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What's your major? Would you rewind and change it? Is it related to your job now?

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Title is self-explanatory...


1. What's your major?

2. Why did you choose it?

3. Is the job prospects good for your career?

4. Is your job now related to your major?

5. What department and what industry do you work in currently?


I chose accounting & finance and the reason I did was because of my parents' advice. It wasn't the major that I initially wanted but seeing as the prospects seem good, I grew to enjoy it. It's currently related to my job too (accountant for insurance company). Hbu girls? :sistrens: :gaycat:

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1. I'm currently studying for an English/Portuguese degree.

2. I want to take advantage of the fact I can speak three languages (the third is Spanish).

3. I won't be unemployed but I'll need to very work hard to earn better conditions, PhD is a must.

4. A bit, I'm currently on an administration-oriented internship.

5. My internship is at my college's post-graduation and scientific project department. I'm technically a government hooker worker.


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my major is Humanities with a focus in Philosophy and i’ll finally be done on august 7th!


my original major (first two years of uni) was Classical Double Bass Performance, but the program shattered my mental health in a lot of ways


I chose to switch to Humanities and Philosophy because both topics have fascinated me for over a decade, and writing has always been a passion of mine


the job prospects… god only knows lol


my most recent job was a lame hotel job with the most tedious tasks, so definitely irrelevant to one of my desired fields


I plan to go to grad school maybe in my 30s, or age 28 at the earliest, but right now i need a major break!

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I majored in Journalism with a minor in Fashion Communication + Management. First I wanted to be a fashion writer and then a stylist.

Job prospects weren't very good when I finished so I shifted to Photography Production. Not really related to the journalism part but I still work in fashion so it kinda worded lol

I now really like my job and don't see myself in any other position :hey:

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Initially it was Psychology, then I changed it to Marketing because it’s by far the more lucrative field.

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I majored in Communications and English. The job market is decent but during my first job I quickly realized I didn’t like writing/marketing/social media as much as I thought I would. 


I now work in HR in financial services. 

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1. What's your major?




2. Why did you choose it?


I was good at maths and scored very well in physics. And I love science. Thats the only reason nnn


3. Is the job prospects good for your career?


Idk I don't think so :deadbanana2:


4. Is your job now related to your major?


Oh ho... No. :toofunny3:


5. What department and what industry do you work in currently?


I now work in a bank as an assistant manager. And unlike what my resume says, the problem solving skills I acquired from my degree doesn't translate well into my current job :)

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  1. I majored in political science and minored in education studies.
  2. I always loved the social sciences. My favorite subject is history but I felt like I could do more things with political science. I ended up minoring in education studies because halfway through college I became really interested in education itself.
  3. I actually think the job prospects are alright, in fact I was the first in my friend group to get a job offer. Political science (and liberal arts majors as a whole) have a negative reputation but tbh I think political science is a very "flexible" major. With a lot of liberal arts majors, you're really free to pursue any career you want after college, whereas with a lot of STEM majors, I noticed that people find it odd if you pursue something outside of your field and are therefore pressured to stay within their subject field. I do plan on going to grad school though so this question doesn't matter to me that much.
  4. I'm actually in the process of finding a new job but my previous job was related to my major.
  5. My previous job was as "political science" as it gets. I worked as a research assistant for a university's political science department, where I worked in a team studying international treaties. I am considering changing industries though.
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13 hours ago, gustavothehuman said:

1. I'm currently studying for an English/Portuguese degree.

2. I want to take advantage of the fact I can speak three languages (the third is Spanish).

3. I won't be unemployed but I'll need to very work hard to earn better conditions, PhD is a must.

4. A bit, I'm currently on an administration-oriented internship.

5. My internship is at my college's post-graduation and scientific project department. I'm technically a government hooker worker.


Ngl I used to think "what's a literature fresh grad gonna do after college?" but some of my friends who did English got a good job at e-commerce/online travel agents but mostly work as Relationship Managers.

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13 hours ago, JoeAg said:

my major is Humanities with a focus in Philosophy and i’ll finally be done on august 7th!


my original major (first two years of uni) was Classical Double Bass Performance, but the program shattered my mental health in a lot of ways


I chose to switch to Humanities and Philosophy because both topics have fascinated me for over a decade, and writing has always been a passion of mine


the job prospects… god only knows lol


my most recent job was a lame hotel job with the most tedious tasks, so definitely irrelevant to one of my desired fields


I plan to go to grad school maybe in my 30s, or age 28 at the earliest, but right now i need a major break!

