa. So yes, continue exploiting the motherland so your 1st world Western Legions can have cell phones, and laptops, and game consoles, oil and diamonds, furs....NO, a lack of those materials wouldn't be important. Definitely not as important that the local governing of those materials would give an incredible economic boost to nearly every country on the continent. No, corporate superpowers dont want that to happen as they control and incite war factions over raw materials only available here. The fight to hinder black economic centers doesnt matter. Nooo, modern day slavery and apartheid doesn't actually matter. Child slavery doesn't matter.  Because it doesn't affect us, just the Ukraine and the "possible outcomes" do.

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45 minutes ago, Afterglow said:



The post of an imbecile. The materials that created the very device you typed this on in are part of a decades old war on African soil that consistently destroys homes, entire populations and entice child slavery in those regions. Major African centers deal with complete lack of basic human resources because of exportation to places like the Ukraine and other European countries. Children born now will not ever see a book, but are mining diamonds (Yes, this still happens), coltan, like are you quite literally insane?


These issues are ignored because every world superpower has a hold on the continent, it's people and what the GP finds out is truly happening there. They brainwash you into thinking its "Just another Africa problem" where black Africans cannot govern themselves or need white saviors, look whats happening in South Africa...Let them keep distracting you. But dont act like you know or even remotely care about African politics, civil matters or the people there in general with post like that. Even though without them you wouldnt have any of the precious BS you think is a necessity in your privileged life today. Get your life.

Now this is how you clear a b*tch. I like you. 

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It's unfair but it does make sense.


A powerful dictator so tied to major geopolitical blocks (both geographically and economically) invading a sovereign country at the gates of Europe has much more direct, broader and devastating consequences than a civil conflict in Africa or western Asia. Inflation, shortages of various nature, transports, the risk of a global nuclear war...just to name a few. Furthermore, the western media is the most powerful and influencial in the World.


It has nothing to do with race, empathy or whatever...it's just business. I bet most people didn't even know what a Ukraine was prior to February 2022. 


...but, you know, certain people would rather see agendas everywhere than use logic.

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It because of race. nothing to do with russia and nato, and the coming famines :michael:

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1 hour ago, Afterglow said:

You have zero idea whats going on in the world let alone the African continent and your entire post proves that. Fix yourself.

Afterglow, sweetheart, you are projecting. 

War in Ukraine is far more consequential. This fact is material. It is self evident. It is incontrovertible.


This fact does not mean victims of war across the African continent are not as valuable as any other person. 

The grim reality stands: conflict in Ukraine impacts the 6.8 billion people who live outside of war zones on the African continent to an exponential degree. Hell, War in Ukraine is more consequential to literal neighboring states of the countries at war in Africa.

90% of the worlds population is not effected by the Tigray war, nor Al-Shabaab/ civil war in Somalia. They don’t experience social or economic ripples stemming from ethnic violence/civil war in South Sudan, Boko Haram, Religious conflict and Bandit insurgency in Nigeria, or from the Hema/Lendu war in Ituri DRC. These atrocities don’t have the material reach war in Ukraine has.

These conflicts are simply inconsequential compared to the provocations of any nuclear power, let alone Russia. 

If you actually knew about these conflicts, you would never deny Ukraines objective gravity on the world stage. The global import of a nuclear, energy, historical, and economic power flexing its muscles in hopes to topple a sovereign democratizing nation is staggering. Educate yourself.

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32 minutes ago, lostcause said:

Afterglow, sweetheart, you are projecting. 

War in Ukraine is far more consequential. This fact is material. It is self evident. It is incontrovertible.


This fact does not mean victims of war across the African continent are not as valuable as any other person. 

The grim reality stands: conflict in Ukraine impacts the 6.8 billion people who live outside of war zones on the African continent to an exponential degree. Hell, War in Ukraine is more consequential to literal neighboring states of the countries at war in Africa.

90% of the worlds population is not effected by the Tigray war, nor Al-Shabaab/ civil war in Somalia. They don’t experience social or economic ripples stemming from ethnic violence/civil war in South Sudan, Boko Haram, Religious conflict and Bandit insurgency in Nigeria, or from the Hema/Lendu war in Ituri DRC. These atrocities don’t have the material reach war in Ukraine has.

