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Do you believe 9/11 was a conspiracy?


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1 hour ago, pokerfaceboy said:

No, and this thread needs closed, it's disgusting. Go back to Info Wars with this crap.

Couldn't agree more! Have some respect to all the lost lives and their families.

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I don’t think it’s disrespectful to question why bad things happen. It’s not like anybody is denying whether it happened or the tragic loss of life from it. :pancake:

OT: Given the evidence, at best it was incompetence/negligence, followed by a stomach turning degree of opportunism.

Edited by Century
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severe incompetence and lack of leadership skills in 2001 could just appear like a conspiracy today.



but it IS also very interesting that Rumsfeld came out on September 10, 2001 and said that $2.3 trillion in military transactions were unaccounted for or unknown. especially when we know that distractions are one of the United States government's favorite tactics.



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8 hours ago, Beyonnaise said:

The event itself, no.


Was the Bush admin careless at following the leads of people like John O'Neill (who was fired from the FBI despite warning for years of Bin Laden's plans to attack) and did they then use the event to start a pointless nation-building excercise that resulted in years of death and destabilization? Yes, but it's not really a conspiracy, all the info is public knowledge.


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The event itself? no. The aftermath? yes. It's 101 disaster capitalism and ushered in a 'new world order' per se - heightened security, vigorous encroachment on human rights, racial tensions, the politics of oil and war, migration/refugee crises, maintaining the hegemony.

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I thought we left creepypasta in the early 2000s. Such a disgusting thing to even suggest. 

What’s next? The Holocaust didn’t happen?


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I don’t think the OP was saying that it didn’t happen…

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The US has been funding terrorist groups around the world for decades, so this is just america attacking itself so it can have an excuse to invade other countries

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I mean it did happen but yes it was an inside job, and all actions afterwards by the US govt proved that. Not to mention those planes did not have the ability to melt the steel beams holding up those towers, nor could they have cause the towers to perfectly collapse the way that they did . Like it's scientifically impossible and defies physics.


And given that 9/11 was used to increase spying on Americans, create Homeland Security, and wage wars all across the Middle East except for Saudi Arabia where the hijackers were from, kind of confirms suspicions. The fact that the US and Saudi Arabia are even allies tells me all I need to know about the truth of 9/11. But if you question it you're somehow gaslit into being "un-American" when the US govt is the most un-American entity ever.



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11 hours ago, Gesamtkunstwerk said:



Because conspiracies like this are often used to push a certain narrative, and using a severe tragedy like this, to fuel ones own agenda about how illuminati lizard people are MK ULTRA mind controlling people from the deep state, is tasteless :skull:

You really know nothing about conspiracies. There's more to it than any of the fringe theories you just presented. But when you never question the narrative you only hear what they want you to hear lmfao. Like there have been conspiracies that have been PROVEN from the past. Why do you think the government tells us the truth now? And yes, MK ULTRA literally happened. It's a fact. Idk what you're on about with that one. Maybe it's just easier for you to believe the government has your best interests at heart and never tell lies or does shady ****. But don't act high and mighty over people who don't need to cope with that fantasy. You don't need lizard people or Illuminati to talk about conspiracy theories. You saw that agenda pushing conspiracy iceberg one time and became an expert I presume?

Edited by Jagger
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yeah way that building fell! its all suss but it's too sad to go back and look into it! they need to leave it and let the people who took there lives to try and save others to rest. 

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20 minutes ago, Jagger said:

You really know nothing about conspiracies. There's more to it than any of the fringe theories you just presented. But when you never question the narrative you only hear what they want you to hear lmfao. Like there have been conspiracies that have been PROVEN from the past. Why do you think the government tells us the truth now? And yes, MK ULTRA literally happened. It's a fact. Idk what you're on about with that one. Maybe it's just easier for you to believe the government has your best interests at heart and never tell lies or does shady ****. But don't act high and mighty over people who don't need to cope with that fantasy. You don't need lizard people or Illuminati to talk about conspiracy theories. You saw that agenda pushing conspiracy iceberg one time and became an expert I presume?

Sorry, I didn't read all of your bong hit induced paranoia rant, I'm not saying that any government tells is the definitive truth, far from it because most of the people in power are horrible, but using tragedies, where 2000+ of people died, is still in bad taste when used to push some illogical fairytales that clearly makes no sense, if you use your brain for more than 5 seconds :toofunny2:

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While in the United States, some of the September 11 hijackers were in contact with, and received support or assistance from, individuals who may be connected to the Saudi Government.


There is information, primarily from FBI sources, that at least two of those individuals were alleged by some to be Saudi intelligence officers






Why would Saudi Intelligence bomb their ally America? I mean what do they gain? :sherlock:

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Just now, Gesamtkunstwerk said:

Sorry, I didn't read all of your bong hit induced paranoia rant, I'm not saying that any government tells is the definitive truth, far from it because most of the people in power are horrible, but using tragedies, where 2000+ of people died, is still in bad taste when used to push some illogical fairytales that clearly makes no sense, if you use your brain for more than 5 seconds :toofunny2:

If 2000+ died, isn't it imperative to find out the whole truth? To make sure it never happens again?


It reminds me of how people say "dont politicise a tragedy" but sometimes you need to, to get real change.

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10 hours ago, Gesamtkunstwerk said:

Sorry, I didn't read all of your bong hit induced paranoia rant, I'm not saying that any government tells is the definitive truth, far from it because most of the people in power are horrible, but using tragedies, where 2000+ of people died, is still in bad taste when used to push some illogical fairytales that clearly makes no sense, if you use your brain for more than 5 seconds :toofunny2:

"Because 2000+ people died, everything the government said about it must be true or you’re being disrespectful" :toofunny3:

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10 hours ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

If 2000+ died, isn't it imperative to find out the whole truth? To make sure it never happens again?


It reminds me of how people say "dont politicise a tragedy" but sometimes you need to, to get real change.

Exactly. This reactionary defense is so dense but at the same time lacks any substance. Just say you’re unwilling to look into things further and go 

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i do think the united states government had more knowledge that the trade centers were a terrorist target and they did nothing to prepare because they didn't think it would actually happen.


but was it an inside job? no

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I wouldn't be surprised if the event was planned or even desired by top U.S. officials as a means to invade a resource rich environment. History proves that the US is not above doing something like that. 

The word conspiracy gets a bad rep. Pointing out how the US covers up its own global terrorism/domestic fascism isn't the same as saying the earth is flat.  

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People are saying that it was an "inside job" or "plan" should seek mental help, you are all at the same level as the QAnons with their "pizzagate". Anyway, this is the result of years of incompetence from the US government, FBI, and CIA due to the fact that they already have an intel when they caught the bombers in the 1994 airplane explosion in the Philippines that they're planning something catastrophic again in the US after the WTC bombing.


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I don't believe in any specific conspiracy theory, but do I believe it happened exactly like the media told us? Of course not. The government has never been truthful in the past, why would anyone expect them to be now?

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I don't believe in most of the "predictive programming" coincidences, where everything that's even slightly shaped as two sticks or a number 911 is deemed as definitive proof of this being decades in the works.


However I think it may have been convenient for certain parties to allow it to happen. The buildings were due for a demolition because of high amount of asbestos in them among other more known stories.

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