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Do you believe in an afterlife?


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I feel that I want to. Having lost my mum going on nearly 5 years, I feel the grief has made me truly WANT there to be something more. I’ve always been open minded to it but I feel such a pivotal moment of my life really expanded my thoughts on such a subject.


Anyway, this isn’t intended to be a sad thread… I just wondered what is everyone else’s thoughts on an afterlife or something along those lines? Do you believe? Want to believe? Not believe?

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i believe in the concepts of Earth / this universe eventually ending and souls either gracing for eternity or ceasing to exist.


Basically either heaven or hell but not the traditional / Biblical sense. I dont think people who have died immediately go to heaven or hell but everyone goes to live their respective afterlife until this universe stops existing.

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I was raised Catholic but kind of shunned religion as a teenager since I thought it was incompatible with homosexuality. Now that I'm a little older I've gotten really interested in theology and literature with theological themes, which hasn't made me a dogmatic Christian/Catholic but has definitely renewed my faith in a God and a sort of afterlife. I even go to church sometimes now. Not sure what I believe an afterlife looks like at the moment, but I don't really consider myself agnostic like I used to now at least

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no. and thank god, imagine having to keep going forever after you died. life is special because of death. when you die, you cease to perceive. there is nothing before birth and there is nothing after life and that's good.

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whatever you want is there, if you want nothing then you can have nothing but also if you want something else than that will be waiting for you too 

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I want there to be an afterlife. Do I believe there is an afterlife? The truth is, I don't know. I know it's about believing and not about knowing but I just can't believe in something that might very well not exist. And no one knows if there is an afterlife and what it's like if it exists. 

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Nah, it all ends with our death. We lose consciousness aka our "soul". It's not possible to wake up in another life, that would mean our personality would have to travel outside of our body, through the air into a multiverse. It's sci-fi/fantasy, like the bible.

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Nah, it all ends with our death. We lose consciousness aka our "soul". It's not possible to wake up in another life, that would mean our personality would have to travel outside of our body, through the air into a multiverse. It's sci-fi/fantasy, like the bible.

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1 hour ago, P!nk said:

I feel that I want to. Having lost my mum going on nearly 5 years, I feel the grief has made me truly WANT there to be something more. I’ve always been open minded to it but I feel such a pivotal moment of my life really expanded my thoughts on such a subject.


Anyway, this isn’t intended to be a sad thread… I just wondered what is everyone else’s thoughts on an afterlife or something along those lines? Do you believe? Want to believe? Not believe?

Yes. Heaven is real and it does exist. :alexz3: Earth is just our temporary home and a glimpse of God’s handiwork. We come from our parents but our spirit and all of creation is from God. It’s beautiful when you think how profound that is.


“So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”

‭‭John‬ ‭10:7, 9‬ ‭ESV‬‬


“Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:15-17‬ ‭NLT‬‬


““For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

‭‭John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Edited by Buffy
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“Afterlife” is such a selfish concept humans created wishful thinking and it’s one of the most exploited beliefs by religious organizations. The answer is no. Just like every other living thing, you die. What makes humans especial over things like worms or crabs? 

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Dunno, don't care. Even if there was an afterlife what matters is the present moment 

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Simply put, we are the universe experiencing itself through different lenses. What happens when we die? I don't know. Maybe we just go back to being the universe.

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I like to believe it, everyone i was close too growing up are all dead now.. and miss them

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Yes, I believe I and my husband's continue loving each other in the afterlife once our time comes. :heart:

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I believe in both reincarnation and heaven


i believe we reincarnate to learn life lessons and then we go to heaven or hell


i also don't believe that "sinners" remain in hell forever, only the worst of humans burn there for eternity

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I'm unsure as to what I believe. I was raised in a very strict Muslim household but I no longer believe in the concept of heaven and hell or an almighty god. I don't believe in a place where billions and billions of souls come to have their eternal afterlife. Rationally, I'm inclined to think (but very much don't want to believe) that we just cease to exist. Our consciousness and perception stops. It's not nothing, it's not eternalness, it just stops. Sort of like an eternal sleep. Or where we 'were' before birth. I truly find that a terrifying idea, though.

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Unless we can get a way to it or observe it in someway, I don't care really. Same thing with solipsism, does it matter if all we have is what we're in?


I do not believe in an afterlife.

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I hope the **** NOT this one is enough for me I don't want to live again AFTER living this one life like let me rest in peace thank you!

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16 hours ago, Daddy said:

Nah, it all ends with our death. We lose consciousness aka our "soul". It's not possible to wake up in another life, that would mean our personality would have to travel outside of our body, through the air into a multiverse. It's sci-fi/fantasy, like the bible.

Nearly all big theories in science started out basically as science fiction ideas. They were so unthinkable or viewed as ludicrous in comparison to the norms of thought at the time.

The Big Bang Theory was ridiculed by early scientists for being implausible compared to the theory of an eternal steady state universe which was the scientific consensus then. Darwin’s theory of evolution was a paradigm-shifting one that no one, even the most imaginative, could ever have imagined it to be real. Einstein’s general relativity & special relativity were so mind-bending, they literally border science fiction. And you now have the entire field of quantum theory which ripped the entire fabric of classical physics to shreds. It literally defies common sense.


The universe doesn’t conform to your common sense ideas of reality. Every major scientific discovery is revealing the universe unimaginably different from what was expected. As one scientist put it, the universe is stranger than you could possibly imagine.

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Yes, I believe in an afterlife, but not the Christian kind. I believe we are souls that travel to this dimension to inhabit physical bodies, learn **** and develop our spiritual intelligence or whatever. I don't think time is linear, and I believe we can come back as the same person over and over again if we want to, as well a come back as different people. The Earth is basically a training ground of sorts. Idk, this could all be bullshit, too (is this buddhism lol). Idk, It helps me sleep at night, which I didn't when I was a full-blown Reddit'd atheist. 


But if we do just cease to exist, I am perfectly at peace with it, too. In fact, it is oddly comforting. Even without an after life, or God or whatever, the story of the Universe in all of its chaotic glory creating sentient life that can ponder this question is even more BEAUTIFUL to me than all the basiqué origin stories in the Bible, etc. :rip:

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