These conflicts are simply inconsequential compared to the provocations of any nuclear power, let alone Russia. 

If you actually knew about these conflicts, you would never deny Ukraines objective gravity on the world stage. The global import of a nuclear, energy, historical, and economic power flexing its muscles in hopes to topple a sovereign democratizing nation is staggering. Educate yourself.

You gotta be kidding me. More uneducated "it doesnt affect me" nonsense from this user. Are you going to keep repeating yourself at this point?


Im glad you did a cute google search of "Conflicts in Africa" so as to go on pretending 90% of the world doesn't rely on coltan mining and the ongoing war for nearly 60% of the actual land area of the continent to retain control over the exportation of materials there and control money flow into foreign pockets. Forget what youre talking about. What I'm talkng about is essentially political coup d'état by actual governing nations over an entire continent. This is unheard of. This has been happening my friend since the 7th century if you wanna get into technicalities. This happens only to this specific continent. They try to make you feel this isnt happening with stories like these fake megacities in Africa that are changing the landscape, gimme a break. Consistent rape of the land (deforestation, "population control/clearing") restricting the money flow to the people, introducing harmful techniques to mitigate any recovery and the superpowers get to enjoy the spoils. Im not going to get graphic or get into hypothetical numbers because I dont need to.


Oh I keep forgetting! its not affecting you, didnt affect your parents, or even theirs! In fact, you all have likely benefited in some way even unknowingly. Hey, as long as our fair skinned sistren are able to feel comfortable and ignore it all right?


Im not going to keep arguing with someone completely inept to see and admit these things. Enough.

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Because Ukraine actively engages with The West in term of importing and exporting goods. Can't say the same about any other country that is currently at war.


I condemn war but the left really needs to stop making this about skin color when it's not.

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Unlike a lot of African nations, Ukraine is an american ally and doesn't have a leader too proud and without the history of colonization that African nations have.


Really, africans are beyond prideful and to a fault, they routinely will condemn the west(rightfully so) and then talk about being ignored at the same time.


The world is still racist, whether it wants to admit that or not but initiative needs to be taken outside the regular scope by people in america to aid african nations in the first place.


Ukraine isn't some freeworld, peace and safety effort, it's another war front for America and the world coalition of assholes. So no one should be jealous or raise it up as a mark of good honestly, despot putin has just reminded us that big nations are still ran by evil men.

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Because the West is constantly robbing African resources. If they start pretending they care, that will shed light on all the theft and the crimes they're committing in Africa.

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7 hours ago, shookspeare said:

because Ukraine's war involves a nuclear superpower that also happens to be one of the biggest adversaries of the west invading a sovereign country that supplies major quantities of agricultural product and could foreshadow further invasions in the baltics or elsewhere if Ukraine loses :rip:


You all need to get your head out of your asses and stop distilling a highly consequential war into a game of identity politics.  MAJOR famine is literally coming to Africa and the Middle East later this year in part because of Ukraine's inability to export, so the Africans you claim to care about certainly won't be thinking that this war is inconsequential. A single worm for a brain


and not to mention that europe will be FREEZING this winter unless they're able to haul ass and figure something out. Germany's already reactivating coal power plants out of fear that not only will they freeze their asses off this winter, but also for fear that industry that depends on gas will collapse. If Germany collapses then it's a domino effect. Is that enough for you

Nice with some sense:clap3: 

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8 hours ago, shookspeare said:

because Ukraine's war involves a nuclear superpower that also happens to be one of the biggest adversaries of the west invading a sovereign country that supplies major quantities of agricultural product and could foreshadow further invasions in the baltics or elsewhere if Ukraine loses :rip:


You all need to get your head out of your asses and stop distilling a highly consequential war into a game of identity politics.  MAJOR famine is literally coming to Africa and the Middle East later this year in part because of Ukraine's inability to export, so the Africans you claim to care about certainly won't be thinking that this war is inconsequential. A single worm for a brain


and not to mention that europe will be FREEZING this winter unless they're able to haul ass and figure something out. Germany's already reactivating coal power plants out of fear that not only will they freeze their asses off this winter, but also for fear that industry that depends on gas will collapse. If Germany collapses then it's a domino effect. Is that enough for you


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Because Ukraine is a white country.

