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Kelis drags Beyonce; "It's not sampling, it's theft!"


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16 minutes ago, Tusk said:

Hive: Beyoncé has creative control over her music


This Thread: Beyoncé has nothing to do with this 



It doesn't. She went through the necessary channels and got the sample approved, and the necessary people paid. Kelis doesn't own her masters, doesn't even have a credit on this song and has had a long-standing contractual dispute with the Neptunes (the producers). This is not Beyoncé's issue.


Kelis knows her gripe is with Pharrell and co. alone, but the way she's going about it and the language + tone used is quite obviously just meant to disparage her album campaign.

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Chile the album is not even out yet! 

i haven’t even listened yet wtf 


as everyone said tho, she’s basically admitting that she doesn’t own the music and she knows there are no legal actions that can be taken. Shes mad about the “courtesy” not being extended to her to tell her she was going to be sampled :rip:  


the whole “this was a direct hit at me! I know it! It was on purpose” stuff is reading a bit too scorned. This isn’t about Beyoncé, Kelis is just fuming more that she unfortunately didn’t make great business decisions with her music. And yes, shame on producers for taking advantage of that, but that’s the music industry.

Kelis, baby, just let that go. :toofunny3:

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17 minutes ago, Darkgalord said:

Diane was rightfully credited, it's not like Gaga was shamelessly  trying to steal that song the same way Beyonce does to POC female artists.

Also, Diane has never accused Gaga of anything. Don't be a liar like your fave. 



I'd rather trust someone who had access to the TIHTY demo over someone delusional like you 



Perry further noted that Gaga may slightly have contributed to “Til It Happens to You” by changing a few words in one line of the song. But that didn’t doesn’t warrant a songwriting credit, she said.

“I have Diane’s original demo with her singing. The only line that has been changed ‘Till you’re at the end, the end of your rope,’” Perry wrote. “Originally was ’TIL YOU GOT A HOLE RIPPED IN YOUR SOUL.’ So I guess technically one line was changed so sure Gaga possibly ‘rewrote’ a line but chances are Diane still took part in rewriting that line which means Gaga contributed a few words. Is that writing? Not in my book.”


Plus it's a well-known fact that Gaga demanded a writing credit for a JLo song which she didn't work on. No wonder her former collaborators no longer want to associate their names with Lady Gaga.

The text messages can be found literally online, so gfto. 

Edited by Pepo
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2 hours ago, Kozy said:

beyoncé went through the proper channels to sample her, kelis needs to redirect her anger to pharrell :rip:

tell us you didn’t watch her videos without telling us you didn’t watch her videos :gaycat6:



1 hour ago, Rev8 said:

Poor Kelis

rly love her and it really hurts that she is so underapreciatted

she has been Sabotaged! and Abused! even recently she had ppl in her family pass away!


I know Bey doesn't mean harm and probably just worked out things with Pharrel

she has every right to be angry and to call them out on it..

Am sure that B will do the right thing and give credit,contact Kel and/or whatever

hopefully the internet takes notice of this and actually Supports K!

the only bad guy here is Pharrel really


but I just know that the Hive will attack her (like some of the brainless ones are doing in this thread) without even having the sympathy to feel for her

hoping her streak of bad luck ends with this..

Kelis said it best. They’re all sheep! Obsessed and blind :gaycat6:

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I completely understand her point and i think she’s vented her frustration in a well spoken manner. :michael:

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1 minute ago, Pepo said:

I'd rather trust someone who had access to the TIHTY demo over someone delusional like you 


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Plus it's a well-known fact that Gaga demanded a writing credit for a JLo song which she didn't work on. No wonder her former collaborators no longer want to associate their names to Lady Gaga.

The text messages can be found literally online, so gfto. 

Gurl, this isn't the same thing at all. Please stop trying so hard lmao. My fave has proven several times to be a great writer and composer unlike your fave.

Stay on topic. This thread is about a POC female artist accusing Bey and her team of robbery.


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Girl, Beyoncé cleared it with the right ppl. Read your contract, h*e



Edited by Blasian Barnie
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37 minutes ago, est. in 90s said:



And that’s the Tea :lmao: 

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this whole narrative of "Kelis doesn't own ****" that some of you guys are painting doesn't sit right with me

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I blame Pharrell and The Neptunes for this.


Beyoncé probably didn't know about this.

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Beyonce’s team did the legal due. If Kelis herself doesn’t own her own masters it’s not Beyonce’s problem. She’s just fishing for retweets, especially today. 

