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Do you use your phone while you do #2?


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I never understood why people take their phone and use it while on the toilet.


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No, ewwww


*flushes toilet*

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Yes (I bet most of the world does), but I always clean it with disinfectant wipes.

Edited by bliaz
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Ew no that’s disgusting.

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As long as you don’t touch it after cleaning your ass it shouldn’t be dirty at all.


Just leave it on one side and grab it again after washing your hands.


I don’t use it while I have to go in a public restroom tho, it’s more complicated there.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Riri, what is this question omg






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What do you do stare into space and listen to the ceiling fan going off?

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No. I don't understand why people do that. Does it really take you that long? Are you that constipated? I sit down, release, wipe, and then leave. Takes 3 minutes max.

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11 minutes ago, LCTV said:

What do you do stare into space and listen to the ceiling fan going off?

People have been shitting for hundreds of thousands years. I'm sure your parents, or grandparents or anyone before smartphones knew what to do. 

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1 hour ago, PoisonCandy said:

No. I don't understand why people do that. Does it really take you that long? Are you that constipated? I sit down, release, wipe, and then leave. Takes 3 minutes max.

browsing in the toilet is kind of fun and relaxing.

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I just did while reading this thread 

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no, i'm not phone obsessed enough to carry it with me EVERYWHERE i go, including the toilet, that's how you get your phone flushed by accident. i'm in the twilight zone when i'm doing #2, do NOT try to call, text or talk during those crucial moments of passing the stool. :WAP:

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