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Out gay mayor in Oklahoma resigns after getting death threats, stalked, tires slashed


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I wish he stood his ground. The fact he quit just empowered homophobes . :rip:


When he chose politics, it comes with the territorty.  Anyway, what a tragic place. 

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Wish he wouldn't have quit, but being a small town Oklahoma mayor does not afford even close to the same amount of security resources as most politicians, so I understand. 

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Fully understandable why he resigned. Real life is not a Hollywood movie, stop looking for heroes everywhere. 

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Comparing him to Lori Lightfoot when the mayor of Chicago is obviously going to have way more of a security detail protecting her than a small town mayor would.


Hell, I've even eaten at a restaurant next to the mayor of my hometown just by chance cause that's where he was sitting. It was a Japanese hibachi grill so it was like this:




And he was alone. He didn't have any security with him as far as I could tell.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Homophobes need to be crushed, humiliated, and defeated. I think we are so used to tolerating homophobia rather than confronting it head on. Actual allies need to do the same. Being civil isn’t going to change the mind of the people looking to kill us for existing. 

That said, I feel for this mayor and understand he did whatever he could to feel some sense of peace, even resigning. No one should question his choice in this regard. His sense of safety is priority #1. But, homophobia and other forms of bigotry have far too many bystanders that stand by and do nothing and that’s why it’s becoming more prominent. That needs to change. 

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United States of Gilead.

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God, middle America :mazen:

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How is FBI not involved, are people out there threatening full ass mayors like that

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On 7/18/2022 at 9:33 PM, infrared said:

Why are people so ******* cruel :rip: no one deserves this 

The fact they are probably Christian’s too :rip: 

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