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1 hour ago, popularmoonlight said:

There you go 




There's also this I saw the other day



So it's probably for the best there's only 5 episodes :skull:

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Even if you don't consider the panic surrounding this show's more explicit content, the show itself just doesn't make sense. The tone is all over the place. One minute it's a comedy, the next minute it's an erotic drama, then we're talking about Jocelyn's traumas :deadbanana2: I don't understand how the finale is coming when almost nothing has happened :deadbanana2: You can tell that this show really is a Frankenstein of whatever they managed to film

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54 minutes ago, ptolemaea said:


twitter is so cruel, but tbh this has been on my mind since ep 1 too… :-$

Isn't it inspired by Britney? It looks very much like the hair Britney had in the early 2000s.

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16 hours ago, Leptine said:

this show has truly some great moments that are punctually getting ruined by Abel presence and his uneccessary trashy over the top scenes

Abel is giving Jared Leto in HoG



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I was actually surprisingly enjoying this show until episode four where it was so bad it completely made me not care anymore.


I don’t even care for episode 5

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17 hours ago, TheFireLexus said:

The beneficiaries of the "nepotism"/"fragile men" are the ones who came up with the concept to begin with. The entire show originated with them. They didn't "ruin" it, they delivered it exactly as they envisioned it. Every version of the show would still have felt like...this.

Sure they came up with this concept, but it’s not like it’s not a concept that hasn’t been done before (struggling pop star meets person in the real world etc). Please. Gaga was just in a version of this! 

A version of this show with an actual writers room and actual actors would not have felt like this. Please be for real 

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39 minutes ago, TYMPS said:

Sure they came up with this concept, but it’s not like it’s not a concept that hasn’t been done before (struggling pop star meets person in the real world etc). Please. Gaga was just in a version of this! 

A version of this show with an actual writers room and actual actors would not have felt like this. Please be for real 

You're making my point tbh. The concept has been done before so what do you think Sam and Abel brought to it? This specific take is their vision.


The Levinson fellow doesn't work with other writers and even if there was an actual writers room, they would still have been working off his vision and he would have had to approve every single storyline and script.


They didn't "ruin" the show - they delivered their exact vision - which is the problem.

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19 minutes ago, TheFireLexus said:

You're making my point tbh. The concept has been done before so what do you think Sam and Abel brought to it? This specific take is their vision.


The Levinson fellow doesn't work with other writers and even if there was an actual writers room, they would still have been working off his vision and he would have had to approve every single storyline and script.


They didn't "ruin" the show - they delivered their exact vision - which is the problem.

I don’t think whatever point you’re trying to make has much weight to it tbh - of course it’s their vision. Their vision sucks. Dan shouldn’t be at the helm of any show. Nepotism is to blame.


The show was ruined from the start. Never debated that once. A show with a similar concept worked on with actual writers/actors would be better. That’s my point. Simple as 


And it doesn’t matter if Sam is approving every storyline, actually having differing opinions leads to innovation. Which this show is lacking HARD

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47 minutes ago, TYMPS said:

Their vision sucks

Which is my point.


49 minutes ago, TYMPS said:

actually having differing opinions leads to innovation

Yup. But only from people who are interested in innovation. They initially created the show and then handed it over to another showrunner. Then Sam Levinson came back and took over the reins.


48 minutes ago, TYMPS said:

Never debated that once

I didn't say you were. Not sure why you assumed I was disagreeing with you. I was simply saying they didn't ruin a good show because there was never a good show.

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i just love this show, i think it’s a fabulous iconic mess. and i will defend it till the day i die. 



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it’s only 5 episodes? I’ve watched the first three and it felt like things were only beginning to boil… but alright. what a mess.

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hey at least we got world class sinner from this so that's a win

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The label wanting to make World Class Sinner her lead single after her mom death still no makes sense to me:deadbanana4:

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14 hours ago, The Witch said:

Abel is giving Jared Leto in HoG



He wishes, Jared Leto performance at least was purposely camp over the top and he got a SAG nomination out of it, the other is just dead behind the eyes.



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20 hours ago, Power love said:

I was actually surprisingly enjoying this show until episode four where it was so bad it completely made me not care anymore.


I don’t even care for episode 5

I thought I was the only one who felt this way! Episode 4 completely derailed it for me.

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13 hours ago, Gui Blackout said:


Abel also referred to it as a "five hour film" in his GQ interview that came out over two weeks ago, so I was surprised to see people suddenly shocked that it was only five episodes.

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Ultimately the show isn't as awful as it's been made out to be. It's well-shot, has a few good performances, is generally entertaining, and contains a handful of compelling scenes (the music video shoot being an example). 


The main problem is that the biggest weaknesses are at the show's centre. Tedros' character is nonsensical, and Abel's performance only worsens things. A bad performance from Abel wouldn't be such a big deal if the character were better conceived and written, but there's no actor on the planet that could possibly have injected any real depth into the character. He's a cult leader who has this posse of followers despite exhibiting no charisma and sharing no ideas interesting enough to cast a spell on people. The worst part is that his hold on Jocelyn is made out to be sexual which is so laughable because it's not like she'd never had sex before. We're supposed to believe this guy is so fantastic in bed that Jocelyn (who is clearly so sexually experienced that the show begins with a storyline about a leaked cumshot) is so compelled by the power of his "fat tongue" and *****.


Not to mention, the music industry parts make no sense, which is all the more damning considering Abel's own music career.

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Is this worth watching? I am thinking of starting to watch but news of being cut after 5th episode made me think it might now be worth it.

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I thought the pilot showed some potential, but wow it has fallen off. Shame because the cast is great for the most part and the concept was interesting. 

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Like.... I want to start this show but I keep seeing conflicting stuff. :katie: Should I start it? 

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I just realized this clip (and Dan Levy) haven't appeared yet at all :deadbanana:



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