Going with philosophy is a riskier move but props to you for pursuing what you're really interested in! I'm also planning to take masters :jonny: How old are you? I'll be 25 this year. Are you gonna take philosophy again?

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13 hours ago, lachiqui_klk said:

I majored in Journalism with a minor in Fashion Communication + Management. First I wanted to be a fashion writer and then a stylist.

Job prospects weren't very good when I finished so I shifted to Photography Production. Not really related to the journalism part but I still work in fashion so it kinda worded lol

I now really like my job and don't see myself in any other position :hey:

I went out on a date once with someone who did Photography Production. He didn't go to college though. It's awesome that you still work in the same industry that you're passionate about! Do you handle the photography of various fashion brands online marketing/campaign? How is it looking long-term career wise?

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12 hours ago, moonlitdick said:

Initially it was Psychology, then I changed it to Marketing because it’s by far the more lucrative field.


12 hours ago, pxxxtrick said:

I majored in Communications and English. The job market is decent but during my first job I quickly realized I didn’t like writing/marketing/social media as much as I thought I would. 


I now work in HR in financial services. 

These are slay switch. My bf is doing his masters in psychology and he's aiming for HR too (and he has bachelors in English as well)

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I’m a nurse and I would give half my dick length to go back and pursue art and literature. 

Nursing has destroyed my soul 

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  • ATRL Moderator

I majored in studio art :skull:  I don’t use it at all and if I could go back I would get a degree in kinesiology 

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I just graduated community college with a business transfer degree. I am now pursuing a 4 year degree for a concentration in management. With my community college credits I only have two more years which is great. I want to Persue a masters in music business or maybe tv and film business.

i wouldn’t Change my current major because I would be set by two years, but also because I feel it’s a versatile degree that I can take nearly anywhere for a masters program! 

my current job is a hotel. It’s basically just part time for the summer

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I have a BA in Visual Art and an MFA in Photography. Not the easiest or most immediatey lucrative career path, but I’m happy with my job and salary right now. I work for a fine art gallery/dealer. I get to travel a lot and meet a lot of interesting people, and continue to work on my own studio practice on the side. 

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12 hours ago, Prisoner said:

1. What's your major?




2. Why did you choose it?


I was good at maths and scored very well in physics. And I love science. Thats the only reason nnn


3. Is the job prospects good for your career?


Idk I don't think so :deadbanana2:


4. Is your job now related to your major?


Oh ho... No. :toofunny3:


5. What department and what industry do you work in currently?


I now work in a bank as an assistant manager. And unlike what my resume says, the problem solving skills I acquired from my degree doesn't translate well into my current job :)

Girl we all know we embellish stuff in our resumes/CVs. I wrote "excel in numerical tasks" but sometimes there are issues and it makes my head spin to figure stuff out :lmao: But working in banking sounds like a secured job sis :clap3: R u getting that promotion anytime soon?



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1. What's your major?

currently on my last year of architecture school, and I wouldn’t change it.


2. Why did you choose it?

idk I liked design and houses


3. Is the job prospects good for your career?

idk, hope so


4. Is your job now related to your major?

I’m unemployed rn, but my last job was at an architecture studio (though I did nothing related to architecture lol)


5. What department and what industry do you work in currently?

see above

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2 hours ago, Mezzanine said:

Ngl I used to think "what's a literature fresh grad gonna do after college?" but some of my friends who did English got a good job at e-commerce/online travel agents but mostly work as Relationship Managers.

It's not just literature! (here in Brazil at least). We also see linguistics, translation, teaching methods... I'll be able to work at schools, book publishers, multi-national industries, etc. One of my teachers gave English classes to people at airtravel companies before coming back to college :gaycat:

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wish I actually dropped out of school and got a job when I was younger and didn't have as much anxiety that I do now!

11 years later after graduating high school, I still never been able to get stable job because of my autistic anxiety ass. and fact my parents never took me to someone growing up I was learning different to everyone else while being sexually harassered by grandparents because i never function like a normal child I feel the lack of help I had growing up is partly reason it terrifies me so much to leave the house or work. It be nice to go back in time and ask my parents for help and get me proper diagnose. 

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1. What's your major? - Information Technology - Software Development / Systems Analysis and Design

2. Why did you choose it? - I was passionate about programming, logic formulation, and problem solving back then; I enjoy shadowing and mentoring Junior Programmers now.

