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Messy gay posts story of how he caught the monkeypox virus


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1 hour ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

Are you being sarcastic?

No, gardening can be very rewarding


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3 hours ago, Mitsouko said:

Unprotected sex with hundreds or thousands of people per annum isn't a stupid mistake, especially not when you make it your brand. It's a choice, a bad one. I don't think he deserved to get monkeypox or anything else, but it is wrong to ignore his or anyone else's habits which bring harm to himself and others. Unsafe sex is unsafe, monkeypox or not. An orgy during a years-long global pandemic and at the outbreak of a new viral illness that is disproportionately impacting the gay male community is bad, stupid, dumb, ugly, irresponsible, and worthy of criticism, and everyone is allowed to think it and say it. It's not homophobic and it's not kinkshaming. Everyone drags Nick Cannon for fathering children every week. :rip: Miss Piss can swallow the criticism like he swallows human waste.

Cleared :clap3:


Miss Piss though :deadbanana2:

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just seeing his profile pic on twitter is enough for me lool

i wont even bother reading what that lowlife has to say

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4 hours ago, Mitsouko said:

Unprotected sex with hundreds or thousands of people per annum isn't a stupid mistake, especially not when you make it your brand. It's a choice, a bad one. I don't think he deserved to get monkeypox or anything else, but it is wrong to ignore his or anyone else's habits which bring harm to himself and others. Unsafe sex is unsafe, monkeypox or not. An orgy during a years-long global pandemic and at the outbreak of a new viral illness that is disproportionately impacting the gay male community is bad, stupid, dumb, ugly, irresponsible, and worthy of criticism, and everyone is allowed to think it and say it. It's not homophobic and it's not kinkshaming. Everyone drags Nick Cannon for fathering children every week. :rip: Miss Piss can swallow the criticism like he swallows human waste.

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5 hours ago, Mitsouko said:

Unprotected sex with hundreds or thousands of people per annum isn't a stupid mistake, especially not when you make it your brand. It's a choice, a bad one. I don't think he deserved to get monkeypox or anything else, but it is wrong to ignore his or anyone else's habits which bring harm to himself and others. Unsafe sex is unsafe, monkeypox or not. An orgy during a years-long global pandemic and at the outbreak of a new viral illness that is disproportionately impacting the gay male community is bad, stupid, dumb, ugly, irresponsible, and worthy of criticism, and everyone is allowed to think it and say it. It's not homophobic and it's not kinkshaming. Everyone drags Nick Cannon for fathering children every week. :rip: Miss Piss can swallow the criticism like he swallows human waste.

This :clap3:


I'm all sex-positive and i don't do kinkshaming at all (i do have my own fetishes btw) but unsafe sex is NEVER a good choice regardless of your sexuality or your preferences in bed. It's a terrible choice and adult men should face their own consequences since they pretty aware of what could happen


Now we're going through this and that guy thought it was a good idea to have a birthday orgy and drink piss from strangers? Like :deadbanana4:

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On 7/25/2022 at 2:54 AM, Robyn. said:

Drinking urine is not a criteria for being gay, so how is being against it making you a self-hating gay. Just log off. :lmao:

Microwave those disingenuous and hypocritically judgmental and hateful activists, legend!



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6 hours ago, Mitsouko said:

Unprotected sex with hundreds or thousands of people per annum isn't a stupid mistake, especially not when you make it your brand. It's a choice, a bad one. I don't think he deserved to get monkeypox or anything else, but it is wrong to ignore his or anyone else's habits which bring harm to himself and others. Unsafe sex is unsafe, monkeypox or not. An orgy during a years-long global pandemic and at the outbreak of a new viral illness that is disproportionately impacting the gay male community is bad, stupid, dumb, ugly, irresponsible, and worthy of criticism, and everyone is allowed to think it and say it. It's not homophobic and it's not kinkshaming. Everyone drags Nick Cannon for fathering children every week. :rip: Miss Piss can swallow the criticism like he swallows human waste.


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There’s an extremely large difference between kink shaming and telling someone to act responsibly. 

Even if your kink is getting bred rawdog by 40+ guys in a week, you still should do that responsibly (or maybe not at all?) when it’s a risk of a pandemic. We’ve seen directly what happens when our community is faced with a disease that is spread predominately by sex. Miss me with the “it can be spread other ways” bs. I know that, you know that, we know that. But the amount of contact and fluid exchange you are making at a circuit party is dramatically more than shaking someone’s hand. 

There’s this selfish attitude within the (specifically) gay community that’s very “I get to live my life however I want and do whatever I want with no repercussions or you’re homophobic” that’s incredibly harmful. What you WANNA do, isn’t always what you SHOULD do. 

