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157 House Republicans Vote against Same-Sex Marriage

Horizon Flame

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13 hours ago, Kassi said:

I wouldn’t sweat it. Certain posters on this forum who identify with the far left have just about some of the worst political insights I’ve ever read. :laugh:

The boring and most likely correct explanation for Democrats' (ultimately modest) downballot losses is that not a lot of Republicans showed up in 2018 but they all did for Trump in 2020. Most of the lost seats were places where the Democrats had miraculously won in 2018 and couldn't win again with high GOP turnout. 




All of the losses were first termers aside from Collin Peterson, who was a dead man walking anyway being from the most Republican district in Minnesota, despite signaling as a conservative Democrat. They were in tough districts vulnerable to the kind of activation Trump brought to his base. 


But let the lefty gorls tell it and they’ll claim it's because Dems didn't run on pure socialism in places like rural KY.  :toofunny3:

Thank you for explaining this clearly in a better way than I could. I clearly get very flustered by some of the responses here; to me it just gets to a point where it's no longer worth discussing.

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15 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

If you can't argue your point without being borderline offensive, just shut the f*** up. Seriously.


14 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

Everybody probably f***ing hates you. :gaycat5:

This is the same person crying about another member's tone? White liberals love acting like the victims when their disgusting condescension is mirrored. I really don't care if you feelings are hurt. Your actions that enabling bad policies, and blatant incompetent politicians have done more harm to people than my tone. Cry harder? I'm sure that will deflect from the fact that the person you wanted with the policies you support are sporting Bush second term  approval rating. Yikes, never seen a repudiation quite like that. Ouch!

Edited by A Bomb
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19 minutes ago, A Bomb said:


This is the same person crying about another member's tone? White liberals love acting like the victims when their disgusting condescension is mirrored. I really don't care if you feelings are hurt. Your actions that enabling bad policies, and blatant incompetent politicians have done more harm to people than my tone. Cry harder? I'm sure that will deflect from the fact that the person you wanted with the policies you support are sporting Bush second term  approval rating. Yikes, never seen a repudiation quite like that. Ouch!

You started with the ad hominems. I guess I gave you the replies you so clearly wanted. I'm done replying to your flamebait posts. Have the day you deserve.

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1 hour ago, Miss Show Business said:

I clearly get very flustered by some of the responses here

Imagine being more frustrated by poor people wanting healthcare than at rich politicians deciding not to do anything to defend democracy all because they have a "D" in front of their name. :deadbanana4: 


Some of you treat party affiliation akin to race. Truly warped in your head to view it as part of your identity. 

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3 minutes ago, Communion said:

Imagine being more frustrated by poor people wanting healthcare

Shut up already. Holy ****. I'm not mad at "poor people wanting healthcare", I'm mad at internet forum users who act like schoolyard bullies and cannot discuss things like adults. Jesus christ. Grow up already.

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And some of you narcissists treat voting as if it’s part of your personal brand, and voting for Democrats is off brand. :laugh:

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2 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

Shut up already. Holy ****. I'm not mad at "poor people wanting healthcare", I'm mad at internet forum users who act like schoolyard bullies and cannot discuss things like adults. Jesus christ. Grow up already.

You literally started this entire conversation by attacking people who criticized Democrats.


Even your assumption that the criticisms of Democrats were occurring *while giving Republicans a free pass* was untrue. Is it genuinely too hard to see? This knee-jerk defense of Democrats like as though they are people you know is not productive nor reasonable. It's like as though someone attacked your family based on how uncontrollably angry you get from people showing *reasonable* cynicism and frustration for a party who has been failing for a decade.


It's ironic because your constant personal insults literally apply to your inability to assess criticism.


"Shut up". "Bully!". "Grow up!" - You see why these would all be responses to the kind of aggression and lashing out you exhibit at mild and reasonable criticisms towards *highly powerful elected officials whose job it is to be criticized*, yes? You've spent the last 2 years on this forum lashing out at literally anyone who criticizes Democrats and look at where Democrats are. Do you think you're helping them? Do you think your constant need to deflect and defend and berate people who criticize them has been productive for them as they enter a new age of failure with being now with Biden being the most unpopular president in history at this point in his presidency


Who's the one in the wrong - the most unpopular president ever or the people you hate for criticizing him?

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47 minutes ago, Communion said:

It's ironic because your constant personal insults literally apply to your inability to assess criticism.


"Shut up". "Bully!". "Grow up!" - You see why these would all be responses to the kind of aggression and lashing out you exhibit at mild and reasonable criticisms towards *highly powerful elected officials whose job it is to be criticized*, yes? You've spent the last 2 years on this forum lashing out at literally anyone who criticizes Democrats and look at where Democrats are. Do you think you're helping them? Do you think your constant need to deflect and defend and berate people who criticize them has been productive for them as they enter a new age of failure with being now with Biden being the most unpopular president in history at this point in his presidency


Who's the one in the wrong - the most unpopular president ever or the people you hate for criticizing him?

Where do I even begin?


