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Americans moving from liberal states to republican states en masse. Surprised?


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Break this info down into demographics, particularly by class, and you'll see a pattern.

Ironically all these rich weirdos now WFH are just going to make the cost of living go up in these states too.

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11 hours ago, Trent W said:

It’s probably the high cost of living and the high taxes


I mean no one in their right mind(rich, middle class or poor) wants to pay more taxes.

Yeah this is the main reason :gaycat2:

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Where's the evidence that republican states are good for LEGAL, ETHICAL, business where employees have rights?


That line gets parroted a lot and there's never any evidence for why?

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I think a lot of this just how expensive places like California are.

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18 hours ago, ifyouseekLEM said:

Republican states are good for businesses.

Many big companies are moving to states like Texas, Florida and Ohio …people are likely following for jobs. 


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isn't this a good thing? It means more blue voters in those red states

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