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Do you have a lateness issue?

bad guy

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1 hour ago, Aristotle said:

TEA!  When I am late I feel sorry. 

When someone is late it's not funny and it's not a small deal if it's being done constantly. It needs to change. 

Omg. And when I’m already tipsy and mingling with new besties for the night just for my “friend” to keep texting “where you at!?” 

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18 hours ago, BtDecember said:

I am late sometimes, lol, but what I do to avoid this most of the time is to think of the amount of time I will need to do a task and double it.

For instance, when I need to be at work at 8:30 am, I know it will take me 1 hour to prepare and get there (eat breakfast for like 15 minutes, shower and more for 30 minutes, and then drive for 15 minutes).

So I will set my alarm at 6:30 am, 2 hours before my work, because I know I won't get off my bed immediately when I wake up. Plus I will have more time to relax before starting work.


Quite a classic trick but it works most of the time to me lol :giraffe:



I also do this but I notice I take way too long to eat breakfast. Sometimes I just won't eat breakfast but when I do I get too distracted. Same with showering. I was 2 minutes late today so that's four days in a row :sadviolin:Maybe tomorrow will be the day.

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I'm always showing up late with the coffee that made me late :coffee:

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2 hours ago, bad guy said:

I also do this but I notice I take way too long to eat breakfast. Sometimes I just won't eat breakfast but when I do I get too distracted. Same with showering. I was 2 minutes late today so that's four days in a row :sadviolin:Maybe tomorrow will be the day.

I guess you have to TRIPLE your time lol

Thankfully my work is pretty lenient with work hours. As long as I complete 8 hours, it doesn't really matter what time I come in. :gaycat2:


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Like 5 mins max but not all the time.



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People who thinks it's ok to be late needs to seek help :biblio:

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Yes :toofunny2: I used to work 2pm to 10pm, but after getting my promotion, I work 6am to 2pm and i’m almost always later by like 5 minutes :dies:  I used to be early but oh well. everyone else is always late including my other managers so I don’t care that much :toofunny3:


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People that aren't punctual are such a turn off for me :rip: 

I mean If it happens once every hour and then, or its only 5-10 minutes then I don't mind, but if somebody tells me a time, then run late by 30-40 mins (or more) and cop out with some BS excuse... :biblio: It's even worse when people downplay it and pretend like they're quirky for always being late. My time is valuable and I find it quite insulting when I know people aren't genuine about it. 

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I have trouble with time management. I always convince myself that I can somehow get ready and arrive at the place all in like 15 minutes. Delusional :rip:

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Recently, I've had this problem. I think it's because of my mental issues---I have a bad sense of time.


8 hours ago, Avariko said:

Not at all. Actually I'm often a little too early for things. :skull:

By the way, not related---but who's that in your avi? Looks familiar 

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3 hours ago, RadioactiveLights said:

Recently, I've had this problem. I think it's because of my mental issues---I have a bad sense of time.


By the way, not related---but who's that in your avi? Looks familiar 

This one?




It's Robert Alfons of TR/ST :heart2:



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1 hour ago, Avariko said:

This one?




It's Robert Alfons of TR/ST :heart2:



Ah, I see why it's familiar! I liked The Destroyer. Thanks!

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On 7/14/2022 at 7:01 AM, unclefloprry said:

I’m Mexican :cm:

LOL my good friend is Mexican and she's IS ALWAYS late (like hours, not minutes) and she says it's a culture thing :laugh:

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I'm always on time for work and scheduled events where timeliness is important. But if it's a hangout or something planned with friends, I tend to overbook myself and have to send the "can we do x time instead?" text :rip:

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I'm latino, so yes. But I've learned to work that out and improve it most of the time.

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my first ever job was in Japan so being 10 minutes early is MANDATORY. it's kinda ingrained in me now so i'm mever late.

it's funny because i'm Filipino and we follow "Filipino time", where being 1 hour late to anything is not only socially acceptable and but is expected:dies:

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yes, it become an issue for me sometime at the start of the year :gaycat6:

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I used to be that person that was always super early for everything. Would always be the first person there etc. But lately in the last couple of years I’ve done a complete 180. :rip: My punctuality has gone out of the window.

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On 7/14/2022 at 9:20 PM, BtDecember said:

I guess you have to TRIPLE your time lol

Thankfully my work is pretty lenient with work hours. As long as I complete 8 hours, it doesn't really matter what time I come in. :gaycat2:


I was on time today. A win :clap3:

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It's a cultural thing too I think. It rarely happens where I'm from or I've just chosen to keep people who respect my time. 


Just be honest and tell your friends a more accurate Estimated Time of Arrival so they can stay home / elsewhere too. 

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I do have a lateness issue because I underestimate how long it will take me to get ready for something, but I've gotten a lot better about it. I'm never late for work anymore because I'm too afraid of my boss and while I'm sometimes late for things outside of work nowhere near as bad as I used to be.

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Too many people in here are too extreme :skull:


It's completely ridiculous to be mad at someone for being 5-10 minutes late because life happens and things don't always go 100% perfectly. But it's also gross and disrespectful to keep people waiting for longer than that without some kind of a notice.


(this goes for social events obviously, not work or important events with a set time)

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I am always late to everything, it sucks. I don’t even know how it happens. I always try so hard to fit everything into the day, but it’s impossible to guess how long it’ll take no matter how hard I try.


I’ve begun to turn down plans for this reason alone. And I’ll join last minute if I’m able to make it.

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