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Americans anticipate a U.S. civil war


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Violence can seem to be everywhere in the United States, and political violence is in the spotlight, with the 6 January 2021 insurrection as exhibit A. Now, a large study confirms one in five Americans believes violence motivated by political reasons is—at least sometimes—justified. Nearly half expect a civil war, and many say they would trade democracy for a strong leader, a preprint posted today on medRxiv found.

“This is not a study that’s meant to shock,” says Rachel Kleinfeld, a political violence expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who was not involved in the research. “But it should be shocking.”

Firearm deaths in the United States grew by nearly 43% between 2010 and 2020, and gun sales surged during the coronavirus pandemic. Garen Wintemute, an emergency medicine physician and longtime gun violence researcher at the University of California, Davis, wondered what those trends portend for civil unrest. “Sometimes being an ER [emergency room] doc is like being the bowman on the Titanic going, ‘Look at that iceberg!’” he says.

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Lol, after decades of destabilizing other countries the clown has comeback to bite. 

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Wouldnt be surprising 

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Not American but seeing the brewing conflicts there year after year definitely looks scary. On a global scale, especially for western countries, I feel like we are a generation that has lived relatively stable and peacefully for the last several decades. The powder keg going off again is now getting more and more likely, this was never going to last forever.

Edited by mystery
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The media would love it. Twitter's 100k keyboard warriors aren't taking to the streets though so I'm not worried.

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like half the country is obese and not going to shift from their couches so good luck booking that war you speak of



Edited by shookspeare
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when I read stuff like this I just picture the typical white fat man with thick glasses living in rural parts of this country swinging around his shot gun. 

while the other majority are just on twitter upset about student loans and gas prices.

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1 hour ago, Tropez said:

Lol, after decades of destabilizing other countries the clown has comeback to bite. 


33 minutes ago, James_Dean said:

Not surprising tbh

30 minutes ago, Armani? said:

Wouldnt be surprising 

Came in here to say is this even news? If you live in the states it feels like "yeah that sounds about right"

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Civil war between? Why the hell would I get into a physical violent situation for the sake of the Democratic party. :skull:


This gun fetishization comes from one particular small group. Sales of guns grew exponentially, but number of owners barely did. I’ll be more interested when the billionaires, and the millionaires who do propaganda for them on tv are beaten, and dragged through the streets. Thank you :heart2: 

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20 minutes ago, shookspeare said:

like half the country is obese and not going to shift from their couches so good luck booking that war you speak of




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21 minutes ago, shookspeare said:

like half the country is obese and not going to shift from their couches so good luck booking that war you speak of



but they are dumb and toothless enough... to still take an AR15 into a kindergarten and shoot them all up. 


Civilization needs a reset... like a good old nuclear war and then rebuilding. 

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16 minutes ago, Breathe On Moi said:

when I read stuff like this I just picture the typical white fat man with thick glasses living in rural parts of this country swinging around his shot gun. 

while the other majority are just on twitter upset about student loans and gas prices.

Well, this. I'm not here to underestimate their problems, I know the US has a strange situation and some important issues, but it doesn't directly mean they're gonna get involved into a civil war.

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8 minutes ago, stevyy said:

but they are dumb and toothless enough... to still take an AR15 into a kindergarten and shoot them all up. 


Civilization needs a reset... like a good old nuclear war and then rebuilding. 

I'm sorry but these types of comments are so ******* dumb. Serving edgy 14 year old on tumblr. No a "good old nuclear war" would not be a good thing in any way shape or form. You would die a horrific death as would everyone you know. When an atomic bomb falls most people do not just die instantly. Most deaths would be from burning alive as the flesh melts off your bones and you experience the most pain a human body is capable of feeling.

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6 minutes ago, Protocol said:

I'm sorry but these types of comments are so ******* dumb. Serving edgy 14 year old on tumblr. No a "good old nuclear war" would not be a good thing in any way shape or form. You would die a horrific death as would everyone you know. When an atomic bomb falls most people do not just die instantly. Most deaths would be from burning alive as the flesh melts off your bones and you experience the most pain a human body is capable of feeling.

tell that to the wildlife, climate and nature / plants. We have revoked the right to be here. I'd rather die a horrible death alongside everyone else than continue with this destruction. 


I'd rather evaporate into nothing than breathe in toxic air and die that way... or be burnt to death by inbearable temperatures (slowly), or have so much micro plastic in my system that I clock my arteries with it (slowly) or die in agony from the next virus or be killed by a mad person with a gun or be run over by a truck while wandering a promenade. 


See, we deserve annihilation at this point. 

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1 minute ago, stevyy said:

tell that to the wildlife, climate and nature / plants. We have revoked the right to be here. I'd rather die a horrible death alongside everyone else than continue with this destruction. 


