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Rolling Stone exposes Zack Snyder and his cult


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They are saying Zack Snyder threatened executives, manipulated the #SnyderCut campaign, stole the Justice League drives (what? :skull:), etc.






Zack Snyder was becoming increasingly agitated. Over the course of several weeks in the spring of 2020, the director repeatedly demanded that the names of two producers – Geoff Johns and Jon Berg – be removed from his upcoming re-cut of Justice League, the DC superhero movie that had tanked back in 2017. 


Simultaneously, Snyder’s wife Deborah, another producer on the film, started pressing an executive in the studio’s story department with the same directive. (Snyder admits the couple “asked the studio” to intervene after “a personal plea” to Johns and Berg was ignored.) On June 26, 2020, Snyder had had enough. According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, Snyder confronted an executive in the studio’s postproduction department and issued a threat.







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the way this has a more interesting storyline than the ones on all of his movies

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TLDR the Snyder Cut was infinitely superior to the absolute trainwreck of the theatrical version so I don't see the issue. 

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A Marvel fan starting s*** as marvel starts to underperform 


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Imagine a multi-billion company being tricked by Twitter bots and “threatened” into giving him $70 million dollars to release a movie :rip:


Obvious hit piece by tired racist rats. Try harder 

+ all of this after they destroyed his film and vision after his daughter died. These losers truly know no shame.
Edited by Legendary
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All this and for what? Only for him to release his version that was just slightly better than Whedon's (both are awful) :clown:

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No wonder the movie FLOPPED on streaming. The demand was never there.

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I’m sorry but I don’t buy this for a second. Also, who gives a ****. WM is run by literal ghouls.

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This guy and his cult ruined DC forever :rip: I swear he's an industry plant by Disney into WB just so DC doesn't overtake Marvel

Edited by KnightOfAllRealms
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Came in here expecting to see an exposé on Dan Schneider, instead left disappointed with this fluff piece. That will be the day when someone truly evil gets exposed by a major publication. 

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3 hours ago, Protocol said:

TLDR the Snyder Cut was infinitely superior to the absolute trainwreck of the theatrical version so I don't see the issue. 


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The Last of Us

Has he ever made a good movie? They always look visually pleasing, but they’re either pretentious (Sucker Punch) or mind numbingly dull (Man of Steel). I suppose if there’s people that genuinely enjoy his work, that’s cool, but I’ve just never been able to see the appeal. I guess he’s just not my cup of tea. ??‍♀️

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His cult are the worst, just brainless bots but honestly Snyder's Cut was infinity better and he was right to demand to fire these two incompetent racists

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1 hour ago, Rourke said:

Has he ever made a good movie? They always look visually pleasing, but they’re either pretentious (Sucker Punch) or mind numbingly dull (Man of Steel). I suppose if there’s people that genuinely enjoy his work, that’s cool, but I’ve just never been able to see the appeal. I guess he’s just not my cup of tea. ??‍♀️

Watchmen is a masterpiece 

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Now do Johnny Depp supporters

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5 hours ago, Bhabylon said:

He’s hot and the movie was good, so


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