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Dan Levy Fumbled The Bag Big Time By Cancelling Schitt's Creek. Agreed?


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No, it ended perfectly and he's doing great now. Seethe :sorry:

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10 minutes ago, Temporal said:



Anyways he's got endorsement deals out the ass now, he's set for life, AND his career is still so nascent, look how this show came along and revived his dad and Catherine O'Hara's careers

Right. Not to mention he's in the position you want to be in terms of your next move; whatever he writes/fronts next will definitely have a leg up now 

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the ending and timing was perfect


if you can't see that, yikes

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1 hour ago, Ewan Chaos said:

It was actually probably the perfect time to end it. They probably could have gotten another season or two out given it seemed to really gain traction in popularity around seasons 4/5, but the fact that it was written with an intended conclusion in mind solidified people enjoying the last season a lot. 


Plus he could revisit the universe if he wanted to, really, and probably have a good amount of excitement for it.

Exactly! It was just the right length. 

I would definitely be here for a mini season/movie sort of thing a few years in the future or something. 

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The unnecessary rudeness :rip: It’s better to end on a high and the show had 6 perfect seasons. Also there’s been a pandemic the last 2 years and he just signed an 8 figure deal with Netflix.

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No, that show needed to end. It was time. Even a 7th season would have been pushing it.

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If we're thinking solely in terms of popularity, then sure it could have had one last big final season after the pandemic.


But I do think it was a good call to end it where they did because narratively, the show was hitting a wall in the last two seasons. Like, there's only so many things that could happen in a small town. Once they were acclamated with their new lives and David/Patrick were settled down, it just felt like your average sitcom (which was fine and still gave us funny moments like The Crows Have Eyes, but the novelty of "rich people becoming poor" had worn off). They would have had to belabor the new motel business and Alexis finding her independence plotlines for another season, which would have felt too drawn out imo. They ended on a high and swept the Emmys. Dan's career is in good standing because of it, he is still a hot commodity.


If The Office had done the same when Steve Carrell left, I think it would have gone down as the best TV comedy ever, but now when people discuss it they usually mention the later seasons being inferior.

Edited by Beyonnaise
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Nope, it ended perfectly. Lotta shows drag on for the sake of doing so, and their legacies are in shambles (The office, The Walking Dead are perfect examples) 

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He plays himself in every role so he was never going to be successful outside of SC


But I'm fine with SC ending because it ended perfectly instead of being drawn out 

Edited by Jagger
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It's good to go out on a high. :clap3: Hot king did nothing wrong.

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The ending is perfect.

Its good to end on a high note like this.


Im here for a reunion season or a movie after 5,6 years though

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No it ended perfectly, and at the right time. Now suffer!


Audiences like OP who just want to endlessly drag out excellent things to the point of ruin :biblionny:Go watch the 75th season of Supernatural or Grey's Anatomy and leave us tf alone 

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