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Do you get more attention from old men or young men?

Bacardo Royale

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Since my teen years and now in my 20s I noticed I get way more attention from men 40+ than guys my own age.  They are more forward and have no shame. Is it just me or are they like that with everyone ? I'm kind of annoyed by it idk

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tbh as soon as I turned 18 I started only getting 20% of the attention I was getting before, then when I turned 20 it was half that too :rip: which is creepy


but I’ve noticed as I grow older, younger guys go for me . It used to be all like 25-50 year old men, then when I got into my early 20’s now it’s like 18-25 year old guys mainly

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Most of the guys that hit on me at the bars are my age.  However, I think the space skews young.  I have been hit on plenty by older men too.  

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Irl - younger guys/guys around my age 

on apps - older guys/guys around my age

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Neither these days.


But used to be both however I always used to turn down the older men :biblio: 

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I still turn the heads of both equally, leaning towards the young bucks more. 

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Younger, because I have beards maybe


I prefer older guys though. 

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Some of both. I’m 26. I get a lot of younger guys calling me daddy

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15 minutes ago, Nightingale said:

Some of both. I’m 26. I get a lot of younger guys calling me daddy

Wow, we must be the same person, I'm 26 too, still not used to being called daddy :rip:


OT: Yes I have a lot of older men who hit on me, but I've always had a preference for older men, especially fit men in their 40's.

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Younger and older 

I would like someone around my age tho pls 

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slightly older typically, i’m kind of a 70s throwback in terms of appearance and older men mostly dig that but some younger guys are into that too if they’re not f*cking stuck in their clean-cut whatever ways

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13 hours ago, Planet Mars said:

Wow, we must be the same person, I'm 26 too, still not used to being called daddy :rip:


OT: Yes I have a lot of older men who hit on me, but I've always had a preference for older men, especially fit men in their 40's.

:rip: We are the same person. I've always preferred fit older guys in their 30s or 40s

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I'm not sure how to describe it. 


Since I was 15 everyone my age in the gay community cyberbullied me because I was chubby. The older men were the only ones saying I was hot. But they also were taking advantage of me when I was underage - I did a lot of risky things online between 16 and 18 but I was scarred from the cyberbullying that at the time I didn't really notice. 


I'm 28 now. Mostly keep to myself. There is this 17 year old that thinks I'm ok but he is a crazy lunatic that already talks about wanting kids and I'm like "uh....no thank you" cause I have a hard enough time managing life as an adult. Otherwise pretty much all the guys into me are still older with a couple the same age as me and only one that is younger but still not too far away. Most of the guys are whacky though. 


I've never been to a club fyi but I'm too afraid of getting bullied in person even if I'd likely love the music.

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