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Would you date an obese person?

Demi Lovato

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Sorry, but no.



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No.Β :dancehall:

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If they had a hot face and a big bubble butt, hell yeah!!Β 

I prefer chubby guys. But obese is usually a little too much for me unless they have a beautiful faceΒ 

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Obese as in very overweight? Probably not because of health reasons. But I would date a chubby guy. I'm not fatphobic unlike half of ATRL. :pool:

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i don't have a feeder fetish

Edited by popmusicisdead
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First of all, you don't know what fatphobic is. Stop using that term. Not dating a fat person is not fatphobic, now if you belief he was deserving of harm or denying him his humanity like an actual fatphobic person then you'd be in that category.


We date who we like, that can be influenced by bigotry but usually you can tell when you are being bigoted upon introspection as far as how you perceive the person you're questioning your lack of attraction towards; are you dehumanizing them? Do they become less than to you? Etc


To answer the thread though, no.


If my partner were to become obese though I'd 100% be the one to help them, as finding someone attractive is hard for me in the first place, so for me to have a relationship with them means i value them greatly. On the other hand, I will leave if they refuse to address it. Either way, I wouldn't be starting a relationship with someone obese.

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22 hours ago, Rotunda said:

Just say you’re not feeling as strong as a connection as you need to (which isn’t a lie). No reason to say that the physical connection is what’s lacking.Β 

As in ,,I’m not feeling a strong connection as I need to because you’re overweight.” ?


because he’s gonna ask why…

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The answer is of course yes, because BMI does not decide a person's attractiveness, but a number of factors.

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37 minutes ago, Demi Lovato said:

As in ,,I’m not feeling a strong connection as I need to because you’re overweight.” ?


because he’s gonna ask why…

That's literally the opposite of what I said to do...Please use your brain.Β 


You can tell someone that you feel like you're lacking in chemistry or that you just don't feel as strong of an attraction as you need to. The particularities ofΒ whyΒ you don't feel that connection don't need to be divulged. Sometimes people don't know "what" it is about someone that stops them from being attracted to them. What do you gain by telling him it's cause he's overweight? Just say you aren't feeling as head-over-heels as you thought you would.Β 

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2 minutes ago, Rotunda said:

That's literally the opposite of what I said to do...Please use your brain.Β 


You can tell someone that you feel like you're lacking in chemistry or that you just don't feel as strong of an attraction as you need to. The particularities ofΒ whyΒ you don't feel that connection don't need to be divulged. Sometimes people don't know "what" it is about someone that stops them from being attracted to them. What do you gain by telling him it's cause he's overweight? Just say you aren't feeling as head-over-heels as you thought you would.Β 

Omg pls don’t be rude I was making sure, because he would ask why Β I don’t feel the connection and I would feel bad for lying.


basically should I do a white lie and say β€œIdk why I’m not feeling it, sorry, we can be friends though”?

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Just now, Demi Lovato said:

Omg pls don’t be rude I was making sure, because he would ask why Β I don’t feel the connection and I would feel bad for lying.


basically should I do a white lie and say β€œIdk why I’m not feeling it, sorry, we can be friends though”?

How many times have y’all hung outΒ 

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My first reaction is no but I'm more of a personality type of guy and I do believe anyone could fall in love and look past things.Β 

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22 hours ago, Tropez said:

This isnt true. What’s happening is our perception of larger bodies has gotten worse. Because there’s so many bigger people now, the scales that we view people have changed. Because we are so used to it.Β 

From a body fat percentage. Those bears are in fact obese. That does not make them unattractive however.Β 

The first part of this statement is false our hasn’t gotten β€œworse;” it’s just that fatphobia is finally being exposed and called out, as it should be. Worse. I don’t even know what you mean by that, as you don’t elaborate on how it is worse. The second part, however, just reiterates my other statement.


Nevertheless, my point stands. If I could provide a non-perfect example, you could say this about dating trans people. It is, in fact, transphobic to say that you would NEVER date a trans person. That’s because you just never know. And to rule out that entire class is just bigoted. Now - you can have your preferences and like what you like, but being averse to a group of people in such a principled and unyielding way is…not a good look.

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42 minutes ago, Rotunda said:

How many times have y’all hung outΒ 

2 times but veeeeery long basically the entire day both times

first time I thought he was bloated but second time I realised I’m not attracted to him even though I like him a lot and I DO want to ne friends with him because hes a great to hang out with tbh

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9 minutes ago, Demi Lovato said:

2 times but veeeeery long basically the entire day both times

first time I thought he was bloated but second time I realised I’m not attracted to him even though I like him a lot and I DO want to ne friends with him because hes a great to hang out with tbh

Just say you enjoy hanging up but you don’t think you’re feeling a real romantic connection. You’ve only gone on two dates and don’t need to divulge the details of why you’re not attracted to him (I doubt he wants to hear it either).Β 

Nobody goes β€œI like you but your nose is too big” or β€œI like you but your smile is jacked up”. They just say they don’t see things going romantically and leave it at that.Β 

Edited by Rotunda
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If the personality was there, yes. I've been overweight (tho not obese) in my life before so I have empathy for people that are going through that. It's very hard to lose weigt and keep it off as the body fights against you, and some people in this thread clearly have no understanding of that.


I see it as something that's conquerable and I'd find it rewarding to help a partner through that. I could lose a few pounds too rn so a win win.


Having said that, I wouldn't date someone that's obese with no plans of changing it. For me its a health thing first and foremost and I want to date someone who is at least trying to take care of themselves.Β 

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I mean one time i hooked up with a chubby-fat guy, because i was horny and drunk and there was nothing else available. He actually had the softest skin ever and a big ass. I actually enjoyed it. This person has since lost weight tho and doesnt look like that anymore.


I enjoyed the experince more than i though so i gave it another try with another chubby-fat guy, but didnt like it, the dude was fat but had the most flat ass so this was a deal breaker to me. I think the first time was just a fluke, i got lucky.Β 


So back to the question, nope i wouldnt be with an obese guy.

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On 7/24/2022 at 4:45 PM, Vrajesh said:


Been overweight all my life and I fluctuate between obese and overweight. I worked hard to get "fit" for 2 years, and then just rebounded. Guess in my case I'm helpless.

Yes fatness can be up to 80% genetic depending on person. It's not like an obese person has a beyond abnormal appetite compared to a fit person, like eating 7x more than a fit person a day. Is that even possible or natural? Genetics has a lot to do with it.Β 

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I'm sorry, no. I can only date someone who takes care of their health and their body and cares about their image.Β 

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