We can’t even get the kink community to leave their kink-wear and collars at home for family focused Pride parades with literal children in attendance in broad daylight. It’s damn near impossible to tell them it’s maybe not the best idea to guzzle stranger piss in a dark basement somewhere

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8 hours ago, Mitsouko said:

Unprotected sex with hundreds or thousands of people per annum isn't a stupid mistake, especially not when you make it your brand. It's a choice, a bad one. I don't think he deserved to get monkeypox or anything else, but it is wrong to ignore his or anyone else's habits which bring harm to himself and others. Unsafe sex is unsafe, monkeypox or not. An orgy during a years-long global pandemic and at the outbreak of a new viral illness that is disproportionately impacting the gay male community is bad, stupid, dumb, ugly, irresponsible, and worthy of criticism, and everyone is allowed to think it and say it. It's not homophobic and it's not kinkshaming. Everyone drags Nick Cannon for fathering children every week. :rip: Miss Piss can swallow the criticism like he swallows human waste.

Drag it 

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22 minutes ago, meangreen11 said:

There’s an extremely large difference between kink shaming and telling someone to act responsibly. 

Even if your kink is getting bred rawdog by 40+ guys in a week, you still should do that responsibly (or maybe not at all?) when it’s a risk of a pandemic. We’ve seen directly what happens when our community is faced with a disease that is spread predominately by sex. Miss me with the “it can be spread other ways” bs. I know that, you know that, we know that. But the amount of contact and fluid exchange you are making at a circuit party is dramatically more than shaking someone’s hand. 

There’s this selfish attitude within the (specifically) gay community that’s very “I get to live my life however I want and do whatever I want with no repercussions or you’re homophobic” that’s incredibly harmful. What you WANNA do, isn’t always what you SHOULD do. 

We can’t even get the kink community to leave their kink-wear and collars at home for family focused Pride parades with literal children in attendance in broad daylight. It’s damn near impossible to tell them it’s maybe not the best idea to guzzle stranger piss in a dark basement somewhere

Snatch it

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6 hours ago, Redstreak said:

I just don’t know how many diseases have to be labeled a gay disease and more societal negativity dumped on us before we realize there are worse things in life than “**** shaming”. It’s like someone else said earlier in the thread it’s like getting mad at someone for telling you not to play in the street during 5 o’clock traffic 

I understand that. But gays have been **** shaming other gays whether there is a pandemic or disease or nothing at all. An outbreak could have easily occurred in any group or setting. This one just happened to happen between gay men because at the time gay men had increased exposure risk. Like I said, at least this guy is being honest and taking responsibility. I'm not saying he should have been doing what he did during this spread, but he did it, and is being open about it and spreading awareness.


Sluts come in all types of forms. I think some of you should really pick up the book The Ethical Sl*t before you jump to make conclusions about sluts in general. There is a big difference between a wreck-less **** and an actual ethical ****.

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2 hours ago, ZeroSuitBritney said:

I understand that. But gays have been **** shaming other gays whether there is a pandemic or disease or nothing at all. An outbreak could have easily occurred in any group or setting. This one just happened to happen between gay men because at the time gay men had increased exposure risk. Like I said, at least this guy is being honest and taking responsibility. I'm not saying he should have been doing what he did during this spread, but he did it, and is being open about it and spreading awareness.


Sluts come in all types of forms. I think some of you should really pick up the book The Ethical Sl*t before you jump to make conclusions about sluts in general. There is a big difference between a wreck-less **** and an actual ethical ****.

Funnily enough I actually got that book about a week ago. Haven’t made much headway yet on it though

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I mean he's right.  Any solution that is "don't have sex" is just not going to work.  We need to do our best in the community to work on the best way to stop the spread of Monkeypox which includes meeting people where they are at.

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16 minutes ago, madonnas said:

I mean he's right.  Any solution that is "don't have sex" is just not going to work.  We need to do our best in the community to work on the best way to stop the spread of Monkeypox which includes meeting people where they are at.

I think the recommendation is not to have sex prior to being vaccinated. Just wait two weeks for God sakes. It's not like everything didn't close for months and we were forced indoors by the pandemic. Not having sex with several strangers for a couple of weeks shouldn't be too hard. 

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22 minutes ago, madonnas said:

I mean he's right.  Any solution that is "don't have sex" is just not going to work.  We need to do our best in the community to work on the best way to stop the spread of Monkeypox which includes meeting people where they are at.

Meeting people where they are at?

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1 hour ago, madonnas said:

I mean he's right.  Any solution that is "don't have sex" is just not going to work.  We need to do our best in the community to work on the best way to stop the spread of Monkeypox which includes meeting people where they are at.

Well, it would work, but enough gays simply will not stop going to bathhouses and dark rooms and having orgies. During the AIDS crisis in the 80s, some were pushing to close bathhouses after they had been identified as major centres for transmission of the virus, but they were vehemently opposed by many activists and only when tens of thousands were dying did they finally close them. At that point it was too late of course as so many had been infected already and didn't even know they had it yet. The attitudes we see now mirror what happened then. Thankfully this time it's not a lethal virus, just painful and disfiguring. 


