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Miami considering sending homeless to Concentration Camp on nearby Island


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It would never happen. Large cities make too much money off of homelessness now.

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13 minutes ago, Armani? said:


its becoming a huge problem down here but I don't know if this is the correct. 

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like how would they get off da island to go get food, medical care, like da nearest supermarket is like 4 to 6 miles away


and its near Key Biscayne then da city of Miami

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Why are y'all thinking about this and how it *may* not be a good idea?




This is horrific.


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Do not comply

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The solution to homelessness is building affordable housing. Transition centres do not solve anything. People need a REAL address for all services, for their job. They need their own four walls for psychological reasons. Housing-first policy should be prioritized over building homeless shelters.

Edited by The Next Day
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The literal definition of sweeping a problem under the rug. SF isn’t doing any better, though. 

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1 hour ago, Phantom said:

Why are y'all thinking about this and how it *may* not be a good idea?




This is horrific.


They're white

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This is abysmal. This country is such a ******* failure :deadbanana4:

Edited by scenekiller
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There is only way solution to unhoused people - housing then. If you can't do that without literal concentration camp, you deserve for them to fight back. :michael:

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