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Is The Sun Gay?


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So shiny and full of itself. I'm getting a flaming homosexual vibe.



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He’s bisexual cause he makes both men and women sweat.

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The Sun is gay as told by the Icarus myth

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I'm very attracted to it which means the sun is male presenting


The sun is also attracted to me which means the sun is attracted to men


Thus the sun is either gay or pan/bi

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yes and he thirsts over bigger stars like Betelgeuse

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Why don't you ask :gaycat2:

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Idk but we do know it used to be binary and is now non-binary. On Earth, Iron (the heaviest element formed in the cores of stars), is is often classified as a woman deity. And that same Iron will cause the Sun to explode in about 7-8 billion years.


a woman-class metal will be the Sun’s undoing.


Is it a lesbian relationship gone wrong or a homosexual being pushed out of their comfort zone?
The plot thickens :gayalipacat3:

Edited by SwiftLover
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6 hours ago, AbeHicks said:

So shiny and full of itself. I'm getting a flaming homosexual vibe.




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4 hours ago, Queen. said:


Sometimes it's fun to be playful. It's friday night you know

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Yes, the sun was sent from god to burn all the homophobic people. Fry, bi+ches! 

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