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Americans moving from liberal states to republican states en masse. Surprised?


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Republican states are good for businesses.

Many big companies are moving to states like Texas, Florida and Ohio …people are likely following for jobs. 

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20-21 has more to do with pandemic and folks leaving dense urban centers. People are already moving back to urban centers now.

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Wondering if this has anything to do with taxes.

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No, the average American is dumb. I say this as an American. Lol

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I can't open the link but it probably has to do with the high cost of living in liberal states :gaycat6:

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It’s probably the high cost of living and the high taxes


I mean no one in their right mind(rich, middle class or poor) wants to pay more taxes.

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  • ATRL Moderator

It would be interesting to see the political party affiliation of those migrating.


It wouldn’t surprise me if many of those leaving CA and NY are Republicans fed up with living in Blue stages. FL and TX are being advertised as MAGA paradise for them.  

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Also it's EXTREMELY cheap to live in these Republican states. Liberal states are very expensive to live in

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I've lived in the south, northeast, and California. living standards are WAY lower in liberal states 


most of my friends live in ratty apartments and pay like $2k a month :rip: meanwhile that will get you a palace in Texas with all the amenities you could want

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More people think with their wallet than political ideology, far more actually

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Cost of living is high in liberal states/cities and they pay the most in federal tax which Republicans states benefit the most from. 

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40 minutes ago, LustSpell said:

Also it's EXTREMELY cheap to live in these Republican states. Liberal states are very expensive to live in

This is literally the reason. People from SF, NYC, Chicago taking their high salary jobs that are now WFH and buying mansions in poorer states.


I just did this. Bought a 4 bedroom house with a huge pool about 2 miles from the beach in South Florida. For a price that wouldn't have gotten me a studio apartment in NYC where I am moving from.


Conservatives are bragging about this as if rich liberals taking advantage of their poor states is somehow a point of pride :rip:



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Thinking Of You

It’s because it’s ten times cheaper to live in those red states. Newsflash though, they’re turning them dark blue though.


I grew up in South Carolina when I was little and now there are two deep blue cities now that were red a few years ago

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Texas and Florida have no state income tax, and everything is dirt cheap in comparison to NYC, SF, and even LA.  You can buy a nice home in these Republican states in a great neighborhood and pay less per month for a mortgage than it would cost to rent a studio apt in a dark blue city.  

For reference, experienced roles at most tech companies in the SF area pay closer to 200k per year *base*.  CA state income tax is 15k per year, federal income tax is around 41k per year, and FICA is almost 12k.  That’s around 70k per year in taxes.  If you move to Florida or Texas, you save at least 15k, which is enough to cover monthly payments for for Tesla Model S or Porsche Taycan for the year.  Or enough to go on a super nice vacation with your family.  Or it can be invested or saved.  

As alluring as these states may be for financial reasons, Texas and Florida are complete **** states politically.  I wouldn’t want to raise a child in Florida.  Florida is also known for having a lower avg IQ than most states, most older people I know who live there purposely avoid watching or reading the news.  Texas is filled with uber conservatives republicans.  Sure, if you move to more liberal city like Austin, maybe you’ll be happy and avoid a lot of the bad, and yes, you’re increasing the blue population in a red state, but I’m not so sure the social losses are worth it.

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2 hours ago, ifyouseekLEM said:

Republican states are good for businesses.

Many big companies are moving to states like Texas, Florida and Ohio …people are likely following for jobs. 

Cost of living too. Texas is much cheaper than Northern states etc 

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25 minutes ago, Archetype said:

Texas and Florida have no state income tax, and everything is dirt cheap in comparison to NYC, SF, and even LA.  You can buy a nice home in these Republican states in a great neighborhood and pay less per month for a mortgage than it would cost to rent a studio apt in a dark blue city.  

For reference, experienced roles at most tech companies in the SF area pay closer to 200k per year *base*.  CA state income tax is 15k per year, federal income tax is around 41k per year, and FICA is almost 12k.  That’s around 70k per year in taxes.  If you move to Florida or Texas, you save at least 15k, which is enough to cover monthly payments for for Tesla Model S or Porsche Taycan for the year.  Or enough to go on a super nice vacation with your family.  Or it can be invested or saved.  

As alluring as these states may be for financial reasons, Texas and Florida are complete **** states politically.  I wouldn’t want to raise a child in Florida.  Florida is also known for having a lower avg IQ than most states, most older people I know who live there purposely avoid watching or reading the news.  Texas is filled with uber conservatives republicans.  Sure, if you move to more liberal city like Austin, maybe you’ll be happy and avoid a lot of the bad, and yes, you’re increasing the blue population in a red state, but I’m not so sure the social losses are worth it.

Dallas is pretty liberal too I live there. A mass people I meet lean Dem.


Fort Worth mayor is pro vaxx 


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Less taxes for businesses which has led to a migration of workers. Actually this will benefit elections more since it means traditionally Republican states will become more purple/blue 

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Liberals are colonizing those areas displacing the native conservatives. 

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Cost of living in California is insane. Even the garbage dump parts of the state like Fresno and Bakersfield have 2 bedroom apartments going for 2k :rip: And if you wanna live in a city like LA you will never find a studio that's even less than 1.5k a month, even in the valley. Not even $15/hr can cover rent, high grocery prices, and high gas prices. Not to mention the taxes. So no not surprised.

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when you tell sheep that their state's crime is going up and the government is stealing all their money, they're gonna go be sheep somewhere else that feels better for them :giraffe:


in reality, California is still the best state in the country to live in :gaycat5:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Meanwhile, I just left my deep red home state of Kentucky to live in one of the biggest cities in the country. :gaycat3:

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The cost of living sucks here in California (a lot of it dates back to Reagan's housing policies). I'd much rather live in an expensive, blue state than an affordable, red state though.

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