Some people complained when the people of Afghanistan were being given assistance from western countries, yet they had no problem feeling sorry for Ukraine.

They stay on code when they have to, even if they might have some internal conflicts with each other.


China, the UK, the US and some parts of Europe have their hands on Africa and they don't want to mess that up.

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12 hours ago, Arrows said:

Nice with some sense:clap3: 


10 hours ago, CakeLikeLG said:


Learn a bit more about countries that aren't just about white people and how they are helping you to live your best life as you ignore them.



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1 hour ago, St. Francis said:

Because Ukraine is a white country.

Some people complained when the people of Afghanistan were being given assistance from western countries, yet they had no problem feeling sorry for Ukraine.

They stay on code when they have to, even if they might have some internal conflicts with each other.


China, the UK, the US and some parts of Europe have their hands on Africa and they don't want to mess that up.




1 hour ago, Afterglow said:


Learn a bit more about countries that aren't just about white people and how they are helping you to live your best life as you ignore them.



Not surprised that they would say that, judging by who they stan :skull:

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On 7/29/2022 at 9:21 PM, princedonte said:

The US got involved in Viet Nam and Korea as well.

And so was the Soviet Union. 

OT: Because China is busy literally buying and colonizing Africa and Central America as we speak. 

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On 7/30/2022 at 3:55 AM, lostcause said:

Are you in a “western” nation, OP? 
The war in Ukraine is an existential threat to the 800 million people who live in Europe. If you live outside the Eurosphere, news is less focused on Ukraine. 
But, that’s not to say Russias war on Ukrainian sovereignty isn’t much bigger news across the board.

There exist countless overlapping factors for this:

- Russia is a nuclear power

- both countries are huge producers of international food supply. Russia is the number 1 exporter of wheat, Ukraine is the fifth largest wheat exporter and supply’s 8.5 percent of the worlds exports.

- Russia controls a massive sector of Europes energy supply. 
- Putin has already threatened Finland and Sweden by forbidding them from joining NATO, exactly as he started this by threatening Ukraine for potentially joining NATO.

- Russia, a Nuclear power with one of the world largest army’s, has the ability to balloon this war to a global scale. Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Uganda, Yemen etc. do not have the ability to project military power outside of their borders. 
- The Eastern European plain bleeds into the Northern European plain. These account for millions of square miles of strategically perfect fertile and populated flatlands a big enough army could basically waltz through. Napoleon, Hitler, Charlemagne ALL understood the value of the easily conquered region. Ukraine is Russias gateway to the rest of mainland Europe.
- Ukraine ranks: 1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores; 2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves; 2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves); 2nd greatest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons); 2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves; 3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters); 4th in the world by the total value of natural resources; 7th place in the world in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons)

Put plainly, The war in Ukraine already impacts more people around the world  than every current conflict on the African continent many times over. And this war still has far more potential to directly effect every human on earth to an unprecedented degree. 




Not to mention media coverage. Ukraine news was everywhere, not only because of the above reasons, but also because Ukrainian and Russian are living everywhere in Europe. So it's very likely that you have a friend, or a friend of a friend, who is directly affected by the Ukraine - Russia war. 

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Most governments within Africa are already signing onto the Belt & Road initiative so the West doesn't see them as strategic allies for their own geopolitical adventurism and goals. In fact, once Ukraine fades from the media narrative, the US will start redirecting its war drums back to Central Africa and the MENA with calls to depose of and regime change any leaders they find troubling aka who decided to accept infrastructure projects from the Chinese government. We already see it with them suddenly making Taiwan a hot topic again to prepare a mass media narrative for antagonizing China into conflict.

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On 7/30/2022 at 8:46 AM, Almighty Gaga said:

Because the West is constantly robbing African resources. If they start pretending they care, that will shed light on all the theft and the crimes they're committing in Africa.

You mean they might expose 1000x more of things like these:




oh my.... :mandown:

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