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What’s next for Wanda?


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In your opinion? Where should Wanda go next. 

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I think about this daily. It’s hard. Much to my dismay, Marvel really 180’d Wanda so fast from WV to MOM. Although I really want fun, bubbly Wanda back, they can’t just 180 her again and pretend she wasn’t just killing everyone 5 min ago in MOM.

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3 minutes ago, PieceByPiece_KC said:

I think about this daily. It’s hard. Much to my dismay, Marvel really 180’d Wanda so fast from WV to MOM. Although I really want fun, bubbly Wanda back, they can’t just 180 her again and pretend she wasn’t just killing everyone 5 min ago in MOM.

It does feel that way, but the groundwork on WV was excellent for her grief to have such a strong influence over her actions, especially since it was believable how much she cared for her family and that she’d go to such lengths to get them back. I actually think her evil persona should have been spread out for longer and even have her win MOM and continue as a short term villain.

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Talent, success, beauty and acclaim! :gaycat1:


No but seriously, I think an adaptation of Children's Crusade is the obvious next step for her storyline.

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With the way MoM ended, it’s really hard to picture where Marvel plans on taking Wanda next. Obviously seeing her reunite with an older Tommy and Billy (Rumor has it that Marvel is developing a Children’s Crusade project so this might happen sooner than later.) and of course seeing her reunite with Vision again are things that will inevitably happen in the MCU. Besides that, the only thing I can think of is giving her a redemption storyline, which Children’s Crusade would do, after everything she did while being possessed by the darkhold. Other than that I really want to see her interact with the new heroes. Especially Ms.  Marvel and Shang-Chi.

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it’s a shame the writing in MOM was so bad bc it’s gonna be tough to do anything else with her considering what happened. I mean that could get around it by saying the majority of her murders took place in other universes but I can’t see her being welcomed back to the Avengers following all the mess

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A hiatus, hopefully

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She’s one of the most interesting characters of Marvel, they better Loki her way back!

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She will redeem herself and kill all mutants.

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Well...probably a meeting with her publicists on how she was perceived during her massacres and how to redeem herself in the eyes of the gp...gonna be quite the pitch....then probably a statement written on Notepad and released through her social media accounts. 


But seriously, I think/hope a redemption arc is next since Elizabeth is just fantastic as Wanda and even though I loved the evil Scarlet Witch, I want her to be a force of good while maintaining that high level of badass.  



Edited by chester
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22 minutes ago, chester said:

Well...probably a meeting with her publicists on how she was perceived during her massacres and how to redeem herself in the eyes the gp...gonna be quite the pitch....then probably a statement written on Notepad and released through her social media accounts. 


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It's hard because a lot of her best stuff from the comics involve mutants and other characters who are not in the MCU. They are planning to introduce a lot of these characters but how long is all that gonna take. 


Wanda has often been a villain though so I don't think MOM prevents her from still having a story or even becoming a hero again. 


Plus they keep teasing her kids. Both are involved in young avengers as well as being among the most popular lgbt+ characters in marvel. Wiccan is also supposed to be destined to take over from Strange at some point as sorcerer supreme and is even more powerful than Wanda herself. 


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Hopefully a hiatus for a few years :rip: she's headlined two major projects recently and although she's at the peak of her popularity I fear she may become oversaturated


Whenever she returns I really hope that she doesn't get a redemption arc, she did really terrible things and for them to do a 180 would be really lazy writing 


Although the writing to make her a villain in the first place was lazy tbh :rip:

A cute antihero that helps the heroes deal with a huge threat while not being part of the team would be ideal.

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shame they didn't let her become the next avenger level threat and wipe them all out, i'm here for evil Scarlet witch ruling the world. 

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I think they should call it quits. 


Her story is pretty much done 


Especially After avengers, her TV show and co starred in a movie. 

And she's basically considered


dead :giraffe:


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They will most likely go the route of the animated series. Or keep writing stories where she tethers on the edge of hero and Big Bad. 

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becoming a MPG. imagine the hit potential!


but fr, we want to see the good sis reunite with Vision and then she can fade into the sunset. also, if she is not in Agatha HOH cancel IT!

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A solo movie with Mephisto as the villain, she gets to reunite with her children (mainly Wiccan, Speed can die for all I care) and introduces mutants to the MCU. Then they can retire all these boring flop superheroes and focus on the X-Men from now on, who deserve at least 3 phases to themselves.



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Either Witches Road from her 2016 solo comic book or an amalgamation of her post HoM/Disassembled storylines. I could also see them tapping into her older comics, considering contrary to what W*ldron might think, Wanda's been a hero MUCH more than she was ever a villain.


Children's Crusade was first and foremost a Young Avengers storyline with Billy as the lead, and I'd rather they actually establish older Billy and Tommy before they let Wanda showboat in her son's storyline.

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She’s dead unless she serves a Look What You Made Me Do (Scarlet Witch Remix).

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