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Messy gay posts story of how he caught the monkeypox virus


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1 hour ago, PoisonPill said:

So questioning this person's behavior during a major disease outbreak is "self-hating", but turning oneself into a human toilet for dozens of strangers is the epitome of self-love :bibliahh:


"questioning this person's behavior during a major disease outbreak"? Most comments don't even bring that up, they're literally just ****-shaming and pretending gays are the only ones who do orgies which apparently justifies saying that "gays are gross" as a whole, don't try it.

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2 hours ago, John Slayne said:

you'd be surprised. given that straight people are the majority they probably organise more orgies overall than the gays, hyper-fixating on gays when it comes to spread of infectious diseases is extremely homophobic 

No offense but you can tell who has a lot of straight friends and who hasn't based on comments like this. The average straight person doesn't even know anyone they know has gone to an orgy, let alone actually attended one.

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10 minutes ago, ninasayers said:

"questioning this person's behavior during a major disease outbreak"? Most comments don't even bring that up, they're literally just ****-shaming and pretending gays are the only ones who do orgies which apparently justifies saying that "gays are gross" as a whole, don't try it.

We're (mostly) all gay men here, you're not fooling anyone here. Of course there are het people who engage in this behavior, but we all know firsthand that it's much more normalized  in the gay community. 

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I honestly can't believe anyone would want to risk having sex with a stranger, let alone multiple, with Monkey Pox spreading rapidly.  Literally everyone at that orgy is most likely infected and went on to infect others. :mazen:


At this point, I've just stopped having sex completely.  Not worth the risk of STD's, Covid, or Monkey Pox. :michael:

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2 hours ago, hurricane326 said:

Literally how would you know this

Life experience on this Earth babe. Vast majority of straight people have their bf or gf and that’s it. The idea of casually participating in group sex is totally alien.

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1 minute ago, hurricane326 said:

So you're pulling anecdotal evidence out of one person's experience - your own - and passing it off as fact. Not cool

I’m pulling anecdotal evidence from a fairly vast amount of life experience across multiple continents and cultures and yes I can tell you with absolute certainty that for the average straight person an orgy is not a normal thing. Make a Reddit poll if you want.

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14 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

In the United Kingdom, a nationally representative study in 2013 found that 33.9% of heterosexual men had 10 or more lifetime sexual partners.


The 2013 British NATSAL study found that gay men typically had 19 sexual partners in a lifetime (median)

19.6% reported having 10 or more sexual partners


So what is the truth?


No, but for real, you've been very vocal in these topics about spreading misinformation about gay men. Anecdotal evidence and "absolute certainty" are polar opposites - gaining confidence from anedotes in laughable at best. What even is the "average" straight person or "average" gay man?


Wow, Reddit, the ultimate truth-teller


Sis I am a gay man, I know my people

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This is obviously anecdotal but none of my straight friends have been orgies. They are always shocked when I tell them about how hypersexualized some gays are

I really doubt straight people are doing as much orgies as gay people, let alone piss orgies :toofunny2:

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4 hours ago, hurricane326 said:

Literally how would you know this

I can ask all my friends (mostly straight guys), most of them have only had sex in committed relationships, and a few had some one-night stands or paid to have sex. Not full-on orgies with over a dozen people, and certainly not bareback piss orgies. :rip:

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6 hours ago, Protocol said:

No offense but you can tell who has a lot of straight friends and who hasn't based on comments like this. The average straight person doesn't even know anyone they know has gone to an orgy, let alone actually attended one.

No offense but you don't know me or my friends :rip:

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Threads like these are the reason I hate coming to this forum sometimes. The behavior here is the actually gross thing.

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1 hour ago, Chemist said:

This is obviously anecdotal but none of my straight friends have been orgies. They are always shocked when I tell them about how hypersexualized some gays are

I really doubt straight people are doing as much orgies as gay people, let alone piss orgies :toofunny2:

I mean I really thought this was a widely known thing :rip: I'm shocked that the notion that gay men have a lot more sex and especially stuff like orgies than straight people is controversial here. Some people even insinuating I'm homophobic. Sis I am literally a gay man. I'm on Grindr too. I'm going to a pride party in five days where we will all be in underwear. This is not self-hatred it's facts.

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The internalized homophobia jumped out in this thread! 

Are there promiscuous piss drinking orgy attending gay people? Yes!
Are there promiscuous piss drinking orgy attending straight people? Most certainly yes!

That being said he and others definitely need to be more careful given the current situation. 

Edited by mystery
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On 7/25/2022 at 1:18 AM, Worm said:

I mean sure, this kind of behaviour is pretty dangerous during the monkeypox outbreak.


But it seems pretty clear to me that the people in this thread would be making the same comments even if they didn't have the 'excuse' of the monkeypox health crisis to justify their judgment. Is it really so big a deal if someone has more sexual partners than you think they should? 


