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When will/should KATY PERRY release a new single and album?


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Does it make a difference? :laugh: As a stan I'm just hoping ASAP!

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Next year at the latest. As the years went on, she was releasing albums further and further apart until 'Smile' which came out three years after 'Witness' compared to the four year gap between that and 'Prism'.

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When she has a quality song ready. I feel like she's uninspired atm so..it's gonna take a while. And I don't really want any more wigs (even though it's a bop)

I don't expect her to release anything this year. So maybe a new era next year?

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early 2023 is good Jan is usually slow in music consumption so theres not as much competition

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Wait 2-3 years and try to pull a big comeback. Right now there's no interest from the GP.

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Meh whenever she wants to


If I were her I wouldn’t even put a strategic date and just enjoy the music. Kind of like Bey does.


Worrying about streams and sales makes artists miserable and the art disposable 

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next year

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I mean... whenever she wants, I guess. It's not like anyone is waiting with baited breath for a new KP album. :rip: 

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