3. Is the job prospects good for your career? - I guess so. I'm satisfied with my career at the moment.

4. Is your job now related to your major? - Yes.

5. What department and what industry do you work in currently? - IT Department.

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20 hours ago, Mezzanine said:

Going with philosophy is a riskier move but props to you for pursuing what you're really interested in! I'm also planning to take masters :jonny: How old are you? I'll be 25 this year. Are you gonna take philosophy again?

i’m 25! yeah it was certainly riskier considering i had never taken a philosophy course until like junior year and i had only read passages of Thus Spoke Zarathustra and I and Thou lol

but yeah i actually think if i go for my master’s it’ll be in philosophy, it’s just been very stimulating for me and i crave knowledge. i also kind of want to become a grievance counselor someday lol


but yeah music school was tragically not for me, at least not on upright bass :chick3: it’s one of my passions for sure, but songwriting and singing have always been slightly more prominent passions. being a professional musician/popstar has always been my biggest dream but of course i have to be realistic. i’ll never FULLY give up on it though, even if it only materializes as nothing more than a side hustle


would your master’s have to do with accounting and finance too?

Edited by JoeAg
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1. What's your major? It used to be Business, then it was Film Production, and now it's Marketing with a minor in public policy


2. Why did you choose it?  I chose Business at first because I had no idea what to do after high school and I didn't ever plan on my future so that seemed easy enough but I hated it so I changed majors to Film Prod. I have friends that either work in the entertainment industry or want to so I thought it would be fun but it wasn't for me, so I switched to Marketing because...well I don't really know. Money I guess? Digital marketing is kinda interesting. And with my minor I can choose to go to law school if I want so basically I just wanted a lot of options.


3. Is the job prospects good for your career? I think so.


4. Is your job now related to your major? I don't work while I'm in school but that might change. It'll probably be a random job that has nothing to do with my major. After I graduate is a different story.


5. What department and what industry do you work in currently? I work odd jobs to make money right now. It's hard to focus on work and school at the same time so I only work in summers. I tried getting some internships but they either ghosted me or told me they had no work so I do like three different jobs right now in completely random areas for easy money. Right now I coach kids in swimming, work at the front desk of my gym on weekends, and then occasionally do landscaping whenever I want extra cash.

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On 7/27/2022 at 1:56 AM, Mezzanine said:


These are slay switch. My bf is doing his masters in psychology and he's aiming for HR too (and he has bachelors in English as well)

Thank you sister :hughard: I’m definitely gonna consider a masters in Psychology too.

It sucks I had to switch to Marketing for BA but like I said, more lucrative sector. Plus I still do enjoy it. 

12 hours ago, bad guy said:

1. What's your major? It used to be Business, then it was Film Production, and now it's Marketing with a minor in public policy


2. Why did you choose it?  I chose Business at first because I had no idea what to do after high school and I didn't ever plan on my future so that seemed easy enough but I hated it so I changed majors to Film Prod. I have friends that either work in the entertainment industry or want to so I thought it would be fun but it wasn't for me, so I switched to Marketing because...well I don't really know. Money I guess? Digital marketing is kinda interesting. And with my minor I can choose to go to law school if I want so basically I just wanted a lot of options.


3. Is the job prospects good for your career? I think so.


4. Is your job now related to your major? I don't work while I'm in school but that might change. It'll probably be a random job that has nothing to do with my major. After I graduate is a different story.


5. What department and what industry do you work in currently? I work odd jobs to make money right now. It's hard to focus on work and school at the same time so I only work in summers. I tried getting some internships but they either ghosted me or told me they had no work so I do like three different jobs right now in completely random areas for easy money. Right now I coach kids in swimming, work at the front desk of my gym on weekends, and then occasionally do landscaping whenever I want extra cash.

Yea Business is god awful :rip: Hated it in hs so I was never giving it a thought beyond that :skull:

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1. What's your major?



2. Why did you choose it?

I chose it because it's something I really enjoy and I'm also a creative.


3. Is the job prospects good for your career?

I hope so. I want to work behind the scenes - songwriting, A&R etc.


4. Is your job now related to your major?

Nope, it's just a part-time job to assist me through uni.


5. What department and what industry do you work in currently?

It's in hospitality.



I do sometimes regret picking Music as something to study and that is because it doesn't seem that lucrative today compared to the past.

I should have gone for either Tourism or Social care.


If I could re-do uni, I wouldn't pick music.

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