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Beyonce’s team did the legal due. If Kelis herself doesn’t own her own masters it’s not Beyonce’s problem. She’s just fishing for retweets, especially today. 

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Her emotions are valid, and it’s sad to watch people try to discredit her feelings. Bey may not have reached out prior, but I hope she at least tries to reach out now and make things right. 

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Man listen, I’m a Kelis fan, but she is 100% bogus AF.


First of all sis the audacity of you to call it THEFT, when you really licking your puss mad because you didn’t get a phone call. 

NOTICE GIRLS Not once did Kelis say she actually wrote on the song. She didn’t even bother to make a valid argument. 

Kelis has beeeee jealous of Beyoncé. Happy for her that she finally found her moment to let it all out. Seethe sis while you chop Kale. 

Oh and by the way, thanks for the publicity gun.

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Yeah this is pretty bad. I like Bey and I’m

sort of hoping it’s just Pharrell but Kelis is right to call this **** out. For those of you who don’t know Kelis’ husband literally died of cancer a few months ago so consider that before you come for her with petty stan insults. 

Beyonce should understand that Kelis as a young black artist was swindled out of the rights to her music by Pharrell, she of all people should have the heart to make the call especially given they know each other. Legalities are one thing but common artistic respect is another and I bet Beyonce would be furious too if somebody did that to her, especially seeing a man (Pharrell) get credit for a black woman’s creative work.


The irony is I’m perchedT because Kelis’ music is incredible and I would have DIED if she and Bey collabed or If she were appropriately credited. 

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Get Along With You: 


If you spent more time reading instead of f*cking the producer maybe might would have had some publishing. Don’t take UR bad choices out on Beyoncé… 



Edited by Blasian Barnie
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5 minutes ago, Pepo said:

I'd rather trust someone who had access to the TIHTY demo over someone delusional like you 


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Plus it's a well-known fact that Gaga demanded a writing credit for a JLo song which she didn't work on. No wonder her former collaborators no longer want to associate their names to Lady Gaga.

The text messages can be found literally online, so gfto. 

This is a very odd thing to drag considering Beyonce has songs she is credited on that are only minimally different from the original demo. Like Halo for example she's credited for very minor alterations to the song. Not that there is anything wrong with that anyone who works on a song should be credited. 


Also Gaga wanted credit on Jlo's album because redone recycled work they had done together for Born This Way onto that album. Jlo even said herself that redone played her samples and let her know he had worked on them with Gaga. Gaga only cared about the credit because she didn't want to be seen as unoriginal she initially asked to have either her song (Judas) or JLO's song changed so they didn't sound as simmilar but Redone didn't do that so she asked for credit. Nothing wrong with that. 

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Sis mad Beyoncé didn’t call her, girl who tf are you? And the nerve to call it “stealing” when you didn’t create it. Girl have a seat 






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6 minutes ago, Joyride said:

this whole narrative of "Kelis doesn't own ****" that some of you guys are painting doesn't sit right with me

Sis because she doesn’t 


Survey artists who had no hand in writing songs they performed nor owned and ask them how many of them received a phone call from the some one intending to sample  a song they performed on.


She would find out she is the company of many. The idea she was owed anything is silly. Especially considering she been making jabs at Bey. Did you really want a phone call that bad sis. Even when you yourself acknowledge the makes no difference in outcome. We didn’t need her blessing or okay.



I’m sorry when she saw it was sampled did she have a stroke because of the surprise of finding out via social media that a song she has no rights to was “sampled”. Like what’s the real issue here?

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So it seems like Kellis probably should be credited more on some of her own work and that's where all this is coming from. Not really Beyonce's fault at all but I can also see why she would be upset about it I guess. :michael:

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2 minutes ago, Mr.Link said:

Beyonce’s team did the legal due. If Kelis herself doesn’t own her own masters it’s not Beyonce’s problem. She’s just fishing for retweets, especially today. 

Her husband died of cancer a few months ago and you think this woman gives a **** about retweets? I’m sorry but as a fellow Bey fan I have to say you are really misinformed here.

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6 minutes ago, Space&Time said:


NOTICE GIRLS Not once did Kelis say she actually wrote on the song. She didn’t even bother to make a valid argument. 


She did though? In this video she says Pharrell has writing credits on her songs but didn't write any of the lyrics, clearly implying that she was the one who did 



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15 minutes ago, Blasian Barnie said:

Girl, Beyoncé cleared it with the right ppl. Read your contract, h*e




i  mean it sucks but I hope stan twitter goes easy on her, this won't stop bey's steam so I think everyone should let her get it out 

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