It's really rich of you to point at me and say that I use "personal insults" and have an "inability to assess criticism" when your presence on this forum is literally that. How oblivious are you? You are constantly posting flame bait threads and responses, and constantly telling those who disagree with you that they're stupid, ignorant, clueless, dumb, and more. You can never disagree with someone without seemingly personally attacking them. If I use any personal attacks, it is a response to personal attacks lodged against me. I've had plenty of encounters with users who don't agree with me who are completely and totally capable of having a discussion, (even in this thread) without lodging any type of personal attack. You are not one of those users. I've told you MULTIPLE TIMES to stop replying to me, across multiple threads, because this forum doesn't have a block option. Yet here you are in this thread, quoting posts of mine that aren't even directed at you, accusing me of ridiculous nonsense such as "I'm angry poor people want healthcare". I mean honestly, what the hell is the matter with you? That is through and through a classic flame bait response. This is borderline harassment.


You've been called "ATRL's biggest reactionaries" for a good reason. Your presence on this forum is nothing but a small, insecure person, who probably has little to no real life outside of the internet (given your post count and the amount of times per day you post), who gets off on flame baiting and trolling. I mean honestly, some of your posts are completely ridiculous. You really need to go touch grass, because it's clear you are completely and totally out of touch with reality, in more ways than one.

Edited by Miss Show Business
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1 hour ago, Miss Show Business said:

 I'm mad at internet forum users who act like schoolyard bullies


8 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

a small, insecure person


little to no real life outside of the internet


your post count


really need to go touch grass


you are completely and totally out of touch with reality, in more ways than one.


All because:

22 hours ago, DirtyPony87 said:

This. Look at where voting for a centrist got us. And people thinking that it’s gonna get us anywhere voting for these chickenshït bipartisan pandering Democrats. 

All of THAT energy to defend the most unpopular president of all time from mild criticisms. :deadbanana4:


Most Americans in 2022: "Voting for centrists is not worth the vote"

Centrist supporters: "I WILL ******* MURDER YOU, ******* SWINE!!"


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15 minutes ago, Communion said:




All because:

All of THAT energy to defend the most unpopular president of all time from mild criticisms. :deadbanana4:


Most Americans in 2022: "Voting for centrists is not worth the vote"

Centrist supporters: "I WILL ******* MURDER YOU, ******* SWINE!!"


Must've hit you where it hurt. This is unhinged.

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25 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

If I use any personal attacks, it is a response to personal attacks lodged against me. 

You missed a quote.

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38 minutes ago, Communion said:




All because:

All of THAT energy to defend the most unpopular president of all time from mild criticisms. :deadbanana4:


Most Americans in 2022: "Voting for centrists is not worth the vote"

Centrist supporters: "I WILL ******* MURDER YOU, ******* SWINE!!"


I mean, what is there to defend at this point? What a weird hill for that user to die on. :rip:

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34 minutes ago, DirtyPony87 said:

I mean, what is there to defend at this point? What a weird hill for that user to die on. :rip:

That user has been suspended more times than anyone can count. It’s really time they’re banned for good. They know what they’re doing. It’s nothing but flame wars and trolling. 

Edited by Horizon Flame
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43 minutes ago, DirtyPony87 said:

I mean, what is there to defend at this point? What a weird hill for that user to die on. :rip:

The way that anything but complete and total enthusiastic voting for Democrats even when they argue for working with Republicans who want us dead results is being branded "ungrateful fucks!!". :deadbanana4:

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4 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

This is a huge reason why I stopped voting for "progressive" politicians — their base is absolutely insufferable.

you stopped voting for progressive politicians because people are mean to you on atrl dot net? your priorities seem well aligned. 

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56 minutes ago, Horizon Flame said:

That user has been suspended more times than anyone can count. It’s really time they’re banned for good. They know what they’re doing. It’s nothing but flame wars and trolling. 

The irony here when it's only one user starting flame wars. :bibliahh:

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15 minutes ago, teresaguidice said:

you stopped voting for progressive politicians because people are mean to you on atrl dot net? your priorities seem well aligned. 

Yes, that's right, it had nothing to do with "progressive" voters as a whole, like I said. Y'all really think ATRL is an accurate reflection of the world... :thing:

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58 minutes ago, Horizon Flame said:

That user has been suspended more times than anyone can count. It’s really time they’re banned for good. They know what they’re doing. It’s nothing but flame wars and trolling. 

And for your info, I've been suspended one time. Not "more times than you can count". But nice try.

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all of this bickering, my god this is worse than a Gaga vs Katy thread.

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22 hours ago, Genie in a Bottle said:

MTE. 47/204 Republicans voting yes on this is actually quite shocking. That’s almost 25%  Then again, I wouldn’t be shocked if 25% of Republicans are stuck in the closet themselves ?

It wasn’t only gay marriage. It includes interracial marriage and every single black GOP is married to someone white. I imagine they too voted in favor of it. 


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12 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

Yes, that's right, it had nothing to do with "progressive" voters as a whole, like I said. Y'all really think ATRL is an accurate reflection of the world... :thing:

i don't know what you're talking about, but will now rebuke neoliberals and never again vote for one because of this interaction  :thing:

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Democrats in 2024: We need to soften our support of gay marriage to support of gay civil unions to get more of that working class and Independent vote. :rainbow:

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