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AOC gets arrested at an abortion rights protest out the Supreme Court


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6 minutes ago, bad guy said:

They could have withheld their votes in order to put forth their agenda, but didn't to appease the moderate Dems and surprise surprise they got nothing out of it. They don't know how to play politics. For example withholding their votes for Nancy Pelosi in order to force her to bring M4A to a House vote. Instead they did none of that and just voted for her anyway without getting any of their agenda moved forward. It's not just AOC that's disappointing it's the entire progressive caucus that are ineffective. They just talk.

The Squad is comprised of first-time congresspeople and together they make up a TINY fraction of Congress. Could they have "played politics" a little harder? Sure. But to fault people who were essentially political outsiders a couple years ago for "not knowing how to play politics" is not a reasonable argument imo. And it also does NOT correlate to them being "all talk." I don't follow every Squad member closely, but know that AOC does a ton of work with progressive causes in her district, authors progressive legislation, educates people very actively both personally and via her campaign office hosting events, and does better work for her committee appointments (which she got by "playing politics") than the vast majority of her peers in Congress.


Again, it feels very much like criticism of both AOC and the Squad is rooted in some unfair concept that SIX members of a 535-member body (literally 1% :skull:) have magical powers to make the country progressive overnight. Underplaying all the good work they've done because they haven't made drastic changes to the country (yet) is unreasonable.

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A lot of stupidity in here, stay in school and spend less time talking about pop music, or stay out of adult business.


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1 hour ago, feelslikeadream said:

Again, it feels very much like criticism of both AOC and the Squad is rooted in some unfair concept that SIX members of a 535-member body (literally 1% :skull:) have magical powers to make the country progressive overnight. Underplaying all the good work they've done because they haven't made drastic changes to the country (yet) is unreasonable.


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Just now, Walk_Away21 said:

Not her faking it. Our world today is a clown show. :bibliahh: @Reverse Warholian


I doubt she was faking it esp if she knew there were cameras all around. She was probably just told to put her hands behind her back lol.

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Queen! :clap3: Some stay talking online doing nothing for the world, others take action and are leaders. I know which I prefer listening to.

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It’s a silly little performance when politicians get arrested like this but at least they’re standing for something which is more than most democrats can say.

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It's the pretending she was handcuffed for the photo op for me :rip:

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This is a country where police are known to shoot people for the most minor of movements, of course she is going to put her hands behind her back. You people are literally stupid. :rip:

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  • ATRL Moderator

DRAG the ATRLers :clap3: :clap3:



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  • ATRL Moderator
11 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:


LOVE that this is fundraising for abortion access groups and not for AOC's campaign :clap3: Other politicians need to take note!

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21 hours ago, feelslikeadream said:

Again, it feels very much like criticism of both AOC and the Squad is rooted in some unfair concept that SIX members of a 535-member body (literally 1% :skull:) have magical powers to make the country progressive overnight. Underplaying all the good work they've done because they haven't made drastic changes to the country (yet) is unreasonable.

I genuinely get what you're trying to argue here, and think AOC does indeed get a lot of bad-faith attacks aimed at her when those attacks are just left-punching from those to the right of her. However, I do think there is a level of reasonable frustration for those to her left in most activist spaces. @Bloo articulated it really once about how, even outside of ideology, a thing many elected progressives struggle with is ingratiating into Congress versus being okay with being alienated by voicing unpopular opinions. There's a difference between buying what Congress and leadership is selling and recognizing your job as a progressive there is to cause trouble in an inherently corrupt institution.


So often progressives running for office use this kind of antagonistic language to garner support from activists but then repeatedly end up being de-fanged and not really fighting for the kind of things that activists want.

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10 hours ago, feelslikeadream said:

DRAG the ATRLers :clap3: :clap3:




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On 7/19/2022 at 9:04 PM, Mohit said:

lol and this is happening under a democratic president ruled country... Pathetic. Biden is far more worse than Trump. 

Trump was the one who picked the justices who overturned it :rip: ya’ll really lack common sense hun 

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On 7/20/2022 at 7:23 AM, shookspeare said:

lock her UP!


also why are her hands behind her back as if she's handcuffed, we can see she's not :rip:


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On 7/20/2022 at 10:21 AM, feelslikeadream said:

DRAG the ATRLers :clap3: :clap3:



I'm not her biggest fan in the world, but all the hate she got for this seemed so ... unnecessary. Like, imagine thinking she was literally pretending to be handcuffed ...

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3 hours ago, rihannabiggestfan said:

I'm not her biggest fan in the world, but all the hate she got for this seemed so ... unnecessary. Like, imagine thinking she was literally pretending to be handcuffed ...

I haven't been following this saga.. why do people think she was handcuffed? She was complying with whatever the situation was, no?  Like why tf would she raise her hand if she was "pretending" to be arrested? Did she say she was arrested and cuffed or is that something the idiots ran with? At the end of the day though, performative or not, she still did more than the losers banging their keyboard

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