I'd rather evaporate into nothing than breathe in toxic air and die that way... or be burnt to death by inbearable temperatures (slowly), or have so much micro plastic in my system that I clock my arteries with it (slowly) or die in agony from the next virus or be killed by a mad person with a gun or be run over by a truck while wandering a promenade. 


See, we deserve annihilation at this point. 

You need therapy no offence

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  • ATRL Moderator
8 minutes ago, stevyy said:

tell that to the wildlife, climate and nature / plants. We have revoked the right to be here. I'd rather die a horrible death alongside everyone else than continue with this destruction. 


I'd rather evaporate into nothing than breathe in toxic air and die that way... or be burnt to death by inbearable temperatures (slowly), or have so much micro plastic in my system that I clock my arteries with it (slowly) or die in agony from the next virus or be killed by a mad person with a gun or be run over by a truck while wandering a promenade. 


See, we deserve annihilation at this point. 

we could just be better people

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20 minutes ago, Protocol said:

You need therapy no offence

Eco fascism among mostly white vegans  is going to be a big source of terrorism, I fear. 

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33 minutes ago, stevyy said:

tell that to the wildlife, climate and nature / plants. We have revoked the right to be here. I'd rather die a horrible death alongside everyone else than continue with this destruction. 


I'd rather evaporate into nothing than breathe in toxic air and die that way... or be burnt to death by inbearable temperatures (slowly), or have so much micro plastic in my system that I clock my arteries with it (slowly) or die in agony from the next virus or be killed by a mad person with a gun or be run over by a truck while wandering a promenade. 


See, we deserve annihilation at this point. 

You’re an actual idiot. Please seek help. 

Edited by Jennifer
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The dramatics. :ahh:People getting triggered by liberals/conservatives on the internet =/= Civil War conditions. 

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54 minutes ago, stevyy said:

tell that to the wildlife, climate and nature / plants. We have revoked the right to be here. I'd rather die a horrible death alongside everyone else than continue with this destruction. 

I'd rather evaporate into nothing than breathe in toxic air and die that way... or be burnt to death by inbearable temperatures (slowly), or have so much micro plastic in my system that I clock my arteries with it (slowly) or die in agony from the next virus or be killed by a mad person with a gun or be run over by a truck while wandering a promenade. 

See, we deserve annihilation at this point. 


Edited by Archetype
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54 minutes ago, stevyy said:

tell that to the wildlife, climate and nature / plants. We have revoked the right to be here. I'd rather die a horrible death alongside everyone else than continue with this destruction. 


I'd rather evaporate into nothing than breathe in toxic air and die that way... or be burnt to death by inbearable temperatures (slowly), or have so much micro plastic in my system that I clock my arteries with it (slowly) or die in agony from the next virus or be killed by a mad person with a gun or be run over by a truck while wandering a promenade. 


See, we deserve annihilation at this point. 

because of Biden?

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1 hour ago, stevyy said:

tell that to the wildlife, climate and nature / plants. We have revoked the right to be here. I'd rather die a horrible death alongside everyone else than continue with this destruction. 


I'd rather evaporate into nothing than breathe in toxic air and die that way... or be burnt to death by inbearable temperatures (slowly), or have so much micro plastic in my system that I clock my arteries with it (slowly) or die in agony from the next virus or be killed by a mad person with a gun or be run over by a truck while wandering a promenade. 


See, we deserve annihilation at this point. 

ATRL and it’s mental health crisis on full display right here…


OT: Americans are too fat and lazy to go to war 

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41 minutes ago, Jennifer said:

You’re an actual idiot. Please seek help. 

Or they are going through a lot emotionally, and have a hard time channeling their anger to something that is actually more rationalized. I think people are uncomfortable hearing other people's pain, and this is precisely why we are in a situation like we are today, and people can't communicate anymore. The solution to being angry at what someone says is not necessarily tell them to **** off, or throw themselves out of the highest building or tower. Mind you, I actually understand your perspective and your frustration, but it's not by insulting each other that we'll find a good ending. Reading stevvy's post, it's clear to me that they are feeling hopeless and helpless. 


Social media is such a terrible idea, when you think about it. It constantly creates more and more frustration against one another, and it escalates the level of violence every time, because most people are not rational, and will respond to an emotional trigger. The amount of bickering, angst, fights I see on these platforms on a daily basis is astounding. No **** we all hate each other, when we are constantly put into each other's heads without wanting to, and reading the most intimate thoughts we have - and god knows these are not always koscher and great to read. 

Edited by jadeabove
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I remember there was a tiktok of a girl whose grandfather was in the secret service. 

He said the next war would be a civil war.



Opinion about WW3 

it is probably closer then we'd like


It will be something that most of us do not survive.


WW3 will begin with internal strife and civil war involving more than 1 country.


Civil war within a country's borders invites predators from outside.



Edited by AlanRickman1946
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I don’t think we are close to Civil War, but I would say the school shootings and political turbulence is definitely bringing about an era of civil unrest. 

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