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WHO: Gays must limit sexual partners


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The World Health Organization on Wednesday recommended that gay and bisexual men limit their number of sexual partners to protect themselves from monkeypox and help slow transmission of the rapidly spreading virus.


WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it is crucial for public health authorities to engage communities of men who have sex with men to reduce transmission of the virus and take care of those infected, while protecting human rights by fighting stigma and discrimination.


“For men who have sex with men, this includes for the moment, reducing your number of sexual partners, reconsidering considering sex with new partners, and exchanging contact details with any new partners to enable follow up if needed,” Tedros said.


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:clap3:We love WHO again. 

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WHO is brainwashed by religion! Mind your own business! It's our right to sleep with 15 men in one night! But make sure to wear a mask! Follow the science!

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The funniest thing is that this very people are the biggest perverts, I cant even imagine what this power people do in  their secret meetings. 

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not 95% of patients are men who have sex with other men...

conservatives will have a field day with this....

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Anyone with common sense is doing exactly.


Can’t wait for the “b-but **** shaming!!1 :((“ crew :clap3: 

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Is it reductive to ask gay people to not have sex during a expontially growing epidemic :toofunny2: 

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I mean, it is truly embarrassing to have a global health infrastructure have to ask gay men not to be promiscuous.

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It’s the way that he even makes sure to say to exchange details at the end there, knowing those anon cumdumps clearly don’t do that. 

of course he’ll be labeled the devil tho, even with this just being a suggestion for dumbasses, and not a ban on being promiscuous, the fake-woke gays will still panic about their “rights.” 

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This is dangerous, they should be saying this to everyone, while still sharing the percentages to show who is most at risk. This leaves open a narrative to label MP as gay disease and the theocrat republicans will have a field day. Wording matters

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All we have to do is to let this ride out over the summer (and potentially autumn) and either be celibate/monogamous because monkeypox only going to get more omnipresent globally from here on out. 

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Tbh I feel the gays are finally starting to be conscious. There was a gay in my gym just now and he was in the phone talking to another gay about "It's not happening" / "he isn't going" because there was even a death now. I didn't hear everything, but I could tell he was the type of gay that loves taking E and ending up in bathhouses. 

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22 minutes ago, Danny789 said:

This is dangerous, they should be saying this to everyone, while still sharing the percentages to show who is most at risk. This leaves open a narrative to label MP as gay disease and the theocrat republicans will have a field day. Wording matters

Exactly, rather than wording this as "Gay and bi men should stop having so many sexual partners", they should say how all sexual partners should be kept to a minimum to help protect the spread and highlight the higher percentage of infections in LGBTQ+ Men. Even if that seems pragmatic. It gives ammunition for homophobes.

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Wow the data is awesome ?

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ok guise… it’s time for some of you to close your legs (for once) 


i really hope they get the spread of this under control… and they should tell everyone to play it safe but I guess they feel after looking at the numbers it’s only gays who are most at risk.

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44 minutes ago, brazil said:

Tbh I feel the gays are finally starting to be conscious. There was a gay in my gym just now and he was in the phone talking to another gay about "It's not happening" / "he isn't going" because there was even a death now. I didn't hear everything, but I could tell he was the type of gay that loves taking E and ending up in bathhouses. 

Oh please they didn’t even be conscious with HIV :rip:

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Just now, infrared said:

Oh please they didn’t even be conscious with HIV :rip:

This :toofunny3:

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Just now, infrared said:

Oh please they didn’t even be conscious with HIV :rip:

What are you talking about, most gays lived in the closet and were the victims of all kinds of hate after the aids epidemic. Despite it originating among straights :coffee2:

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14 minutes ago, infrared said:

Oh please they didn’t even be conscious with HIV :rip:

This is not even remotely comparable. HIV was a completely new, unknown virus and was not well understood for many years, and no one cared because it was affecting gay people. It took years to determine that AIDS was caused by HIV.


And HIV has a long latency period (literally years) before it causes AIDS symptoms, meaning there were many years where it spread and no one had any idea, even within monogamous relationships. 


We already have a clear understanding of how monkeypox is spreading, the virus that causes it, what the symptoms are, etc. and symptoms appear quickly. In theory we should be able to ride this out pretty easily (whether or not that happens is another story nnn). It would be very helpful if major cities could get more vaccines. Right now I just see tons of gays trying to book the same 5 vax appointments everywhere. 

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Most people (the majority) having monkeypox are gays having multiple partners, this ARE THE FACTS. The risky behavior celebrated in the gay community is spreading monkeypox like wildfire

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