But anytime someone says "the solution is not to stop having sex" when talking about a virus that is primarily being transmitted via sex, they're full of ****. Right now, if you don't want to catch monkeypox, not having sex is a pretty good way of avoiding it. Every study is showing the vast majority of transmission is happening due to sex. 


In a sane rational world they would be shutting down every single bathhouse and making 'dark rooms' illegal at organized parties, and forcing Grindr to show a huge notice of where to book your vaccination. Until this thing is under control. It's really wild that so many people were OK with civilization being put on hold due to COVID, but for this nah, even asking people to stop going to an orgy is too much.


It's the exact same attitude of the radical activists from the 80s who refused to shut down bathhouses or acknowledge what was happening. Like we learned absolutely nothing. Like all those hundreds of thousands of deaths were for nothing. VIRUSES DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR LIBERATION. They will kill you and maim you regardless. The "uppity", "self-hating" gays who stopped going to bathhouses in the 80s and insisted on wearing condoms are still alive. The liberated sexually free ones died a horrific death. That is the cruel, cold reality of the world. You either acknowledge it and act accordingly, or it will hit you in the face and it won't be pretty. Right now, acknowledging reality means not going to a ******* bathhouse and sticking your cock in some random guy's ass you can't even see properly.

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He’s ******* vile  and only on this site will you find people defending his reckless actions while calling other gays self hating even tho we aren’t the ones drinking random peoples piss

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2 hours ago, Raver said:

He’s ******* vile  and only on this site will you find people defending his reckless actions while calling other gays self hating even tho we aren’t the ones drinking random peoples piss

all of this

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My thing is wtf was he seeking to gain by telling that story?!!! People do everything for attention!!! So what if you did this and that. You dont got to proclaim it to the whole world ro judge and then throw on everyone else. 


As if gays dont have enough stigmas and he wants to write wattpad novels about his sexual endeavors?!  Sure dude...lets just regress the lgbt back 35 years!!!

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On 7/27/2022 at 7:31 AM, Breathe On Moi said:

not Miss Piss :hoetenks:


The “stupid mistake” part is really sending me :bibliahh: like oops I casually mistakenly walked into 15 guys pissing on me and into my mouth.  Where is the self accountability. Where is the self control. Where is the just drinking apple juice instead. 


On 7/27/2022 at 7:05 AM, Mitsouko said:

Unprotected sex with hundreds or thousands of people per annum isn't a stupid mistake, especially not when you make it your brand. It's a choice, a bad one. I don't think he deserved to get monkeypox or anything else, but it is wrong to ignore his or anyone else's habits which bring harm to himself and others. Unsafe sex is unsafe, monkeypox or not. An orgy during a years-long global pandemic and at the outbreak of a new viral illness that is disproportionately impacting the gay male community is bad, stupid, dumb, ugly, irresponsible, and worthy of criticism, and everyone is allowed to think it and say it. It's not homophobic and it's not kinkshaming. Everyone drags Nick Cannon for fathering children every week. :rip: Miss Piss can swallow the criticism like he swallows human waste.

Lets be honest. Before monkeypox who would have cared? He didnt know this was coming. So I dont blame him. He had every right to do it. 


It just so happens monkeypox hit the gay community this time. It isnt the first time US has had monkeypox. The straights got it back in 2003.


My only issue is with the political landscape we are in he could have kept the long explanation to himself. Because people will go judge gays for this when A) it is not a sexual disease ans B) anyone can get it.


Im not kink shaming. If you wanna drink 30 guys piss i could care less. But read the damn room!!

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13 minutes ago, FreeXone said:

wtf was he seeking to gain by telling that story?!!

He wanted to gain a stan base. Fan club. He thought he was going to truly gain Street CRED! 

This is truly heartbreaking it has me in tears. We gotta do better! We gotta protect our brothers & sisters.


Just say no? NO!? It’s ok! we can wait! 

You don’t want the monkey! It hurts!

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5 hours ago, Power love said:

He wanted to gain a stan base. Fan club. He thought he was going to truly gain Street CRED! 

This is truly heartbreaking it has me in tears. We gotta do better! We gotta protect our brothers & sisters.


Just say no? NO!? It’s ok! we can wait! 

You don’t want the monkey! It hurts!

Thankfully it isnt deadly and there is a vaccine. Ive had my questionable sexual excapades (when I went to Vegas) so Im not juddging. But its like sis.. .really? You wanna just add more stigma. Keep some **** to yourself lol

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That was truly DISGUSTING to read :hoetenks:

and not “Birthday Orgy” 

Many gays simply lack morals when they do all of this and the fact that not even a pandemic will stop them :rip:

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