To me it seems just as ridiculous as if the people in the 'I only masturbate once a week' camp started yelling at the people in the 'I masturbate twice a day' camp for being sick, disgusting, mentally ill perverts.


Some people just like having sex more often and with more partners than others. It's really not that deep. 

When was the last time someone caught an STI from masturbation?? :rip:

And this is the reality, sexual interactions come with a weight and shouldn't be understood as some trivial topic. Its really important we don't shame and sex positivity is essential.... but the pendulum needs to swing both ways and we absolute (As a community) need to start instilling some values of safe sex practices and healthy sexual relationships because it is simply not sustainable the way we act like sex has no consequences to mental and physical health :deadbanana4:

We really gotta start looking forward towards creating a healthier, balanced, less drug/sex orientated community. I know it sounds like I'm generalising (and the behaviour in the OP is not the standard) but we are not doing anyone favours by pretending that everything is fine and normal

Edited by Otter
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25 minutes ago, mystery said:

The internalized homophobia jumped out in this thread! 

Are there promiscuous piss drinking orgy attending gay people? Yes!
Are there promiscuous piss drinking orgy attending straight people? Most certainly yes!

That being said he and others definitely need to be more careful given the current situation. 

Right because Monkeypox is loving the gay scene for a reason. Obviously a risk to everyone and there are plenty of straights who are sexually wild but still we shouldn't act blind.

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I don't care what your kink is, none of those details were necessary to make his point. Just say you went to an orgy and move on :rip: 

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I mean, all the power to him, and glad he’s getting some, but maybe wait a few months or something. 

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On 7/25/2022 at 2:09 AM, shookspeare said:

the way delusional gays continue to deny that gay men are way more promiscuous on average than other populations


the DELUSION, and yes I have internalized homophobia and it's because of things like this






there's nothing wrong with being promiscuous 


you've been brainwashed by the religious society that values "purity" which means nothing 

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9 hours ago, Protocol said:

Life experience on this Earth babe. Vast majority of straight people have their bf or gf and that’s it. The idea of casually participating in group sex is totally alien.

true, but my coworkers (I work at a seafood restaurant :rip:) have had an orgy amongst themselves before.  There was like either 6 or 8 of them.  And throughout the years, a lot of the girls have slept with all the guys.  Sex runs rampant anywhere.  Now I'm not sure how kinky they all got, but does anyone remember 2girls1cup?  That's not gay guy related and that took the world by storm.

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while da stuff he does i would never, why is anyone judging him in da first place


**** shaming at its finest here


i'm horrible but at least this gay knew what was up and made da decision to go ahead and do it


da gays here in south florida are losing it because they get it and start screamin how they didn't kno and da county ain't doin enough to inform


i'm like gurl do u not watch da news or jus get it from da drag queen from da bar u frequent

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Y'all love to scream self-hating at anyone that drags this type of reckless gays but if that's the hill you wanna die on, be my guess.


It sucks that he caught it but he had it coming because I doubt being a sex worker equals to drink piss and get railed by 93487239486240273 in birthday orgies but well...

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9 hours ago, hurricane326 said:

In the United Kingdom, a nationally representative study in 2013 found that 33.9% of heterosexual men had 10 or more lifetime sexual partners.


The 2013 British NATSAL study found that gay men typically had 19 sexual partners in a lifetime (median)

19.6% reported having 10 or more sexual partners


So what is the truth?


No, but for real, you've been very vocal in these topics about spreading misinformation about gay men. Anecdotal evidence and "absolute certainty" are polar opposites - gaining confidence from anedotes in laughable at best. What even is the "average" straight person or "average" gay man?


Wow, Reddit, the ultimate truth-teller

Thanks yet again. Anecdotes and Reddit are not DATA. People are welcome to their suspicions and stereotypes but not their own FACTS. 


You want better data? Fine, but you don't get to project onto others from own tiny worlds in the meantime, even if you claim to be "well traveled". *****, so are a lot of other people, gay and straight :rip: 

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33 minutes ago, dabunique said:

while da stuff he does i would never, why is anyone judging him in da first place


**** shaming at its finest here


i'm horrible but at least this gay knew what was up and made da decision to go ahead and do it


da gays here in south florida are losing it because they get it and start screamin how they didn't kno and da county ain't doin enough to inform


i'm like gurl do u not watch da news or jus get it from da drag queen from da bar u frequent

We should **** shame. Now is not the time to clutch PC pearls. This type of behavior is selfish and reckless - it is men like him who will ensure monkeypox makes it's way to a portion of the responsible population.

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58 minutes ago, dabunique said:

while da stuff he does i would never, why is anyone judging him in da first place


**** shaming at its finest here


i'm horrible but at least this gay knew what was up and made da decision to go ahead and do it


da gays here in south florida are losing it because they get it and start screamin how they didn't kno and da county ain't doin enough to inform


i'm like gurl do u not watch da news or jus get it from da drag queen from da bar u frequent

Stop with the da stuff. It wasn’t cute the first hundred times. Geez. 

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