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Large Bird has seen enough of tiktok influencer


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We are all Emmanuel.


No one gives two shits about her farm.



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59 minutes ago, Tusk said:

We are all Emmanuel.


No one gives two shits about her farm.



It's not that serious 

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1 minute ago, CovalentBondage said:

It's not that serious 

Neither is the video


going viral is not that serious 

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That was cute 


sometimes I wish I could live surrounded by  so many animals but I feel like it would get boring after a week lol

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50 minutes ago, Juanny said:

Her farm has 650K followers on tik tok


so yes, people care about her farm

It takes 2 clicks…

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Enmanuel wants to be the center of attention

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Honestly I came in expecting a bird to kick that girls ass. Emmanuel step up your game and put the ***** in her place! YOU are the real star!

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that Scottish guy and that seagull outsold 

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11 hours ago, Tusk said:

We are all Emmanuel.


No one gives two shits about her farm.


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Attention-seeking. He must be gay.

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  • ATRL Moderator
20 hours ago, Juanny said:

Yes and it take a LOT of effort to get those clicks from people. People follow things they’re interested in


you try building social media account, and you will see how hard it is to get 600k follow on tik tok. People have to care and like what you do to get that much

I thought Mr. Link meant that it only takes 2 clicks to find out her number of followers to see that people do care about her farm :dies: But I like the ambiguity so you can't tell if he's dragging the farmer or Tusk :lmao:

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**** ha up Emmanuel! Don’t let Cindy diminish your star! 

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The one where she call the bird by his full name and he stops :dies:

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A guy near my house had three of these wandering around, they seemed mean :biblio:

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Emus scare me but this is really cute :ahh:

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Emmanuel is giving:







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