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Is it ever ok to have sex with someone who is drunk or on drugs while u are sober?


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Even if they said yes when drunk or drugs, does it count. Asking this after reading a comment on the roof.

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Absolutely not

Edited by Sweet Sexy Savage
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Absolutely not. Absolutely NOT. End thread. 

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6 minutes ago, Distantconstellation said:

Even if they said yes when drunk or drugs, does it count. Asking this after reading a comment on the roof.

where’s the comment? link it 

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only if the sober person is the bottom

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Just depends. If it’s someone you’ve had consensual sex with in the past and they’re asking you to do it again then I don’t see why not. But if it’s someone new and they’re realllllly drunk then I’d say no 

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That is borderline rape

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If they wanna **** then why not? Y'all need to stop overthinking everything ??‍♂️ 

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Generally speaking, no.

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I’ve hooked up with a drunk guy once, but we had been hooking up for a couple of years at that point and he initiated it. 


I wouldn’t hookup with a stranger if either of us were under the the influence. 

Edited by Rotunda
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uhm? no. they're on drugs. people who are on drugs cannot take proper care of their decisions/impulses while in that state.

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Of course NOT, WTF. 


It's called taking advantage of someone and almost RAPIST behaviour. 


All the weirdos in here saying "yes". Yikes. 

Edited by Blade Runner
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  • ATRL Moderator
4 minutes ago, xclusivestylesz said:

If they wanna **** then why not? Y'all need to stop overthinking everything ??‍♂️ 

Drugs can alter the judgement of people. Under the influence they may wanna have ***, but you don’t know if they’d consent if they didn’t consume the drugs. People should think more about the other person, actually 

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Hell no! They are impaired, this is close to SA. 

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18 minutes ago, Sweet Sexy Savage said:



10 minutes ago, Lipgloss said:

Yes. I do it all the time. 


7 minutes ago, xclusivestylesz said:

If they wanna **** then why not? Y'all need to stop overthinking everything ??‍♂️ 



OT: no


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About 99% of the time, no. Now if this is a long term partner that has stated when they are completely sober that they don’t mind or that they want it, then I suppose it’s between y’all. Either way, you should probably avoid it even in that situation because you don’t want it to come up if the relationship has an ugly ending. 

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I’ve had the same straight guy ask me for a b*** j** three different times drunk. I’ve always turned him down. Want to do it, but it don’t think it would be right.

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Absolutely NOT. Their judgement is impaired. Some people say they "need it to get the confidence" but that is still not OK. If they want you, they'll ask sober.

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It’s not ok because they are not in control of their senses to give consent. 

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NO. End of discussion. 

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